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4 ways your quick weight loss diet is harming your body – VOGUE India

Posted: August 24, 2017 at 3:41 pm

The whole world seems to be on a diet. Adietician is now like a family physician; every urban family has one. At most social gatherings, you will find people commenting onwho has lost and who has gained a few kilos, and discussions on what their dietician has said belongs to the avoid list, while tucking into a portion of everything that is on offer.

Wanting to lose a few kilos to reach your ideal weight according to your height and body frame is a great idea. Being overweight can be an indicator of various changes going on in your body, apart from it indicating that your lifestyle and food choices are not very healthy. However, what most people dont think about is that there is a right way and a wrong way to lose weight. Speed dieting and crashing your way towards your goal might look like the easy thing to do but if you want to lose and keep that weight off for good read on.

To lose weight quickly you

need to go on a fad dietThats what those weird diets that you get off the internet are called. Some dieter will claim to have lost weight by eating only proteins, another might say they ate nothing after 6pm every day, while yet another will have eaten all high fat foods and avoided carbs (everyones favourite enemy) and will have lost tons of weight. Most people willnever be able to sustain these fad diets beyond a period of time and eventually get back to eating all the foods they may have sacrificed to lose the weight.

Fad diets are usually boring and repetitive, and havestrange side effects like bad breath, constipation, gas and even dizziness and fatigue. The reason? They are imbalanced as far as nutrients go, so eventually you will eat what you normally do, and you will reward yourself often for being good, and soon you will have gained back double the weight you had lost.

need to starveDieting became a bad word ever since people started to assume that when you say dieting, you actually mean you are not eating. When a person who eats a certain amount of food a day suddenly cuts it to one-fourththe original quantity, the results begin to show very quickly, no doubt, but then so do the deficiencies; the hair loss and the pale skin. Starving to lose weight makes you feel deprived, puts you in a bad mood and makes you low on energy at all times. It may make you lose a few kilos, but that is only short-lived.

tend to give up bad habits, only for a short timeIn an attempt to lose kilos before a set deadline, many people give up some bad habits till the date they have in mind, only to get back to those bad habits with a vengeance. You have to find a better alternative for a bad food habit rather than just swearing off that food for a short interval. If you decide to give up on that midnight chocolate bar for some time, replace it with something else that you will enjoy and something that benefits you. This will make sure youre not tempted to go back to that habit. Try one-twopieces of dates or a cup of milk, or even a cup of chamomile tea that will relax you.

may be consulting with someone unqualifiedThere are a lot of quacks who pose as weight loss experts or dieticians/nutritionists. These are people who have just done a certificate course from unknown institutions for a few weeks and have decided to start their practice. They might not even have the basic knowledge of the physiology of the human body or the biochemistry of nutrients and what they do. They will ask you to measure and calculate each grain that goes into your mouth and make you not just fear food but also hate your own body. In order to succeed at what they are doing, since they have no qualification backing them, they will promise to give you fast results without you realising what it costs you health-wise.

If youre going to a nutritionist you havent heard of, ask them where they received the degree that qualifies them in their field. It takes three years of undergraduate studies to become an authentic nutritionist, after which some choose to do their Masters for another two years. Ask them if they are members of the IDA (Indian Dietetics Association), as IDA only issues life memberships to qualified dieticians with degrees from recognised institutions.

To sum it up:

Samreedhi Goel is a Mumbai-based nutritionist, fitness expert and proprietor at Size Wise The Fitness Studio. You can contact her

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4 ways your quick weight loss diet is harming your body - VOGUE India

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7 ridiculous questions dieticians get asked All. The. Time. – VOGUE India

Posted: August 16, 2017 at 4:46 am

As nutritionists, we are constantly subjected to various kinds of people who have been struggling with weight loss. Thanks to the freely circulating (mis)information there are plenty of myths being created all the time. Here are the seven of the most frequently-askedquestions that dieticians receive, with myth-busting responses for each.

So, Ill definitely lose at least one kg a week, right?No one can guarantee your weight loss except you. A nutritionist can prescribe you an eating pattern and keep changing it based on your bodys response, but if you simply make your own changes and increase or decrease your calories on a whim ,your weight will definitely fluctuate. Besides, all of us do not have the same metabolism, so while some people can lose weight quickly, others may do so at a much slower rate, and asking your nutritionist for a guarantee is like asking her to predict when it will rain next.

Is all of the food you want me to eat calorie-free?Some people fool themselves into believing that when the label says diet food, it means virtually no calories. Remember, apart from plain water, there is no food that is calorie-free. Anyone who says otherwise is fooling you.

If I have a night of binge-drinking planned, can I detox the next day and lose weight?Our bodies are naturally equipped with detoxification processes that are working 24/7, which is why we perspire and pass out all the waste from the body. When you drink alcohol, you may eat lighter food the next day to feel less clogged up, but this is not going to help lose the calories that are now stored in your system. The best way to rid yourself of these calories is to exercise and burn them off.

Im going for an all-you-can-eat buffet dinner; is it okay if I go to the gym for two more days this week to burn the calories?If only things were so simple. Exercising a little extra the week that you eat morewill not help rid you of those calories. Whats more, if you are not consistent with your workout,your metabolism is not going to rise either. Exercise is not something you can store in your body but calories are easily stored, so dont switch one for the other.

How long do I have to follow the diet? I can eat everything after I lose weight, right?Going on a diet to lose weight should mean a lifestyle change, and this change should be permanent. If you are a person who keeps going on and off diets, you will constantly find yourself losing and gaining weight constantly. It is not a great idea to only look at the calorie value of food, instead start looking at food from the point of view of nourishment and what makes you fitter, and you will find making healthy choices far easier.

It was diet food so I ate a few extra helpings. Why does the scale not show any weight loss?The diet food tag itself somehow makes people fail at their diets. Dont fall for gimmicks that promise no-sugar, low-fat, fat-free or sugar-free labels. Usually, one ingredient is simple replaced with another and the calorie values are altered only very slightly. If you end up eating too many portions of this food you will end up making up for those calories anyway.

I ate a large meal, but I swear I had a diet soda with it. Is that okay?This is the weirdest logic. You are reducing the calories you get from sugar, but what about all the extra fat that you have consumed in your big meal? Topping it with the artificially-flavoured drink may ease your guilt temporarily, but it wont do anything for your waistline for sure.

The bottomline is to eat healthy because it is good for you, not because your dietician wants you to. And whatever plan you get on, make sure its one you can keep up with, even when your excess weight has dropped.

Samreedhi Goel is a Mumbai-based nutritionist, fitness expert and proprietor at Size Wise The Fitness Studio. You can contact her

7 ridiculous questions dieticians get asked All. The. Time. - VOGUE India

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