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Secrets of Nutrition Resolutions That Stick – Thrive Global

Posted: December 16, 2019 at 4:42 pm

Over 40 percent of Americans make New Years resolutions, and nutrition is at the top of the list. According to one poll, 54 percent of respondents said eating healthier was the goal of their resolution. But while making healthier food choices is great in theory, it is challenging in practice. A recent study found that nearly 80 percent of Millennials thought their diets could be healthier. And with so many fad diets popping up, it can feel hard to know which is the healthiest and the most effective and sustainable way to lose weight.

For many of us, right after the ball drops, we begin our plan and give our resolution our all for the first month. Then work, family, and old habits creep in, and we lose sight of our goal and fall back into our old ways and only 6 percent of Americans accomplish their resolutions. But dont let that be you: Thrive has attainable Microsteps (a much more sustainable alternative to traditional resolutions) to get you to your 2020 goal. Here, top registered dietitians share their best tips and tools to change up your diet and form long-lasting, good nutrition habits.

We can safely say that resolutions havent worked, and its most likely because the goals people set are more about what they dream of having. They set actions without a well-thought-out self-assessment and plan. Theyll say, Im going on a diet in January because I need to lose 25 pounds. Instead, people need to start with self-reflection. Ask yourself honestly, Why am I not eating well in the first place? Is it because you have no time? Cant cook? Lazy? Not motivated? Stressed? Cant afford it? What stories are you telling yourself? What patterns are reinforcing your bad behavior choices? Once you have been honest with yourself, create a plan for change. Be specific and write it down. Goals without clarity are doomed to fail. Define how you want to eat and feel, the type of body you want, the amount of energy you want to have, etc. Get rid of the word diet, in your mind, and acknowledge that you are creating a lifestyle, and the healthy habits you form will change your self-image. Your identity will morph from, I am a person who wants to eat healthy, to I am a person who honors my body and chooses quality food. Think about habits as the method through which you embody a particular identity. In other words, every time you eat well, you embody someone who is fit and healthy. Or every time you eat and cook food at home, you embody someone who doesnt eat fast food.

The next ingredient for lasting change is to restructure your environment for success. This includes both your physical and social surroundings. Is your home set up so that eating healthy is easy, or do you have a six pack of soda in the fridge and a gallon of ice cream in the freezer? Lets face it, we all fight the gravitational pull of junk food. The best solution is not to keep it in your home or work environment where its obvious, available, and visible. Give your pantry and fridge a makeover. Make it hard for you to access the foods that sabotage your nutrition. Do you get tempted driving by fast food every day? Take a different route to work. Do you get tempted by the unhealthy food in your office conference room? Stay out of the room and bring healthy snacks from home. Your social environment is equally important. Seek out tribes that share your vision for healthy eating both in person and online. Pair up with friends or coworkers that can socially reinforce your desired behaviors. Be intentional with your social media use, and join online communities that are in line with your health values. Its here that you will find like-minded people who share information and videos that can teach you not just what to eat, but also model what a healthy lifestyle looks like. A lot of small habits turn into big changes, and every action you take is a vote for the type of person you want to become.

Nicole Magryta, M.B.D., R.D.N., Integrative Clinical Nutritionist and author of Nourish Your Tribe

Im a physician and a scientist, and what I follow is the research that is evolving our understanding of health. Some of the discoveries actually shift what we once thought was the right way to eat into new ways to make good choices. Here are some health tips that can revolutionize your approach to better living in the new year:

1. Shop the middle aisle: Unlike the old adage that you should avoid the middle aisle to only buy fresh foods, it is now clear that the middle aisle offers foods that can activate our bodys health defense systems. For example, dried or canned beans are a good source of dietary fiber that feed our healthy gut bacteria, or microbiome, which improves our immunity. Similarly, some tinned smaller fish like sardines, anchovies, and even tuna can be a source of healthy marine omega-4 fatty acids. Canned tomatoes can be a source of lycopene, which protects your DNA. And dark chocolate has been shown to activate stem cells that help us heal from the inside out. Visit the middle aisle, and choose wisely.

2. Dont worry so much about individual elements, like gluten or lectins or sugar, its the sum total that counts: Research has shown us that dietary patterns matter more than individual elements. Thats why the Mediterranean diet works its not just one aspect of the diet. If you eat mostly plant-based foods, youll be building up your bodys health defenses, and its OK to occasionally eat something less healthy. Fashion your eating habits after the healthiest cultures, and dont stress about any single healthy or unhealthy ingredient.

3. Love your food to love your health: Start a new health regime when it comes to nutrition by looking at what you love that is healthy, and find delicious ways to cook and combine those ingredients. Be bold and explore new foods that are healthy so you can discover new pleasures to enrich your life. Its time to move away from deprivation, guilt, and shame when it comes to healthy eating. Living well means leaning into the healthy food that you enjoy.

William W. Li, M.D., author of Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself

Your resolution should be something that youre actually motivated to do. It may sound obvious, but we often make goals that we think we should make, rather than ones that we actually want to take action on. And without being truly motivated, maintaining your goal will be much harder.

Accountability is an essential part of sticking with your goals in the long term. Options like seeing a dietitian, signing up for a race, and tracking your progress in an app like Lose It! can all go a long way in keeping you motivated and on track. As you go through your year, its also important to maintain the mindset that a slip up isnt a failure. Just because you got off track once, that doesnt mean your goal goes out the window. Instead, its important to accept the mistake and move on guilt-free. You may even be able to learn from the experience and make a plan to avoid similar situations in the future.

When it comes to setting resolutions, two common mistakes I often see are making goals that are either non-specific or unrealistic, or both. As a result, we end up with goals that are difficult to achieve.

To make goals more specific, make sure that youre clear on how you will take action on your goal, and you have a way to measure when youve made progress on it. For example, using tracking apps like Lose It! can help with measuring your progress, as they can give you data on the nutrient content of your meals, and track changes in weight loss, food or macronutrient intake, water consumption, and exercise.

One way to ensure your goals are realistic is to avoid the all or nothing mindset. So rather than saying youre going to stop eating dessert altogether, a more realistic goal would be to start by reducing how often you consume dessert. Again, apps like Lose It! can be helpful since they can help teach you the nutrient content in different foods, and see how some popular off limits foods can still fit into your healthier lifestyle.

Kelli McGrane, M.S., R.D. at Lose It!

The biggest mistake I see with my clients, and most people struggling to lose weight, is that they have an all or nothing mentality. People need to stop looking for a fast way to lose weight and move on, and start getting real about making lasting changes they can sustain. To keep weight off and maintain weight loss, you must change how you look at food. Start writing down every single thing you eat. Then add the calories. Weight loss is calories in versus calories out. When you start to monitor what you eat, add in healthy foods. I actually encourage all of my clients to eat carbs at every meal. So often, people eat something bad, or skip a workout, and their mindset switches to, Oh well, Im going to stop working out, or Im going to continue eating badly. A little planning goes a long way when it comes to losing weight. Sunday is a great day to plan and prepare. Plan your food for the week and then hit the supermarket.

Gladys DiTroia, weight loss specialist and coach

To ensure your New Years resolution success, I recommend focusing on one thing at a time, and doing that one thing well before you try to change something else. Multiple habits that we do on a day-to-day basis combine and form our behaviors. If we set a New Years resolution to start eating better a behavior then that requires us to start shopping for healthier food, portioning our foods, ensuring that we eat the right amount of food on a daily basis, drink enough water throughout the day, and so on and so forth a habit. So by choosing to make one behavior change, were actually trying to change multiple habits at the same time. Statistically, it takes about 66 days to form a new habit. Choose one habit to focus on for 66 days. Once you can successfully do that one thing for 66 days, then work on another. Over time, after continuing to use this model, youll then form long-lasting and sustainable behavior changes.

For those who are looking to add more movement into their days to enhance their well-being, I recommend doing something first thing in the morning to get your body moving. This is when your mind and your body are at its best, without all the stress. For those of you with a morning routine, I would strongly encourage to add movement into your routine, and notice how it will enhance everything else you do. For those of you without a routine, this is a simple place to start, so that you can take care of yourself first, as most of us spend our days taking care of others. Start by getting up 15 to 20 minutes earlier to establish a morning routine such as mobility, stretching, yoga, or even taking a brisk walk outside without distractions, honoring yourself and your body.

Nathan Kohlerman, Founder of NeuIntention

The key to healthy eating is making small changes that are specific, measurable, and attainable. For example, instead of declaring you want to eat healthier or lose weight, try setting specific goals like replacing one sugar-sweetened beverage each day with fruit-infused water, or incorporating one more serving of veggies per day from what you previously ate.

My number one healthy snacking tip is to have protein, and produce options at eye level in the fridge and pantry so they are the first to grab when hunger strikes. Some examples are hummus and sugar snap peas, cheese and grapes, or an apple and peanut butter. Pairing protein and produce is what I call a snack with staying power, and one I recommend to my clients wanting to lose weight or have more energy.

Mia Syn, M.S., R.D., Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist at Goli Nutrition

Really think through what you want to accomplish and why you want to accomplish it. You need to have a well-thought-out reason for what you want to do, and why you want to do it, because this is what you will keep returning to for willpower even when you feel like you have lost some of your motivation to keep going.

Break the goal into bite-sized pieces. When you just keep looking ahead and the destination looks too far is when you are most likely to quit. Make a plan that is divided up week by week, with weekly goals that at the end add up to your plan, but where you can just focus on the goal of the week in the moment.

Give yourself concrete rewards. Brains respond to positive feedback, and a reward at the end of bite-sized accomplishments will encourage a good feeling about moving forward with the next weeks goals.

Create a support system to also hold you accountable. Its easier to deceive yourself that you are sticking with a goal than it is to deceive others. Form a small group of people who will emotionally invest in keeping you honest, cheering you on, and being brutally honest when you lean towards throwing in the towel. Studies find social support does make a difference in goal-keeping.

Dr. Gail Saltz, M.D., psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, columnist, and best-selling author

One small, actionable tip that you can easily integrate into your life for a healthier 2020 is to eat more fruit. Nine out of ten Americans do not eat the recommended amount of fruit per day according to the CDC. Whole fruit contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, fiber, and most importantly, water.

At Mastering Diabetes, we consider water a micronutrient. The reason we do so is because much like vitamins and minerals, water assists in thousands of chemical reactions in your blood and in tissues, and is an underappreciated component of whole foods that rarely gets mentioned. Every second of every day, thousands of chemical reactions are taking place in your body simultaneously, and water is an essential participant that enables them to be carried out efficiently.

Water helps in many aspects of nutrient digestion and absorption. In your stomach, water helps unfold intact food material. In your small intestine, water helps digest and absorb glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids into your blood. In your large intestine, water plays a vital role in bulking your stool, feeding your microbiome, and helping to regulate the electrolyte balance in your blood.

Refined and processed foods are significantly lower in their water content than fruits. For example, cornflakes contain four percent of water by mass, and a typical whole-wheat bagel is 34 percent water by mass. On the other hand, fruits generally contain between 70 and 95 percent water by mass. This means that when you eat fruit, you actually eat water, which helps keep you hydrated and improves both mental and physical performance.

Robby Barbaro, M.P.H. and co-founder of Mastering Diabetes

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Secrets of Nutrition Resolutions That Stick - Thrive Global

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25 Incredible Weight-Loss Transformations You Just HAVE To See – Pulse Nigeria

Posted: December 7, 2019 at 11:44 am

It also means that you could use a serious dose of inspo from ladies who have stuck out their journey long enough to see real success. Because let's face it: Losing weight is hard, and it's even harder for women than men, thanks to metabolic and hormonal differences, research shows.

Most of the weight-loss warriors here tried multiple avenues, from going vegan to intermittent fasting to at-home Pilates workouts, before finding the methods and eating regimes that worked with their lifestyles. And part of their success was being realistic about what was achievable in the long run. Take it from one wise woman: "I promised in the beginning that I wouldnt want to eat or do anything while losing weight that I wouldnt want to eat or do once I hit [my] goal, even if that meant it took a little bit longer," says @ashleys_officially_lost_it.

Finding a workout routine you love can also help keep you on track throughout the ups and downs. As one woman, @kaitlynesse, says, "Truly all of my weight loss came from working out to feel better and not to look a certain way. I just found this passion for it weightlifting I never had before," she says, noting that lifting helped her fight through a bout of depression after a breakup.

One more nugget of advice? Don't underestimate the small stuff, since any effort is better than no effort. "Even when you think those 30 minutes of walking wont add up to anything, trust meit will," @branjay24 says. You have to keep telling yourself, "'Yes, you are worth it!'" she adds.

Together, these powerful women lost more than 2,500 poundsand gained so much strength along the waywhich youll see in these dramatic before-and-afters. Take them in as needed to stay focused, inspired, and invested in your journey toward achieving your own health goals. If they can do it, so can you.

@stellaisstriving lost 243 poundsmore than 42 percent of her starting body weightby overhauling her eating habits with the keto diet and focusing on fat loss (not just losing pounds).

@_jens_journey_ started out doing keto but didn't feel that it worked for her, so she stuck with intermittent fasting, a sugar-free diet, and keeping her carbs down. She dropped more than 100 poundsthen gained back about 15 of those pounds to feel her healthiest, she previously told Women's Health .

It was WW that got @sweet_pea_leigh to a place of kicking her food addiction , which had been causing her to keep gaining weight as well as numerous body aches and pains. She's lost over 150 pounds.

The Couch to 5K app was hugely transformative for @lizzy_rockzsoon after hopping on the app, she started triathlon training and subsequently ran four marathons. Meal prepping with lots of protein and few carbs was huge for her, too, in her journey to lose about 150 pounds.

@rachellsharp93 went down a little more than 100 pounds, starting with her own version of alternate-day fasting , consuming small amounts of food in between days, and then segueing into another type of intermittent fasting.

Down about 220 pounds, @losing_for_health started out doing keto, then continued to count her macros with a free online calculator.

Originally through gastric bypass surgery , @kathleeng1112 shed 179 pounds, but she kept it up by eating tons of protein and few carbs. She stays active with Pilates, yoga, and at-home workouts.

@gessisfitnessjourney hit her goal of losing 124 pounds first by trying going vegan, then vegetarian, and low-carb, but she ultimately succeeded by tracking everythingcalories, stepson her Fitbit .

It was a combination of keto and intermittent fasting that helped @gritandgrace__ lose more than 50 pounds and her status as prediabetic. Once she cut out sugar, her PCOS symptoms were more manageable, too.

@hannah_day28's big turnaround came from BeachBody toning workouts . She also began practicing clean eating and portion control. She still eats buffalo chicken, but in a zucchini boat rather than fried.

She started out with VSG surgery , but @cam_bree_uhhh kept off 148 pounds by eating a vegan diet. She now belongs to two different gyms to stick with her love of weight lifting and doing circuits.

@carlywontquit lost 108 pounds with a strict policy of no added sugar , even in her coffee. She's also a cardio fanatic and can't get enough of Zumba or Total Body Pump.

Realizing the power of a nutritious home-cooked meal turned @_iwokeupinbeastmode;s nutrition around, helping her to lose a total of 130 pounds. She started out tracking every macro, but after hitting her goal, she stopped counting calories and focused on just eating clean instead.

@laurenlosing did VSG surgery in 2013 as a tool to change her lifestyle. She kept going with eating a high-protein diet, counting macros, and weight lifting.

A new-found love of lifting heavy was a major transforming factor for @kaitlynesse. She lost 80 pounds in about a year, focusing on squats and deadlifts, which she says made her feel strong and powerful. She also put on about 10 pounds of solid muscle in the process.

Keto and kickboxing were the power duo for @thestairlady. She went down 100 pounds in a year without giving up her favorite food, pizza.

@healthylivinislife's weight-loss journey started with VSG surgery. She continued to drop 120 pounds through the keto diet, and then a general low-carb eating plan. She also supplemented with a hot-yoga routine to help with her anxiety and started running and amping up her core workouts, too.

Struggling with symptoms of both PCOS and IBS, @get_moefit first cut carbs and started going beast mode in the gym, and then worked with a nutritionist to do an elimination diet. She cut out some cruciferous veggies that bothered her, as well as beef and pork (but kept other types of lean meat) to reduce GI issues and lose 80 pounds.

Starting with gastric-sleeve surgery, @gi_sciortino shed 120 pounds and kept it off with intense strength-training and HIIT workouts.

Counting calories with the My Fitness Pal app was a factor for @hayleysweightlossjourneyx to lose 70 pounds. "It was the simple science of tracking calories in vs. out, mixed with self-discipline and self belief," she says.

@journeytoslimsyddie dropped 140 pounds between VSG surgery, three to five weekly hard-core workouts in the gym, and eating mindfully (with a low-carb and high-protein diet).

It all started with a fun, competitive "biggest loser" challenge at work for @branjay24. She lost 105 pounds by cutting out carbs and sweets and exercised six times a week. Another major factor for her? Taking care of her mental health throughout.

@wokeuplikedez dropped 150 pounds after having gastric-bypass surgery, and then continued the momentum with a high-protein diet. She kept consuming fewer calories and working out more consistently than she had in the past, too.

In the beginning, @ashleys_officially_lost_it tried losing weight simply by counting calories, but she needed more accountability and support, she says. She jumped on the WW (formerly Weight Watchers) bandwagon and later became an ambassador in the midst of her 120-pound weight loss, which she's maintained for almost two years. Her transformation was mostly accomplished via healthier food swapsshe loves to make cleaner versions of favorite fast-food dishes, like a chipotle chicken avocado sandwich from Panera.

Down 80 pounds from clean eating and at-home workouts, @beast_girl_22 toned up using BeachBody Body Beast. She also made a major change in her eating routine: switching from eating three healthy meals a day to eating smaller healthy meals every two to three hours, with lots of water.

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25 Incredible Weight-Loss Transformations You Just HAVE To See - Pulse Nigeria

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Can Dogs Eat Spaghetti Like in ‘Lady and the Tramp’? We Asked a Vet – Decider

Posted: November 16, 2019 at 11:46 pm

Since the launch of Disney+ on Tuesday, there have been a lot of questions swirling around the internet about how to use the app, how to get your Verizon free trial, and what the heck MacClunkey means. But so far, I havent seen anyone asking the most pressing question of all: Can I feed my dog spaghetti to recreate the famous spaghetti dinner scene in The Lady and the Tramp?

Dont worry Even though you didnt ask, we here at Decider are ever vigilant, so we called up a vet to get the definitive answer. Karyn Bischoff, 50, is a licensed veterinarian and an associate professor at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, where she is also the diagnostic toxicologist at Cornell Animal Health Diagnostic Center. Basically, that means people from all over the world go to her to figure out if whatever food-substance their pet got into is going to be dangerous for them. The only person who gets weirder questions than me, I think, is probably the parasitologist, said Bischoff.

I was surprised to learn that Bischoff has never before been asked if its safe for pet-owners to feed their dog a candlelit spaghetti-and-meatball dinner, as Academy Award-winning actor F. Murray Abraham did in the 2019 live-action remake of The Lady and the Tramp, which is now streaming on Disney+. Bischoff, who is clearly an excellent vet, generously offered to test some safe spaghetti on her own doggo, a five-year-old black rescue dog named Simon Puppychan. I eagerly accepted the offer and asked Bischoff to snap some pictures to document her findings.

So if you want to know how to safely recreate The Lady and the Tramp spaghetti scene on your own dog, heres the best way to do that, in Bischoffs expert opinion.

In The Lady and the Tramp, the Italian restaurant owner Tony (Abraham) and his waiter (Arturo Castro) bring our fuzzy heroes a heaping plate of the spaghetti special. Bischoff advises pet owners to stick to small portions. I only give him about a half a cup of spaghetti. Hes got a regular diet, I dont want him to get overweight, and hes not used to eating people food, so I dont want him to upset his stomach. So I gave him a puppy-sized portion.

Its impossible to know what exactly is in the sauce of Tonys specialit appears to be standard marinarabut heres where Bischoff warns pet owners to proceed with caution. The biggest concern, Bischoff stressed, is to avoid onions and garlic.

[Onions and garlic] damage blood cells in dogs. Very small amounts are alright there was probably a little bit of garlic in the tomato sauce he got, but not very much so I would stay away from the scampi sauces and pesto sauces. Stick with a tomato-vegetable sauce that doesnt have very much onions or garlicor preferably no onions or garlic in it. The other thing I would avoid would be the hot sauces, the Arrabbiata sauces, and anything too much capsaicin in themred pepper and things like that. Most animals dont like spicy food at all, and too much spicy food in someones whos not used to it can cause inflammation. I just used a little bit of canned marinara. A little bit of parmesan cheese on top is OK.

Of course, Tony decides to go heavy on the meatballs for his furry friends, butBischoff decided to skip the meatballs, and suggests meat be used sparingly. I would use moderation with any kind of meatballs or sausage or anything that might be really fatty because dogs who are on a regular diet of dog food, she said. Theyre not going to be used to the high amount of fat in people food. And be cautious about using meatballs that have a lot of garlic, just like the sauce.

What about the complimentary Italian breadsticks that come with Lady and Tramps meal? Again, be cautious with garlic bread, but just a little bit of breadsticksif its not really greasy or really spicyshouldnt be a problem.

Lady and Tramp dig into their piping hot meal right away, accompanied by an accordion and mandolin serenade. But Biscoff says you should wait to serve your guests at home. Make it cold for them, said Bischoff. They dont need really hot food. I didnt want him to eat spaghetti that was way too hot, so he got to eat his spaghetti after I was done with mine.

Im not pointing fingers at any possibly insane Italian restaurant owners, but that sounds like a much more normal way to feed a dog spaghetti.

The dogs in the new Lady and the Tramp had CGI mouths to help them slurp spaghetti, but Bischoff said thats not biologically accurate. Adult dogs cant suck up noodles the way people do, they have to use other mechanical forces. Simon Puppychan used momentum and gravity: He would grab a noodle in his mouth and then jerk his head back to get the noodle airborne and catch the noodle in his open mouth. He seemed to like the sauce more than the noodles.

Though he didnt fall in love with any lady puppychans, Bischoff said Simon Puppychan thoroughly enjoyed his special meal with no negative side effects. He ate the whole thing, and he was fine this morning. He went up to doggy daycare and was his normal self today. He had no ill-effects from having his little cup of spaghetti last night.

There you have it, folks! Dogs can eat spaghetti, and it is very possible to safely recreate the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti scene, according to a licensed vet and diagnostic toxicologist. Just dont do it all the time, maybe skip the dessert, and definitely skip the wine.

Watch The Lady and the Tramp on Disney+

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Can Dogs Eat Spaghetti Like in 'Lady and the Tramp'? We Asked a Vet - Decider

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Daughters fear spurred Dublin mum to lose half her body weight –

Posted: November 14, 2019 at 8:46 pm

A Dublin woman has lost more than half her body weight after being inspired by her daughter, who feared she would eat herself to death.

Mother-of-one Wendy Deacon, 49, from Lucan, Co. Dublin, has been named Slimming Worlds Woman of the Year 2019, after shedding an enormous 12st 4.5lbs (79kg).

She said: I always came across as jolly and smiley, but inside I felt anything but. It was getting to the point where I felt uneasy whenever I left the house.

I remember once a small boy pointed at me in the street and said look at that fat lady to his mother.

She tried to hush him, but the damage was done. Id never felt so embarrassed, I just wanted the ground to swallow me up. But the real turning point came when she discovered that her daughter, Amy, had confided in her grandmother that she was worried Wendy would eat herself to death.

Hearing that broke my heart and I knew I needed to change, she said.

The thought of my daughter being so worried about my health really spurred me into action.

She added that one of the most difficult lifestyle changes with the Slimming World plan was learning how to cook from scratch, but that everyone in her group was kind and supportive.

Wendy soon got to grips with the eating plan, which encourages slimmers to fill up on foods like lean meat, vegetables, rice, potatoes, pasta and eggs without weighing, counting or measuring.

She said: Straight away I embraced the eating plan. Ive never called it a diet because the plan is so flexible. I fell in love with proper food and discovered so many different new dishes. Its a world away from the takeaways and fast food I used to eat.

Now that shes dropped from a size 32 to a size 10/12, Wendy said she now has the confidence to plan a wedding with her long-term fianc, Dave.

Dave and I have been engaged for a long time, but I never really felt confident enough to actually get married.

Finally having the confidence to go wedding dress shopping was a huge moment for me. Before I would have just chosen whatever would fit me, but now Im asking for size 10 and 12 outfits, its just an incredible feeling. I havent been able to do that for 25 years! She said the weight loss and recognition have boosted her confidence and she is now looking forward to her 50th birthday in January.

By far the best thing about losing weight though is seeing the pride in my familys faces, especially Amys. Ive finally started to feel proud of myself too Ive got my whole life back, she added.

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Incredible transformation of Slimming World ‘Woman of the Year’ who lost more than half her body weight – Manchester Evening News

Posted: November 13, 2019 at 6:42 pm

A woman who lost half her own body weight has been crowned Slimming World's Woman of the Year 2019.

Wendy Deacon, 49, from Dublin, shed an incredible 12 stone 4.5 pounds and is now unrecognisable following her transformation.

She says she was inspired to lose weight after her daughter began to fear she may "eat herself to death".

After originally weighing 22 stone 4.5 pounds Wendy has managed to lose more than half of that and now weighs in at just 10 stone.

Her journey saw her drop 11 dress sizes from a size 32 to a size 10 or 12.

Wendy said her weight began to make her not want to leave the house and despite coming across as "jolly and smiley", inside, she felt anything but.

She said: "I remember once a small boy pointed at me in the street and said 'look at that fat lady' to his mother.

"She tried to hush him, but the damage was done. I'd never felt so embarrassed, I just wanted the ground to swallow me up."

Wendy decided to do something about her weight when she found out that her daughter Amy was fearing for her life.

"Hearing that broke my heart and I knew I needed to change," Wendy said. "The thought of my daughter being so worried about my health really spurred me into action."

She said the weight-loss and recognition have given her the confidence to plan a wedding to her long-term fiance, and she is now looking forward to her 50th birthday in January.

"By far the best thing about losing weight though is seeing the pride in my family's faces, especially Amy's. I've finally started to feel proud of myself too - I've got my whole life back."

Wendy said she found it difficult to get used to cooking from scratch on the Slimming World plan - but was helped by her local group.

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Incredible transformation of Slimming World 'Woman of the Year' who lost more than half her body weight - Manchester Evening News

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How to lose weight in 2 months without going to the gym like this 30 year old – GQ India – What a man’s got to do

Posted: October 14, 2019 at 7:41 am

There is no hard and fast rule that states you can only lose weight after joining a gym. In fact, many people, including 30-year-old Anubhav Kumar have been able to lose weight successfully without stepping inside a gym.

Kumar tells us that in a span of 2 months, he lost 14 kgs by just walking 10k+ steps, daily.

In August, I weighed 84 kgs and had recently gotten rid of a kidney stone. One fine evening, I joined my sister on her evening walk. Shed go for a walk in the park, every day, and this is the first time I went with her. While we were walking, she started describing this YouTube video shed recently seen. It portrayed the story of a very fit lady in her 50s, who goes for a medical check-up and after seeing her reports, her doctor exclaims your liver and kidney are as young and healthy as that of a kids! This one statement shocked me as apart from getting rid of the kidney stone, I also suffered from a fatty liver and on hearing this I realised that I am leading a very unfit life! he recalls.

In that moment, itself, I decided to start working on myself to live a long and healthy life. But I was averse of gyms and decided to lose weight by following the below weight loss diet plan.

To start with, I made a new, healthy diet plan and started tracking my daily calorie intake on a calorie counter app. Initially, even getting out of bed in the morning used to seem like such a Herculean task but I had made up my mind to start brisk walking every day to lose weight. I also downloaded an app to track my daily steps to keep me on track.

I wrote down a couple of short-term goals to help me as well. You can find them below. I found them very helpful.

1. Lose 10 kgs by only walking 10k steps daily

2.Reduce my calorie intake. I was eating around 1400 cal per day when I weighed 84 kgs. Slowly, I reduced this amount to 1100 cal with the help of low-carb foods. I reduced my daily intake of 8 rotis to just 2 and compensated the gap in my plate by adding oats and veggies such as Mushrooms, Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Green Beans, Soybean Chunks and Papaya in my diet."

To achieve these goals, I started waking up at 5 AM. Id begin my day by drinking a glass of warm water with lemon and then go for a brisk walk. When I started, it was very difficult for me to walk even 5000 steps but I did not give up! Id just keep going, every day, no matter what. Slowly, with the right determination, attitude and a hunger for success, I was able to increase my limit from 5000 steps to 15k steps.

But more importantly, after coming back from my morning walk, Id ensure I nourished my body with the correct foods by following the below diet plan.

Early morning (before walk): A glass of warm water with lemon

Breakfast (8 AM): Poha - 100 to 150 gms OR 2 idlis with 2 almonds and half a cup of sugarless tea

Lunch (1:30 PM): 2 Rotis with 150ml toor dal, a curry made form low-carb veggies like cabbage, cauliflower, green beans or ridge gourd

Evening (5 PM): A bowl of puffed rice with sprouts and salad with papaya OR an apple with half a cup of sugarless milk tea

Before evening walk: A cup of green tea

Dinner (8 PM) - Oats khichdi (150 gm) and half a glass of cow milk

Since I only relied on walking more than 10k+ steps a day as a medium to lose weight, I still continue with it to maintain my weight now. I walk 6 kms in the morning and 6 kms in the evening. But along with that I have also started focussing on body workouts to tone my muscles.

QUICK READ: 5 ways to lose weight by walking with these effective, easy-to-do health tricks

Dedication and motivation are the only things that will keep you energetic throughout your body transformation journey. And honestly, if you are eating within your calorie limit and doing simple workouts like brisk walking 10k steps a day, nothing more is required.

Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.


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How to lose weight in 2 months without going to the gym like this 30 year old - GQ India - What a man's got to do

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Colon Cancer-Driven Stem Cells Linked to High-Fat Diet – Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

Posted: July 7, 2017 at 4:42 pm

Scientists in the U.S. have identified a molecular pathway that appears to play a key role in the link between a high-fat diet (HFD) and the development of colorectal cancer. The research, led by the Cleveland Clinics Sheerlarani Karunanithi, and Matthew Kalady, suggests that it may one day be possible to develop drugs that reduce tumor growth associated with obesity and a diet that is high in fat.

Their research is published today, in Stem Cell Reports, in a paper titled, RBP4-STRA6 Pathway Drives Cancer Stem Cell Maintenance and MediatesHigh-Fat Diet-Induced Colon Carcinogenesis.

The Cleveland Clinic teams review of published research indicated that high expression levels of two vitamin A signalling proteinsserum retinol binding protein (RPB4), stimulated by retinoic acid 6 (STRA6)in colorectal cancer tumors is associated with poor prognosis, increased tumor metastasis and recurrence, and resistance to cancer therapy. The RBP4-STRA6 pathway triggers the JAK2-STAT3 signaling cascade.

The researchers engineered STRA6- or RBP4-knockdown cancer cells to demonstrate that the RBP4-STRA6 pathway is important for promoting cancer cell proliferation and survival and for maintaining the expression of core stem cell transcription factors. They also found that the RBP4-STRA6 pathway plays a key role in maintaining colon cancer stem cells (CSCs), both in cell lines and in patient-derived xenografts.

The teams previous work had shown that knocking down STRA6 in a xenograft cancer model decreased tumor growth. In a new round of studies, they injected RBP4-knockdown cancer cells into experimental mice, and found that RBP4 deficiency resulted in the development of fewer tumors, and slower tumor growth and progression.

With evidence building for the role of RBPA4-STRA6 pathway in colorectal cancer development and progression, the team turned to look at diet-related cancer. A prior study had already suggested that HFDinduced obesity leads to increased intestinal stem cells and may impact colorectal cancer risk. This finding, combined with independent research establishing a role for the RBPA4-STRA6 pathway in diet-induced metabolic syndrome, prompted the Cleveland Clinic team to look at the relationship between HFD, cancer development, and the RBPA4-STRA6 pathway.

They injected either STRA6-deficient colorectal cancer cells or unmodified cancer cells into obesity-resistant mice fed either a normal diet or an HFD. HFD mice injected with unmodified cancer cells exhibited significantly increased tumor growth compared with mice fed a normal diet. In contrast, there was no relative increase in tumor growth among HFD animals receiving the STRA6-deficient tumor cells.

Our data clearly indicate that RBP4-STRA6 pathway is necessary for the optimal expression of stem cell markers such as NANOG, SOX2, and LGR5, and thereby for maintaining the colon CSC pool, the authors conclude in their published paper. "We have known the influence of diet on colorectal cancer, commented Matthew Kalady, M.D., colorectal surgeon, and co-director of the Cleveland Clinic Comprehensive Colorectal Cancer Program. However, these new findings are the first to show the connection between high-fat intake and colon cancer via a specific molecular pathway. We can now build upon this knowledge to develop new treatments aimed at blocking this pathway and reducing the negative impact of a high-fat diet on colon cancer risk."

The interesting finding here is that the high fat diet-induced effects appear to also involve the stem cell program, which is interesting for tumor growth and has implications on therapies, as tumor stem cells are also therapeutically resistant, the authors told GEN. In terms of treatments, what we might envision is targeting a new component of the signaling axis we identified to reduce cancer growth. The pathways we have identified are known to control many aspects of cell behavior, but the input to these signaling programs is new and may represent a possible target. In terms of next steps, one would be to see whether this can be applied to other obesity-driven tumors. Can lessons from colon cancer be leveraged to other tumor types? We also are interested in inhibiting this new signaling axis as well as trying to understand more about this signaling program, as we may be able to identify signaling nodes that can be efficiently targeted.

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Don’t Worry, A Rom-Com Leading Lady’s Diet Will Tell You Everything You Need To Know About Her – Decider

Posted: April 7, 2017 at 3:45 pm

A romantic comedy will feed its viewers many things: the belief that love is out there, right around the corner, even, and its out there for all of us, even the clumsy gals. They will tell you that magazine jobs are glamorous and that weddings are very important and that the man you least expect to fall in love with is in fact your soul mate. But perhaps most of all, these films will remind us that we truly are what we eat.

A film has a limited amount of time and dialogue and silly scenarios to be able to paint the picture of who a leading lady really is. And what better way to demonstrate everything that a gal is than by her diet? A quick glance at a dinner plate or the reciting of a take out order or the snack a woman chooses to shove into her face says it all: shes alone, shes busy, and she gets hungry sometimes.

You might think to yourself, Hmm, this lady seems pretty and nice, doesnt she go on dates? With the juggling of a coffee cup and a pastry that she must bite as she walks, it becomes very clear that this woman is BUSY. She doesnt even have time to eat that croissant at the Starbucks counter, she is on the move. If she cant find the time to eat, how on Earth will she find the time to meet a stranger for an evening of small talk? We see this in Eva Mendes character in Hitch that gal was always snacking on the go. Gossip reporters are very busy and can only make time to sit down for a real meal if its actually for a story shes researching. Otherwise its grab and go, all day every day.

And speaking of grab and go, lets remember Sandra Bullocks Gracie in Miss Congeniality. That lady never came across a donut she couldnt shove down her ball gown for later. In fact, donut eating is a great way to let people know Oh, she doesnt give a F, she will eat a high-fat, high-calorie snack like a champ. Its a way of letting the audience know, shes not like other girls, but YOU eat donuts, so youre special like she is too! This also sends a message that our on-screen pal has been blessed with a fantastic metabolism.

Which seems to be the case quite often, actually. In Two Weeks Notice, Bullocks Lucy is such a busy lawyer that she frequently calls (this was pre-Seamless) her local Chinese restaurant to place her comically large dinner order which she is forced to confirm, Yes its for one. Come on, who asks that? She knows the entire menu by heart and she happily accepts multiple bags of take out that she eats, of course, all alone. This ladys love life might be empty, but her belly damn sure is not.

Theres an appropriate amount of comfort eating present in rom-coms, we can all agree on that. We watch it, we relate, and we get hungry. Lake Bells Nancy has her silent sandwich session ruined by her perky seatmate on the train in Man Up. This chick only wants to talk about finding the one, but Nancy doesnt let a bestselling book get in the way of her deli meat sandwich and all the glory, calm and satisfaction it brings to her disheveled life. She cant write a speech for her parents anniversary party, but she can chomp down on a Pret A Manger sandwich with the best of them.

Oh and who could forget when Kristen Wiigs Annie constructed a single, gorgeous cupcake, frosting flower and all in Bridesmaids. Our mouths dripped with drool as we watched her stare it down until she takes a bite, although truly unable to enjoy the sugar rush due to the failure of her former bakery (and relationship). No cupcake should come with that much baggage, girl.

Then we have those ladies who live what appear to be full, organized, successful lives. We first meet our heroine Mary (Jennifer Lopez) in action in The Wedding Planner: making sure a wedding goes off with laser precision: every person and (almost) every plate in its perfect place. And when she goes home? Well, its the same deal. This is not a gal that has time to cook, but she perfectly arranges her foil containers on a tray and plops it down on a TV dinner stand, her only company provided by the glow of the television. Again, weve got a busy lady here. So busy she could never sneak a snack when shes working. She enjoys her meals, but the bottom line is that they are purely utilitarian to her. Please, do not get me started on the only eating brown M&Ms garbage theory this film put out into the world though.

Films use food to tell us about the characters were about to connect with in a variety of ways. Sure, its for comfort to fill the hole of not having a significant other. But it also sends the message loud and clear that these ladies do what they want and eat what they want: they dont have to share, they dont have anyone critiquing their intake, and they quite honestly cant be bothered to cook a full meal for themselves. The variety and the amount of food is used to portray just how sad, lonely, busy, and even aloof these women can be. But theyve got good jobs, and ones that they work hard at. After a long day, its nice to have someone else cook for you, whether its being presented by someone youre sleeping with or a delivery person from the restaurant in your neighborhood. Dig in ladies: donuts are always better than dudes.

Where to watch Man Up

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Best way to lose baby fat? Eat for one! – Daily Nation

Posted: March 14, 2017 at 7:43 am

= By NELLY BOSIRE 12 hoursago

Suzy* is a bubbly 26-year-old first-time mum. She is excited about motherhood, and having had an uneventful pregnancy and delivery, she has nothing to complain about. When she comes for her post-natal clinic at two weeks, she is doing well, and has settled into breastfeeding rather easily.

Her final post-natal clinic is rather dramatic, though. She is accompanied by her older sister, who is not amused that the new mum has gained seven kilogrammes since the delivery of her baby, not counting the nine kilos gained during pregnancy. From a svelte 56kgs to an uncomfortable 72 kilogrammes! She has no fitting clothes and has invaded her sisters wardrobe

Motherhood is one of the most cherished states for a woman. It brings contentment, excitement, a sense of accomplishment and even social elevation in some communities. In Africa and India, most communities will look down on a woman who has not achieved this feat.

During pregnancy a woman should, on average, gain eight to 12 kilogrammes by the time the baby is being born at term. This weight is derived from the baby itself, the amniotic fluid, the placenta, the increased breast tissue, the expanded maternal blood volume and a bit of fat stored in preparation for breastfeeding, commonly noticed under the shoulder blades.

The smaller the woman, the more likely she is to gain less weight. The obese woman has challenges balancing the necessary weight gain against an excess that is unhealthy.

Women with pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia will gain several more kilogrammes due to excessive retained fluid. This weight gain is usually sudden and the patient appears puffy.

The expectant womans calorie requirements in pregnancy varies with gestation. In the first trimester, one has no need for extra calories, hence dietary intake should provide about 1,800 kilocalories a day. This requirement goes up to 2,200kcal in the second trimester and 2,400kcal in the third.

The myth about a pregnant woman eating for two is not only false, but outright harmful. Extra calories during pregnancy lead to piling on unnecessary weight that may lead to unwarranted obesity. This myth continues into the post-natal phase under the pretext of breastfeeding. Studies have shown that women who put on weight beyond the recommended pregnancy kilos have a higher chance of retaining the excess weight right up to a year after delivery.

Once the baby comes, the new mum has a new mountain to climb. Well-meaning family members will visit with heaps of food and they expect the new mum to eat non-stop for the duration of breastfeeding.

Mugs of hot chocolate, porridge, soup and fermented milk are served without ceasing. Food servings are increased and the number of meals increases from three to five. Woe unto her if she has challenges with a good flow of breastmilk, or if the baby is colicky and cries all night. She will be forced to eat more to produce enough milk for her baby.

Within weeks, instead of shedding the baby weight, the new mum continues to gain weight at an alarming rate. Since she is still on maternity leave and does not need to dress up; she wears comfortable loose clothing and has no idea that her wardrobe no longer fits.

Suzy is in this trap. She has a doting mother-in-law who is visiting her first grandchild. The older lady spends all day in the kitchen cooking one delight after another and Suzy cannot resist pigging out.

In the breastfeeding phase, all Suzy needs is an extra 500kcal in addition to her daily requirements to cater for the baby. This way, women are able to lose the stored pregnancy fat and resume normal weight. What is required in large volumes is water. Quite an amount of water is lost in the breastmilk and it is important to replace this.

It is not in order to keep unnecessary weight under the guise of having more babies. Most lazy mothers will ignore the weight and cite their desire to have another baby and complete the family size as the excuse.

They will plan to lose the weight after they are done with having a second baby. The danger is that, with each successive pregnancy, they are already starting from a point of disadvantage, by being overweight or outright obese. The weight loss project ultimately becomes even more difficult.

Post-pregnancy weight loss must start from the delivery room. The mother should learn to eat only what her body requires. She must decisively choose what she needs to eat and not let that be dictated to her. Simple exercises such as brisk walking and swimming to boost metabolism are encouraged. Above all, breastfeeding in itself helps with the weight loss as the body is pushed to use the pregnancy fat that was stored specifically for this.

This is also a good period to initiate weight loss in those diagnosed with obesity during pregnancy. The danger of rapid weight loss in pregnancy is gone and the joints are under less pressure hence can tolerate exercise.

Look out for the contraceptive used too. Some women may gain weight especially if they use progesterone-based hormonal contraceptives. For this group of women, safe options are available and should be used as needed.

Also note that each woman is inherently different, some may have a high metabolism and lose weight in weeks. Others need a little longer to catch up. Whatever the case, shed off the post-natal weight safely.

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Inside look at how James Johnson turned into incredible Miami Heat weight-loss success story – Palm Beach Post (blog)

Posted: March 7, 2017 at 5:43 pm

Miami Heat forward James Johnson, drives to the basket against Philadelphias Robert Covington, in the second quarter of the Miami Heat vs Philadelphia 76ERS, NBA game at AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami on Wednesday, March 01, 2017. (Pedro Portal/Miami Herald/TNS)

MIAMI Weight loss programs use before-and-after photos to attract customers to their service. The Heat use before and after photos to attract players to their culture.

James Johnson is proof.

The Heat forward has never been in this kind of shape before. Over the first seven seasons of his NBA career, the 6-foot-9 Johnson didnt make his body a priority as he arrived to Miami this summer at 275 pounds with 14.5 percent body fat.

Just 64 games into his first season with the Heat, Johnson is down to 238 pounds and 6.75 percent body fat. He missed Mondays win over the Cavaliers more out of precaution after receiving three stitches to close a cut on his right elbow from Saturday, but Johnson hopes to return for Wednesdays home game against the Hornets.

What got the 30-year-old Johnson to finally make his body a priority after seven mediocre NBA seasons?

Was it the fact that Johnson was forced to take an underwhelming one-year deal worth $4 million this past summer in the middle of a free agency period that included unprecedented spending? Or was Johnson tired of just scratching the surface of how good of a player he could be?

Probably a little bit of both. But the Heat deserve some credit, too.

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Johnson remembers arriving to Miami this past summer and being asked to take a shirtless picture for a before-and-after photo series the team had planned for him.

I never had done a before-and-after, Johnson said referring to his previous NBA stops in Chicago, Toronto, Sacramento and Memphis. We got in there and they told me I had to take off my shirt. We had to take a before picture. It was weird to me. It was really weird to me. I thought I was going to be the only one because I came in something huge. I thought they were going to show me progress or what I dont want to get back to.

But Johnson is not the only player the Heat have asked to do this. It didnt take him long to realize that.

I ran through their iPad magazine, Johnson said. It was like a magazine, their iPad, their own accomplishments with other players and I saw it with my own eyes. And from the point I saw that iPad, I wanted to change myself.

Johnson said there were a ton of Heat weight-loss success stories on the iPad that blew him away, but he singled out Joe Johnson as the guy who really caught his eye. Why? Joe spent just the final three months of the 2015-16 season with the Heat and he was still able to change his body like that.

It has a lot to do with the player, but all the compliments and all the rewards should go to the Forans, Johnson said.

Thats Heat strength and conditioning coach Bill Foran, and his son and assistant strength and conditioning coach Eric Foran. Even though Johnson will be an unrestricted free agent this summer with a big pay raise expected to come his way, he plans on keeping the Forans close by as he works to keep from putting weight back on in the offseason.

I dont think Im going to leave Eric Foran or Bill Forans side during the summer, Johnson said with a smile. I dont think this is it for me. I still feel I have a long way to go and I want to get there body wise. I think the game will follow.

Johnsons new and improved body has already produced a new and improved game. Hes averaging career highs in points (12.1), 3-point percentage (33.9), rebounds (4.9) and assists (3.4) off the bench in his first season with the Heat.

On the defensive end, Johnson has been just as effective. Among players who have played at least 30 games this season, he ranks seventh in the NBA with an opponent field goal percentage of 39.1 percent.

I love where hes going, Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said of Johnson. We want to continue to be open to where he can get to next. Hopefully were not going to stop here. Hopefully theres another level or two or three, whatever it may be, that he can get to.

And as the weight drips off of him, Johnson feels like a more agile and athletic version of his former shelf. This is coming from a man who could already do a running front flip and a standing back flip before losing the weight, and is also a second-degree back belt with a 21-0 record in kickboxing and 7-0 record in mixed martial arts bouts (and says he can roundhouse kick a wedged basketball off the rim).

I feel like that the more weight I lose, the more I unleash skills that I didnt think I was capable of having or doing, Johnson said. Just being able to do more things agility wise. I can move, cut through smaller spaces, and definitely give more effort out there in the game. I can go from 100 effort to 150 now.

A clean diet has been a big part of Johnsons weight loss program. Hes eating out less and eating more home-cooked meals.

Just ask Johnson if the Heat culture is a real thing and hell give you a testimonial thats stronger than most of the ones you hear in weight-loss program commercials.

Its super real, Johnson said. This culture is real. Not only that, you know the kind of practices we have. We have those kind of practices where you cant go out and hang out all night and think youre going to be able to come to practice and really go hard because Ill call you out, everybody on this team will call you out. We wont leave it to the coaches to call you out. We take care of that ourselves. Thats the inside of this locker room.

Now, Johnson doesnt have to look through the Heats iPad for weight-loss success stories. His own incredible before-and-after photo was sitting at his locker before Wednesdays home win over the 76ers.

One of my most happiest moments, Johnson said, looking back at when he first saw the photo.

I even had to call my old lady and say, Yo, Im sorry you had to be with this guy. I didnt know it was that bad. She was at the pool with me and Im thinking Im good. But they were really just staring at her the whole time, I guess. Its just good motivation and its a good reminder not to go back.

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Inside look at how James Johnson turned into incredible Miami Heat weight-loss success story - Palm Beach Post (blog)

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