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Best Crash Diet For Fast Weight Loss, Diet Plan, Side Effects – STYLECRAZE

Posted: October 20, 2022 at 1:59 am

A crash diet is the fastest way to lose weight. It restricts calorie intake and is good for short-term weight loss. But being on a very low-calorie diet for a long period may lead to eating disorders, compromised immunity, hair loss, and irregular menstruation (1), (2).

However, theres a way to crash diet safely for an upcoming event. Check out the 7-day crash diet plan, safety, and risks. Read on!

A crash diet is a quick weight loss dieting method for shedding pounds in less time. It is a restrictive or a very low-calorie diet (

A crash diet is not meant for long-term weight loss. The results of a crash diet are short-lived, and you will gain the pounds right back if you do not eat healthy and workout. However, for an occasion right around the corner, you may try a crash diet. Heres a list of popular types of crash diet.

The Master Cleanse may help you lose 10 pounds in a week. It includes vitamin C-rich lemon juice, two to three teaspoons of maple syrup, and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

Cons All you can drink is lemonade. You may feel extremely hungry and experience nausea, irritability, and mood swings.

Juicing is a great way to be on a liquid diet without compromising on nutrients. You will consume dietary fiber-rich and vitamin C-loaded fruit juices that will flush out toxins and rejuvenate your body. It is also good for the skin.

Cons It may not be sustainable for more than two days.

The cabbage soup diet is a nutritious soup diet made mainly with cabbage and other veggies. All you have to do is consume this soup to lose water weight quickly and slim down.

Cons Consuming only this soup for more than a day might cause boredom.

The grapefruit diet involves consuming half a grapefruit and other healthy foods in every meal. It aids quick weight loss without compromising on health.

Cons Consuming grapefruit for every meal may cause nutritional deficiency and tooth enamel erosion, and it can be super challenging to eat only one type of fruit.

The Hollywood diet has been popularized by Hollywood celebs and claims to cause a weight loss of 10 kg in just 48 hours. All you have to do is drink an herbal mix called Hollywood diet, which is available in supermarkets and online.

Cons It is not doctor-approved. Your body may react to the herbs in the mix, and just drinking this mix will make you irritable and compromise on immunity.

[Read: Is The Daniel Fast Diet Healthy]

This diet requires you to consume chicken soup for seven days. You may add veggies of your choice to enrich the soup with vitamins and minerals. You may also have freshly pressed fruit juice as a snack.

Cons It is not for vegans and vegetarians.

Clearly, crash diets are not nutritionally wholesome, but they aid quick weight loss in a short period. If you want to try it, do it for three days or seven days. Find an easy 7-day crash diet plan below.

How much weight will you lose after being on a crash diet for three to seven days? Find out below.

You may lose up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in seven days. You will lose water weight in the first three days, and your body will shift to the fat-burning mode . in the next four days.

Crash diets are only meant for short-term weight loss. Does that mean that they are not safe? Find out in the next section.

Crash diets are safe if done for one to two days. Sometimes, doctors recommend crash diets to people who need to lose weight quickly for surgery. But being on a very low-calorie diet for a prolonged period, without the supervision of a licensed professional, might make you land in hot water. How can you crash diet safely? Scroll down to find out.

[Read What Is The SlimFast Diet]

Heres how to crash diet safely:

Note: Talk to your doctor before you start the crash diet.

If you crash diet safely, you can reap the following benefits.

You must keep a few points in mind before you start crash dieting.

But things can go quite wrong when you misuse the crash diet. Here are the side effects:

It is really easy to get carried away and misuse crash diets. In that case, the following may happen:

Crash dieting for a prolonged period is unhealthy and should not be done without professional guidance. This brings us to the next topic should teenagers crash diet? Since the crash diet gives quick results, many teenagers want to follow it. But should they? Find out below.

No, teenagers should not crash diet. The ages of 13 to 19 are part of the growing phase. Going on crash diets might stunt your growth and affect your mental health. If you do need to lose weight, seek the help of a professional.

Talk to a registered dietitian and get a customized diet chart. You must also be physically active and aim to be fit and strong. Also, remember, you dont have to fit into any size to feel beautiful and worthy. Be healthy and happy, and pursue your dreams.

Heres the takeaway message.

Crash diets are unsustainable and unhealthy. The weight that you lose is mostly water weight. Moreover, most people tend to misuse these diets, which causes health issues. We do not recommend going on an unsupervised crash diet. You must consult your doctor before trying out our sample 7-day crash diet plan.

Crash diets are the quickest way to lose some pounds quickly, but they can turn out to be extremely dangerous if misused. They have to be treated as short-term weight loss options. Following these diets, which involve taking less than 800 calories a day, for more than a week is not advisable. Your body may get deficient on the nutrient front and lead to adverse effects like weak immunity, nausea, muscle loss, etc. Consult a doctor if you are a new mother, obese, old, or on antidepressants. These diets are a strict no-no for teenagers as they may impact their physical and mental growth. If you have a larger time window (like a month) for a special occasion, opting for the Mediterranean diet is advisable.

Is it possible to lose 10 pounds in 3 days crash diet?

No, you will not be able to lose 10 pounds in 3 days. Thats a bit too ambitious and dangerous. In 3 days, you will lose the water weight, which can go up to 2-3 pounds.

How can I lose 20 pounds in a week?

Losing 20 pounds in a week is not possible unless you go for weight loss surgery. In a week, you can lose 1-2 pounds if you follow a low-calorie diet and workout. If you follow a 7-day crash diet, you may lose up to 10 pounds in a week.

What should I stop eating to lose weight?

Stop eating sugary foods (soda, sugar-free foods, candy, cake, pastry, doughnut, cookies, macaroon, and sweets), foods loaded with trans fats (like cookies, biscuits, chips, fries, fried chicken, and frozen pizza), high sodium foods (like soda, fries, bottled sauces, ketchup, ready-to-eat foods, frozen foods, and pickles), refined flour, white rice, and alcohol.

How can I lose belly fat fast?

To lose belly fat fast, you must go cut at least 500 calories from your current diet. For example, if you consume 2000 calories per day, start consuming 1500 calories. You must also start doing cardio and ab exercises every alternate day.

Is Keto a crash diet?

No, keto is not a crash diet. It is a high-fat, moderate protein, and low-carb diet. Crash diets are typically very low-calorie diets. Keto diet is a high-calorie diet.

Is SlimFast a crash diet?

No, SlimFast diet is not a crash diet. You consume 6 meals per day in this diet and lose up to 1-2 pounds in a week.

What can I do to recover after a crash diet?

Increase your calorie intake gradually, but keep a check. Do not start eating high carb foods, more sugar, and fat just after the crash diet. Continue eating veggies, fruits, and proteins in bigger portions now, and drink a lot of water.

Whats wrong with crash dieting (or controlled anorexia)?

Anorexia is an eating disorder. A crash diet will not go wrong until you do not follow the dietitians or doctors instructions. Many of us crash diet by starving ourselves to lose more weight in a short span of time. Thats not the way to go about it. Consume small portions of all kinds of healthy food.

How does a crash diet affect health and metabolism?

Crash dieting for a prolonged period will affect your bodys normal activities. As it is a low-calorie diet, your body will be deprived of the nutrition that is required for it to function properly. You will start feeling weak and end up weakening your bodys immune system. As you starve for longer hours, the body starts accumulating whatever food it gets. This reduces the metabolic rate and leads to a host of eating disorders. Also, this can lead to weight gain instead of weight loss.


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Best Crash Diet For Fast Weight Loss, Diet Plan, Side Effects - STYLECRAZE

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