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Diet’s Rebound Effect: Harvard Discovers Why It Occurs And How To Avoid It – Nation World News

Posted: September 2, 2022 at 2:08 am

The rebound effect of the diet is a nightmare for those faced with the decision to start the weight loss process. The discouragement is strong because, in general, they follow a strict eating plan, exercise and manage to reach their goals, but they lose weight within a few months. A dynamic that makes one feel hopeless and anguish.

Nutritionists warn that this phenomenon is even more common when famous magic diets are created. Namely, those that are too restrictive and promise immediate results that the body cannot assimilate naturally.

In a meta-analysis published in National Library of Medicine The results of 29 studies were examined on long-term weight loss. In the same it was revealed that most of the persons who were part of the investigation, regained more than half the weight lost in two years and, in five years, regained more than 80% of the lost weight, Even then, Only one in five people who follow these magical diets lose weight in the long run.

There has been talk about fad diets over the years and continues to be as such Ketogenic, Paleolithic, intermittent fasting, among others but It is not taken into account that they do not suit the lifestyle of a person who spends most of his time away from home. The results of these diets are usually visible quickly but they go away as soon as they come. Well, since there is no food education, it is not adapted to tastes and habits, many forms are no longer considered, says Lic. In Nutrition, Juliana Jimnez (MN 10553)

Regarding this matter, Dr. Richard Josephphysician at the Center for Weight Control and Wellness in Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston, USA, and Harvard Medical School member maintains that The most important factor for maintaining weight lies in the brain,

In other words, according to Joseph The psychological aspect is the key to staying healthy even after reaching the desired weight. With a healthy eating plan. For that, people who jump from one fad to another diet often experience the metabolic roller coaster popularly known as yo-yo diet Presenting the following symptoms:

The experts claim is based on scientific evidence. According to research titled Determinants of Weight Loss Maintenance: A Systematic Review, correct weight loss psychology is important for regulating the physiology that supports weight loss.

According to research conducted by Harvard, Only those who have adopted habits such as playing sports or eating a healthy and varied diet have managed to achieve their long-term goals and avoid unwanted rebound effects.

To do this, Dr. Joseph explains, Self-regulation and controlling self-efficacy are essential. The first concept refers to regulating and understanding eating behavior, that is, questioning whether to overeat when stressed, whether to eat emotionally, and to keep food intake in appropriate and varied amounts on the mental radar. Is. Then, when the need behind the desire to eat is understood and controlled, the individual will have a better chance of success.

is also a factor own safety, People who have a high confidence in their ability to perform certain behaviors (who believe in their ability to perform certain behaviors) are more successful at maintaining weight loss, the expert says.

According to Jimenez, it is 100% possible to maintain a healthy weight over the long term. The keys to success are a varied and balanced diet, daily physical activity, perseverance and organization. And he adds: The psychological factor is fundamental. A healthy mind is needed to be able to have a balanced diet, Many patients come to terms with the belief that they will not be able to, that they are not born to play sports, that they will never stop eating large amounts, but that these are the limits they have put on themselves. .

Maintain the Weight Loss Need to be comfortable with discomfort: Sometimes to feel hungry, to exercise instead of stress eating, to conscientiously seek reward versus real hunger, and to resist the ubiquitous allure of ultra-processed foods. Thats why. In the modern environment, you have to learn and practice psychological tools that help you not only accept, but ultimately accept, the inevitable discomfort of keeping the weight off.

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Diet's Rebound Effect: Harvard Discovers Why It Occurs And How To Avoid It - Nation World News

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