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Is Popcorn Keto? Best Low-Carb Popcorn, According To Nutritionists – Women’s Health

Posted: November 19, 2021 at 2:03 am

So, you love popcorn, but youre also committed to doing the keto diet. Youre probably wondering: Is popcorn keto? The short answer is yes, popcorn can definitely fit into your keto meal planbut you have to pay attention to what kind of popcorn and how much of it youre eating.

To start, you should get a couple of things straight about the keto diet: The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat meal plan that was initially designed to treat symptoms of epilepsy, explains New Jersey-based dietitian and diabetes expert Erin Palinski-Wade, RDN. Because the diet can also result in bodily changes like fat reduction, its marketed and sold as a weight loss method in the wellness industry, says Erica Zellner, LDN, a health coach at Parsley Health in California.

Since following a very low carb-diet can be restrictive, people on this plan are often looking for ways to incorporate more variety and snack options, Palinski-Wade says. And, if you love popcorn, youre probably wondering how you can do just that with this salty, savory (and sometimes sweet!) lil snackincluding ways to mix it up. (Hi, peanut butter-drizzled popcorn!) Keep reading for everything you want to know about popcorn as it relates to keto.

When doing the keto diet, your food consumption consists of eating 5 to 10 percent of your calories from carbohydrates, 10 to 20 percent from proteins, and 70 to 80 percent from fatall of which makes the diet highly restrictive, says Keri Gans, RD, author of The Small Change Diet.

Because popcorn is a carbohydrate-based food, it might not be the most ideal snack to eat when doing the keto diet, as itll quickly contribute to your daily carb goals. That said, if youre craving popcorn, dont restrict yourselfgo ahead and have some, says Palinski-Wade. Just know that itll add up to about 5 grams of net carbs per single cup.

One cup of popcorn contains about five grams of net carbs.

And what are net carbs, exactly? Net carbs are essentially any carbs that are digestible, Palinski-Wade says. Some carbs, such as those containing fibers and sugars, cannot be digested into the body, so theyre not counted when measuring net carbs. We subtract these carbs from total carbs to get the net carbs, or the total digestible carbs in a food, Palinski-Wade notes. (Yep, this equation is the same for everyone.)

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In moderation, popcorn can be a low-carb snack. Experts recommend consuming about one cup at a time, which has 6 grams of total carbs. Keep in mind that this may be different depending on what kind you buy. (But more on that later!)

Because popcorn is typically pretty fibrous, this means its got lower net carbs than other carbohydrate-based foods, Zellner says. And while you might think that its pointless to count net carbs instead of regular carbs on keto, you should know that tracking net carbs is actually how you max out on your nutrient intake.

Eating more fiber-heavy foods (like vegetables and fruits, primarily) with lower net carbs will allow you to eat more of those foods, which in turn increases the nutrients you take in and, hopefully, your overall satiety, Zellner says. It is important to make sure that you're using your carb allowance for as many nutrient-rich veggies and lower sugar fruit as possible. Thats why, sometimes, popcorn may not be the best thing to put into your diet every single day if youre doing keto, she adds. But if youre really craving it, dont hold back, as that may lead to even more restrictive and bingeing behaviors.

Overall, even if youre not doing the keto diet, popcorn is a great snack for regular and weight loss-related diets alike, Zellner says. It has nutrients like magnesium (which supports muscle function), phosphorus (which aids bone health), and zinc (good for your metabolism), she explains. Its also a food you can eat a lot of while still not taking in tons of calories.

That said, youll generally want to add some protein or fiber to your popcorn when you eat it. We always want to emphasize a fiber, fat, and protein balance for snacks and meals to make sure youre not spiking the blood sugar and then letting it crash, Zellner says, which can happen if you eat a carb-dense food with no other nutritional benefits.

Try it: You can add more nutrition to your popcorn by sprinkling shredded cheese on top, drizzling some nut butter over it, and mixing in nuts or dried fruits. Whatever makes it more fun for you!

Air-popped popcorn would be the best choice, as it is lower in carbohydrates as well as calories, Palinski-Wade says. However, since grams of fat are not a concern on a keto diet, added oil or butter would still allow this snack to be keto-friendly, she adds. That said, Palinski-Wade recommends limiting your saturated fats (such as the fats found in butters or oils) to less than 10 percent of your total daily caloric intake.

You might also want to focus on making your popcorn from scratch with unpopped kernels, Zellner says, as it gives you complete control over the serving size and ingredients. Its easy, its quick, it doesnt take any additional time as you just make it on the stove top, Zellner says. Regardless of what kind of popcorn you eat, remember to limit your serving to a cup or two.

And for keto specifically, we want to avoid popcorn with any added sugar ingredients like caramel, chocolate drizzle, and the like, says Zellner. Instead, Zellner recommends adding flavors to your popcorn at home with light butter, ghee, chili lime seasoning, pumpkin spice seasoning, and more. Its really easy to change up the flavor profile, she notes, if youre getting bored with one particular taste.

Lastly, when it comes to bagged, microwave popcorn, you might want to steer clear, Zellner says. Why? Well, most microwaveable bags are lined with PFCs (perfluorinated compounds), which prevent grease from leaking out during storage. Recent research has associated PFC with a bunch of negative health risks, such as hormonal disruption, low birth rate, bladder cancer, and more. We also know that it bioaccumulates, which means that the more youre exposed to it, the more it will accumulate in your body and cause potential problems, Zellner explains.

Stick to air-popped and homemade popcorn, and you should be good to go. Now go pop some kernels and enjoy a lil keto-friendly snack. You deserve it.

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Is Popcorn Keto? Best Low-Carb Popcorn, According To Nutritionists - Women's Health

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31 Ways to Lose Weight Faster – Nation Online – – The Nation Newspaper

Posted: November 28, 2020 at 7:53 am

If you had the power to melt fat in just 60 seconds, would you use it? Well, that power is yours. You can use those 60 seconds to read our list of the most effective weight loss tips we can find. These expert-recommended, science-backed tips were hand-selected for their ability to turn your body into a hyper-efficient fat-burning machine so you can lose weight faster by revving up your metabolism, toning and defining your muscles, and turning off the genes that contribute to fat storage.

Incorporate these into your diet, and blast fat fast by reading our essential report: The Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat for Good, Say Doctors.

It's getting hot in here so take off all your, um, cloves. And use spicier spices instead! "Sprinkle cayenne pepper (or any other chili pepper) over your food, or make a drink by adding cayenne to lemon and hot or room temperature water," shares Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, CPT, a plant-based dietitian and author of The Vegiterranean Diet and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition. "This will temporarily give your metabolism a boost."

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Those Greek gods at the gym are onto something: "Aim for 25-35 grams per meal until you [hit your weight loss goals]," suggests registered dietitian Mitzi Dulan, RD, author of The Pinterest Diet: How to Pin Your Way Thin and team nutritionist for the Kansas City Royals. "This will satisfy you and help prevent going overboard with carbs." You can start with your first meal of the day: 19 High Protein Breakfasts That Keep You Full.

With apologies to Virginia Woolf, one cannot think well, love well, eat well, if one has not slept well. Getting plenty of sleep is extremely important for losing weight at a good rate. Not only can lack of sleep slow the metabolism, but it can also make us more likely to make poor food choices. We often eat more sugar when we are tired because we feel the need for energy, but what we really need is sleep and not sugar! And then we are more likely to skip workouts when we are sleep deprived, too.

We'd always hoped English would be more important than math. "Learning to read the ingredients, instead of relying on the caloric and macronutrient breakdown, allows you to better understand what's going in your food," says registered dietitian Lisa Hayim, RD and founder of The Well Necessities and TWN Collection. "When we identify things like added sugar, preservatives, or chemicals, we are more likely to find alternatives that are cleaner and digested more easily."

Here's a comparison for you to remember: "Five ounces of wine, 1.5 ounces of hard liquor or 12 ounces of light beer all have significantly fewer calories (typically 90-120) than mixed drinks, fruity cocktails and regular beer (which range from 140 calories to upwards of 700 calories, especially when you don't stick to a serving size!)," The Nutrition Twins, Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT and Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN, CDN, CFT, and authors of The Nutrition Twins' Veggie Cure remind us. "If you have a couple of cocktails each week and switch to the lighter choices, it's an easy way to shed pounds!" Or, blast fat drinking pinot noir, one of our 16 Best Wines for Weight Loss!

"Add some good clean fun to your life. Eating well, moving more, and managing stressas daily lifelong habitsis the recipe for achieving healthy weight," says Annie Kay, MS, RDN, Lead Nutritionist at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. "If you are not losing weight, the first thing to check is if one of these key areas has slipped. And if so, what made your plan too hard to maintain? Can you think of three strategies to make your plan a little easier or more fun?"

We know, we know. But at least for now: "Cheese is so high in calories that if you eat it regularly (including pizza, enchiladas, and foods with cheese on or in them), these foods will contribute to your weight gain," suggests celebrity nutritionist Lisa DeFazio, MS, RDN. If you need some help following this tip, check out22 Genius Tips To Cut Back on Dairy, According to Experts.

"Eat carbohydrates during the day. But at dinner, eat protein, vegetables, and a small amount of carbs like a half-cup of sweet potato," says DeFazio. "After dinner, try not to eat anything and have a cup of herbal non-caffeinated tea," she adds. And when you do eat a carb, make sure it's one of these mouthwatering 25 Best Carbs for Weight Loss!

Spice is, well, the spice of life, right? "If you've been eating healthy, balanced meals and being active to reach a healthy weight, and you've reached a standstill, change it up! If you usually walk, how about trying a bike ride or a swim?" shares Kay. For some fun ideas, check out these astonishingly effective 20 ways to overcome a weight-loss plateau!

"When you strength train, you increase your RMR (resting metabolic rate)," says Hayim. "This means that at rest, you are burning more than you normally would. This elevated metabolic rate continues after the workout is done, meaning more calories burned."

Some research shows that consuming a higher percentage of your calories from protein (20-30 percent) while also following a strength-training routine can help you lose weight fast and the building of lean muscle, simultaneously. This doesn't mean totally cutting carbs or other food groups out of your dietyou need them to have the energy to workout!but it does mean replacing empty calories [from things like sugary drinks or sweets] with calories from protein. Lean up with one of these best protein shakes for weight loss!

Emerging research shows a correlation between gut health and weight. People who have more good bacteria in their guts tend to be a healthier weight, while overweight and obese individuals tend to have less of the good stuff in their gut. You can enhance the good bacteria in your gut by eating food rich in good bacteria (also known as probiotics) including yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut (look for the refrigerated versions of these to get the benefits). But don't stop there! You have to feed those good bacteria, and they eat prebiotics, which are found in fiber-rich food such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. As an added bonus, fiber helps to control your appetite and some studies show that having more good gut bacteria can reduce junk food cravings as well, and both of these things could help accelerate weight loss!

"Eat plenty of fiber by opting for at least seven one-cup servings of vegetables, two servings of fruits, and one cup of beans or lentils each day," says Hever. "Fiber, found exclusively in plants, signals your brain to stop eating. Thus, you can feel full with fewer calories and plenty of nutrition." Here are the best high-fiber foods that will get things movingfast.

Instead of reaching for your phone first thing in the A.M., befriend a tall, refreshing glass of water. "Start your day with water and drink at least half your body weight (in pounds) in ounces each day," suggests Hever. "Fill up on water to improve satiety and help you eat fewer overall calories." Slip a few invigorating summer staples into your meals like watermelon and cukes whose water content are high, too!

It's mmm mmmm good! Especially if infused with some fruit and sliced cukes. "This calorie-free beverage is an easy way to add volume and fill your stomach before you dig into your next meal," says registered dietitian Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE. "By drinking before the meal, you can offset hunger and allow yourself to eat smaller portions, promoting weight loss."

"Eat a piece of fruit, green salad with a low-fat dressing, raw vegetables, or soup before every meal," suggests Hever. "Research has shown that this will help you eat fewer overall calories at those meals due to the satiation those foods provide." Need some inspiration? Look no further than the 20 best-ever fat-burning soupsto help you lose weight fast.

You don't have to tell us twice! "Science shows that stress can trigger cravings for less healthy foods, as well as set your body up to store more fat. So, meditation, yoga, and taking time to do things you like to do are great healthy-weight strategies," says Kay.

Every tea has its own special weight-loss powers, but if your boat is sinking and you can only grab one package of tea before swimming to the deserted island, make it green tea. Green tea is the bandit that picks the lock on your fat cells and drains them away, even when we're not making the smartest dietary choices and aren't able to lose weight fast. Chinese researchers found that green tea significantly lowers triglyceride concentrations (potentially dangerous fat found in the blood) and belly fat in subjects who eat fatty diets.

Related:What Happens to Your Body If You Drink Tea Every Day

And eat your veggies at every mealand yes, we mean every. " Mix steamed veggies right into your meal! You'll significantly slash calories," say The Nutrition Twins. "The vegetables will make the meal much less calorie dense and you'll fill up faster. You'll be able to save some for the next day. For example: Don't just order pasta with shrimp, order a side of steamed broccoli and mix it right into the sauce. Do the same with all of your dishes!"

"Perform cardiovascular exercise first thing in the morning. This will ensure you kick off your metabolism-boosting for the day," says Hever. You don't necessarily have to go on a run or do a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout. Walking at a "brisk" pace (over 3.5 miles per hour) for 30 minutes is enough to get a cardiovascular workout.

"This sounds silly but fast eaters are more likely to overeat," says Palinski-Wade. And here's why it really works: "By simply putting your fork down in between bites, you can slow down your eating pace allowing your body more time to process your food and get the signal to your brain that you have eaten enough to be satisfied."

Straight from a nutritionist to music for your sweet, sweet ears: "[Enlist] carbohydrate-rich foods offer filling fiber and optimal nutrition to help you attain all you need with fewer calories than high-fat foods," says Hever. Some of our favorites are whole grains like quinoa and brown rice.

Individualized attention? Check. Customized plans tailored for your body and lose weight fast goals? You betch ya. "Nutritionists to the rescue! A professional nutritionist can review what you are doing and eating, and is likely to pinpoint the quickest healthiest ways to meet your personal goal," says Kay.

Been there, time to ditch that. "Focusing too much on the numbers on your scale may be missing the point. Weight is one indicator that you might check weekly, but focusing on your energy level and measurements like waist circumference are just as important. Give it time and don't give up; you are worth the effort," says Kay.

This simple switch can help you lose weight fast! "Most people eat several hundred calories of dessert but if you satisfy your sweet tooth with a piece of fruit, you'll get the sweet flavor, as well as the fiber to help prevent an energy crash and save yourself hundreds of calories," share The Nutrition Twins. For more little swaps than can lead to big gains, don't miss these 50 Little Things Making You Fatter and Fatter!

"Tons of research supports this idea," says Hayim. "We used to rely on three square meals throughout the day, but more research shows us that eating small meals helps drop the weight easier. This is useful because you avoid going long periods of time without food, which ultimately causes overconsumption, and also ensures that the fuel you put in, gets used, instead of stored."

"Whether you pour oil on your omelet at breakfast, in your salad at lunch, or in your pan to cook your dinner, each tablespoon adds 120 calories," explains The Nutrition Twins. "And chances are each time you pour the oil you are using more than a couple of tablespoons. Put your oil in a spray bottle, spritz it on your pot or your meal instead of pouring it and you'll save hundreds of calories each day and the weight will seem to fall off you."

From your healthy snacks to that bite-size mini Milky Way, write it all down! "Keeping record holds you accountable for what you put in your mouth," say The Nutrition Twins. "You won't forget you ate a few pieces of candy from your co-workers' candy jar if it's recorded in your food diary. Research shows when you write down what you eat you lose twice as much weight." Not a fan of pen and paper? Loads of websites make it a cinch to log what you eat each day, and they'll even tally up the nutrition and calorie counts for you to boot.

C'mon, speak up! And besides, you'll avoid that doused-in-too-much balsamic syndrome while you're at it. "Even the healthiest eaters can pack in additional calories without realizing it. One of the biggest culprits is excess salad dressing," states Palinski-Wade. "When you pour it on your salad, you consume dressing you may not even taste and often use a larger portion. Instead, ask for the dressing on the side this way you can dip each bite so you still enjoy the same flavor but with a much smaller amount." Click here to uncover even more of the 40 Habits That Make You Sick and Fat!

"Eat dinner on the early side so you can go to sleep without a full stomach," advises Hever. "Then stretch out breakfast until you are truly physically hungry. This will provide your body with a break to restore and rejuvenate and help you eat in accordance with your true hunger and satiety needs."

Salad plates work fine or invest in cute side plates that make you swoon every time you see 'em. "Research has shown that when we eat on larger plates, we can eat up to 31% more food than we realize," says Palinski-Wade. "Shrinking your plate size may help to shrink portions and calories, making weight loss easier."

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What Is Fat FastingAnd Is It Good For Weight Loss? An RD Weighs In – Women’s Health

Posted: June 24, 2020 at 8:48 pm

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Between all the trendy diets like low-carb, keto, and intermittent fasting, it can be hard to keep track and figure out what might actually work for you. What's more, plenty of these diets have led to all sorts of spin-offs and other versions, including this buzzy one: fat fasting.

While the name sounds a little counterintuitive, this diet involves upping your fat intake, but only for a short period of time. Read on for a full breakdown of the diet, with input from a registered dietitian.

Fat fasting is a very short-term high-fat, low-carb meal plan, usually lasting just three to five days, according to New Jersey-based dietitian Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, author of Belly Fat Diet For Dummies. Although this is not an actual fast, it is referred to as one since the body forced into a state of ketosis (when you're burning fat for energy) due to the high-fat, low-carbohydrate intake, explains Palinski-Wade.

While it sounds a little bit like a quickie keto diet, it's not the exact same thing. Unlike the keto diet, your calories are restricted to 1,000 to 1,200 per day with 80 to 90 percent coming from fat, which is slightly higher in fat and significantly lower in calories than the standard keto diet. But it's similar in that the focus is on increasing fat intake to achieve ketosis.

Yes, it can. However, any fat loss will likely not be sustainable. As mentioned, the fat fast forces the body into ketosis, which is the process your body uses to convert fat into energy when the body is starved of glucose, explains Palinski-Wade. Your body no longer uses glucose (which is produced from carbs) for fuel when you've been fasting, or when carbohydrate intake is very low, she adds.

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The very low carbohydrate content and low calorie level of the fat fast quickly forces the body into ketosis, Palinski-Wade explains. "[The method] has been touted as a way to break through weight loss plateaus, or for individuals on a ketogenic diet to get back into a state of ketosis after a cheat day, she notes.

Remember: The goal is to keep calories between 1,000 to 1,200 per day and consume 80 to 90 percent of your total calories from fat.

So, foods high in fat with few to no carbohydrates are the ideal choice for this diet, says Palinski-Wade. These can include both animal- and plant-based foods, such as:

Foods you'd want to avoid while fat fasting include:

Due to the extremely low calorie intake and very restricted meal plan choices, it would be next to impossible to meet your daily nutrient goals while following a fat fast, says Palinski-Wade.

This plan is promoted to only last three to five days as a jump start [to weight loss or fat burning], but restrictive diets such as these are unsustainable long term and generally result in binges after such periods of restriction, she explains. The very low calorie and carbohydrate intake of this fast may result in reduced energy, changes in mood, reduced endurance, and nausea and headaches.

For people with diabetes or those on blood glucose-lowering medication, this type of meal plan may also significantly increase the risk of hypoglycemia, she adds. This form of fasting may also negatively impact athletes and those with intensive exercise routines.

Palinski-Wade notes that she generally would not recommend this diet for, well, anyone. However, if someone did try this diet plan, they should be sure to discontinue it within three to five days to prevent nutrient deficiencies, she adds.

Generally crash diets like this plan result in rebound eating behaviors, yo-yo dieting, and unsustainable weight loss, she says. People with diabetes definitely should avoid this form of diet (or consult their medical team before starting) to prevent episodes of hypoglycemia.

The bottom line: Fat fasting may help you burn fat or get through a weight loss plateau temporarily, but the weight loss will likely not be sustainable and may lead to nutritional deficienciesand Palinski-Wade does not recommend this technique.

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What Is Fat FastingAnd Is It Good For Weight Loss? An RD Weighs In - Women's Health

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What Can You Drink While Intermittent Fasting? – Women’s Health

Posted: June 4, 2020 at 12:45 pm

Intermittent fasting (IF), an eating style that's typically paired with high-protein or keto diets, begs a lot of questions, especially if you're new to it. You might be curious what type of fasting schedule you should try, what the legit health benefits are, whether you'll experience any side effects, and what kind of weight-loss results you can expect. Another common question is whether you can have beverages, like coffee and water, during your fasting periods.

The short answer is: It depends on the beverage and the type of IF diet you're following (different types of intermittent fasting, from dry fasting to the Warrior Diet, have different guidelines). But a good rule of thumb is to avoid any drinks that have any calories while you're fasting, says New Jersey-based dietitian Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, author of 2 Day Diabetes Diet.

Consuming any carbs, proteins, or fats when you're trying to maintain a fasted state can negate the weight-loss benefits of intermittent fasting, she says. IF diets are also thought to lead to a reduction in insulin resistance and help control blood sugar, both of which can reduce your chances of becoming diabetic. These benefits can be quickly canceled out if you consume too many liquid calories during a period of what should be a fasted state.

Here's what you should know about all some of the most popular drinks you might *want* to consume while doing intermittent fasting, and whether or not they'll take you out of a fasted state.

You can drink it black. Black coffee is calorie-free, so it's fine to enjoy during the fasting phase. But adding in sugar, cream, or milk is best avoided, as it can add calories to the drink that can take you out of a fasted state.

If you do want to flavor your coffee during a fast, experiment with calorie-free flavoring from a spice like cinnamon, says Palinski-Wade. Save the coffee add-ons for your non-fast windows of time."

Additionally, avoid having more than one cup, or switch to decaf, when you're fasting. Excessive caffeine, especially on an empty stomach, may increase those jittery feelings which can often increase appetite and the desire to snack, she says.

Go for it. Just like coffee, tea is naturally calorie-free and fine to have during a fast, so long as its simply brewed tea that comes from tea bags, leaves, or flakes. Bottled ice tea is often heavily sweetened, so if you go that route, make sure youre opting for one that is unsweetened and not loaded with added sugar and calories, says Palinski-Wade. Caloric add-ons such as honey, milk or cream should be reserved for non-fasting times, just like with coffee.

Since tea is naturally lower in caffeine than coffee, you can have a bit more during fasts, however I would still recommend opting for decaf when possible, she says.

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Drink up. Water is naturally calorie-free so there's no need to restrict it, says Palinski-Wade. Water in general is a good idea to sip on during fasting times to ensure hydration but also as a way to fill your stomach and prevent hunger.

If you enjoy flavored water, you can add in fruit wedges or a splash of lemon or lime juice (or a splash of another juice) as long as it is a true "splash" (around one tablespoon per 12 ounces) and doesnt add more than a trivial amount of calories, says Palinski-Wade. Carbonated water/seltzer can be treated in the same way as water, as long as it is naturally flavored and calorie-free.

Skip it. If you're wondering if you can drink soda (or diet soda) while you're doing intermittent fasting, Palinski-Wade recommends staying away from soda in general, even if youre not following a diet like intermittent fasting.

Regular sodas are usually loaded with sugar and calories and offer no nutritional value, she says. There also isnt enough data and research to say whether diet soda is okay to drink during IF, but research suggests that consuming too many artificial sweeteners (as diet sodas tend to have) can increase cravings and appetite, as well as promote weight gain and the storage of fat.

Your best bet is to limit all sodas as much as possible and satisfy carbonation cravings with seltzer or carbonated water, she says.

Pass on it. Alcohol should never be consumed when in a fasting period, as its effects can be intensified when consumed on an empty stomach, says Palinski-Wade. Alcohol is also a source of calories, so drinking it would break your fast while also likely stimulating your appetite and leading to increased hunger and cravings.

This depends on the fasting schedule you're following, and you should discuss any supplements with your doctor before beginning to take them, says Palinski-Wade. If you fast for a set amount of hours each day, take your supplements during the eating hours (unless otherwise instructed by your doctor or dietitian), since most supplements like a multivitamin are better absorbed when taken with food.

If you practice intermittent fasting that involves fasting on specific days, like the 5:2 diet, taking supplements is still recommended to ensure you are meeting your nutrient needs each day. Palinski-Wade recommends taking a high-quality multivitamin daily when following any IF plan.

Generally, the small amount of calories found in a chewable/gummy/liquid vitamin would not offset a fast day, she says. "But do discuss this with your doctor or dietitian first to make sure you can take your supplement on an empty stomach.

The bottom line: At the end of the day, you want to consume close to zero calories during fasting periods. By avoiding sweetened drinks like soda and bottled iced tea, as well as caloric add-ons in your hot beverages, you can ensure you follow your IF plan correctly and successfully.

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What Can You Drink While Intermittent Fasting? - Women's Health

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Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss: Doctors Explain If It …

Posted: May 22, 2020 at 11:46 pm

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Youve no doubt seen plenty of stories on social media touting apple cider vinegar (ACV) as a belly fat-melting elixir that can help you lose weight. But does it actually work? Many holistic health experts and Instagram influencers swear by the stuff. But whether ACV will really help you squeeze into a smaller pair of jeans isnt quite so straightforward. Heres what experts and the research actually says about apple cider vinegar for weight loss.

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Let's get one thing clear up front: Theres only a small amount of evidence directly tying ACV to weight loss in humans. One study in the Journal of Functional Foods, which followed 39 adults, found that participants who consumed a tablespoon of ACV at lunch and dinner, while cutting 250 calories per day, lost 8.8 pounds in 12 weeks. On the other hand, those who cut the same number of calories but didnt consume ACV lost only 5 pounds.

In another study in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 144 obese adults were randomly assigned to drink either a placebo or one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, those who drank two tablespoons had lost close to 4 pounds, while those who drank one tablespoon lost 2.5 pounds. (Those who drank the placebo actually gained a little bit of weight.)

However, those findings alone dont prove that ACV is a magic fat melter. These studies were done on very small populations, says registered dietitian Erin Palinksi-Wade, R.D., C.D.E., L.D.N. But the consistent results indicate that ACV may be a beneficial tool in reducing body weight.

Whats more clear? ACV seems to have properties that could potentially support your weight-loss efforts. For instance, a 2013 study from the Journal of Functional Foods suggests that drinking apple cider vinegar before eating is linked to smaller blood sugar spikes. Another 2010 study from the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism shows that having two teaspoons of ACV during meal time could help reduce sugar crashes and keep blood sugar levels stabilized. Why this happens isn't totally clear, but nutrition researchers like Carol Johnston, Ph.D., who has studied ACV at Arizona State University for years, suspects that compounds in the vinegar interfere with the absorption of some starches.

That matters because blood sugar highs and lows tend to lead to cravings for sugary snacks. So if apple cider vinegar can help control blood sugar, this could help manage cravings and portion control, potentially leading to fewer calories consumed, explains registered dietitian Amy Goodson, M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D., L.D.

What's more, a 2014 study from the Journal of Food Science suggests that vinegars, such as apple cider vinegar, can help reduce the effects of diabetes and prevent cardiovascular disease due to its antioxidant activity. Apple cider vinegar has high levels of a polyphenol called chlorogenic acid, which could help improve heart health by inhibiting the oxidation of bad LDL cholesterol.

Its also possible that ACV might directly make you want to eat less. One study by Johnston in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that participants who drank the stuff before a meal consumed up to 275 fewer calories throughout the rest of the day. But again, the reasons behind that are murky. ACV could boast compounds that actually suppress your appetite. But drinking it could also just be so unpleasant that you end up getting turned off from food for the rest of the day.

Drinking ACV alone isnt going to help you reach your goal weight, but theres a small chance it could support the efforts that we know work for weight loss, like eating a healthy diet and exercising more.

And it wont likely hurt you, say Goodson and Palinski-Wadeas long as you dont overdo it. Like all vinegars, ACVs high acidity can irritate your throat and strip tooth enamel, Johnston says. Stick with a tablespoon no more than twice daily, and always dilute it in eight ounces of water, recommends Palinski-Wade. ACV should never be consumed straight, she warns.

Wondering about the best time to take apple cider vinegar? You can drink a tablespoon of ACV diluted in eight ounces of water up to twice a dayideally, before or with a meal. Thatll increase the chances that the ACV will boost your satiety and help keep your blood sugar steady, Palinski-Wade says. If you cant stomach the idea of drinking vinegar, think about working it into your meals instead. Try drizzling ACV and olive oil over a salad or steamed veggies, Palinski-Wade suggests. Or add a tablespoon of ACV to a smoothie.

As for the best apple cider to drink? You want to choose an ACV thats labeled raw and unfiltered. Unfiltered versions contain proteins, enzymes, and healthy bacteria from the vinegar starter or mother, Palinski-Wade says. Try Bragg Organic Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar or Spectrum Organic Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar.

Apple Spice Smoothie

This filling smoothie features apple cider vinegar, coconut water, Greek yogurt, cinnamon, and chopped apple. Get the recipe

3-Bean Salad

A flavorful side dish, this three-bean salad offers a hefty dose of fiber and plant-based protein. Pair it with a main entree of chicken or fish. Get the recipe

Rosemary Potato Salad Recipe

Infused with the bold flavors of rosemary, Dijon mustard, and apple cider vinegar, this side salad is sure to steal the spotlight. Get the recipe

Pork Chops With Celery Root and Apple Slaw

Apple cider vinegar is the key ingredient in the flavorful sauce of this delicious pork chops dish. Get the recipe

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16 Tips For Losing Weight After 40, According To Experts – Women’s Health

Posted: April 24, 2020 at 3:49 am

Even if you've considered yourself an active person all your life, losing weight after 40 can feel like an uphill battle. That's because your body composition, metabolism, and hormones all change as you age, so the weight-loss methods you've used in the past may not be as effective or quick when you're a little bit older.

"One of the reasons that it's difficult to lose weight in your 40s is that you are beginning to lose muscle mass, so the composition of your body tissue changes," explains Keri Peterson, MD, Women's Health advisor. "Having higher muscle mass raises your metabolism, so your body burns more calories." So when you're dealing with the oppositeless muscle massthat means a slower metabolism. Argh.

Another thing that can slow metabolism is menopause, notes Dr. Peterson. Although, for some women, the process doesn't happen until their 50s, the transitional period into menopause can start in your 40s. And the hormonal changes associated with menopause can also make it harder to lose weight.

Despite those changes, it's not all doom and gloom when it comes to weight loss in your 40s. Losing weight may just require some new techniques you haven't had to use before, or slight tweaks to power up your old ones.

To jumpstart your weight loss, the biggest focus should be to develop habits that will help you build or maintain your muscle mass. "The most effective way that women over 40 can boost their metabolism is by building muscle through weight-lifting and resistance training," says Dr. Peterson (more on that to come). But nutrition and sleep habits also play a role here.

Let's get down to business: If you're having a hard time achieving your weight-loss goals after 40, these 16 expert-backed tips for losing weight in your 40s are totally doable and can nudge your body in the right direction again. (And, tbh, they're wise for anyone looking to move the needle to keep in mindnot just those over 40.) You'll be on your way to a stronger, healthier you in no time.

When your metabolism is naturally a bit slower in your 40s and older, you generally have to consume fewer caloriesand be strategic in how you divvy up your calories and macrosin order to maintain or lose weight. These general guidelines can help you gauge whether you need to make additional dietary changes to jumpstart your weight loss again.

Vegetables in particular are generally low in calories, yet still packed with vitamins and minerals, and you can eat them in large amounts. "These are rich in fiber which makes you feel full and they're nutrient-dense," says Dr. Peterson.

Erin Palinski-Wade, RD and nutrition and diabetes expert, adds that you can use fruits and veggies to help exercise portion control, too. "If you aim to fill half your plate with vegetables, it can help you to reduce the portion size of the other foods while feeling just as satisfied," she explains. "And since vegetables provide few calories, this strategy can reduce your overall calorie intake at each meal, helping to promote weight loss.

Your body has to work harder (meaning it burns more calories) digesting protein than it does fat or carbs, so Palinski-Wade recommends the strategy of upping protein intake to many of her clients, including women who are 40 and over. "Although I dont promote very high-protein diets, increasing your protein intake from 15 percent of your total calories to 30 percent can help you boost the calories your body burns during digestion, which may just help speed weight loss."

Sarah Mirkin, RDN, author of Fill Your Plate Lose the Weight, recommends 20 to 30 grams of protein per meal. "Its important to take in that amount of protein at all your meals, and ideally include high protein snacks as well," Mirkin says. "This helps to prevent lean muscle protein breakdown that decreases muscle mass percentage, increases fat percentage, and slows the metabolic rate. Muscle burns calories. Fat doesnt."

Not totally sure how to calculate your macros on your own? Consider working with a nutritionist to figure out your numbersthen you can use a macro calculator to track your food intake and make sure you're hitting those numbers. There are lots of free calculators online, and you can also ask your RD to point you in the right direction.

Yeah, you've probs heard that diet tip beforeas it's wise for anyone trying to lose weight. Fried foods contain a whole lot of fat and contribute to weight gainsimple as that. But again, in your 40s, you deal with natural physiological changes that make it *even* tougher to shed excess weight, so overdoing it on fried foods has larger consequences. "A 20 year old can get away with eating empty calorie meals. A 40 year old usually cannot on a semi regular basis," Mirkin points out. "Until we are age 20, [our] bodies are building muscle. After age 20, it stops."

Instead, swap your fried foods for oven-baked options (think: homemade baked sweet potato fries instead of the fried deal), suggests Palinski-Wade. "You still enjoy the same great-tasting foods but can save around 100 calories or more per meal." Score.

If you're a breakfast person, what you eat in the a.m. can set the tone for the rest of your day as far as weight loss goes (whether you're 40 or not!). "A breakfast rich in lean protein, fiber, and plant-based fats is the best option for curbing hunger and cravings later in the day," notes Palinski-Wade. In other words, start off with a breakfast that fits this bill, and you may end up slashing calories throughout the rest of the day.

It's a myth that eating at night leads to weight gain, Palinksi-Wade points out; it's more about what you're eating at night that can be an issue when it comes to weight management. "Since most of us dont have a salad for a midnight snack, if you find you tend to eat calorie-dense, high-sugar foods in the evening (like a bowl of ice cream) setting guidelines as to when to stop eating may help you to lose weight faster."

That delicious plate you just bought or cooked up might temp you to gobble it up in just a few bites, but that's probably not a good idea, says Palinski-Wade. "Eating slowly, eliminating distractions at meals, and even putting your fork down in between bites all allow you to get in touch with your bodys satiety signals and to stop eating when satisfied."

Mirkin adds that they key is listening to your body. "Eat when youre hungry, not starved," she saysand stop when you are satisfied, not stuffed. "Try to include small, frequent meals that are high in protein and vegetables with a small amount of healthy fat to fuel your body evenly throughout the day."

"Soda is just empty calories from sugar and provides no nutritional benefit," says Palinski-Wade. In addition, drinking simple sugars can spike blood sugar and insulin levels, causing your body to store more fat, she addsfat that will be tougher to shed over 40. Instead, swap the soda for naturally flavored seltzer, she suggests.

It's an easy way to cut calories, notes Dr. Peterson. "Plus, drinking often leads to making poor food choices." Palinki-Wade recommends reserving your night-cap for one day a week, since alcohol can stimulate appetite and make it easier to overindulge.

It's no secret that your hormone levels change as you enter menopause. "During menopause, the hormone estradiol decreases. Since this hormone helps to regulate metabolism, a decrease may lead to weight gain," says Palinski-Wade.

But paying attention to your diet can help with these hormonal changes. "Eating foods that are rich in phytoestrogen (dietary estrogen), such as flax seed, sesame seeds, dried fruits, and soybeans, may help to offset this hormonal change," she explains.

Again, the big thing to think about when it comes to your workouts at this age is building and maintaining muscle mass. Dr. Peterson suggests getting in 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day. The more you move, the more of a calorie deficit you'll have, meaning increased weight loss.

Julie Diamond, a NASM-certified personal trainer who's worked with older clients, recommends women over 40 strength train three to five times a week.

Unfortunately, you can't just focus on one area of your body. "Women should focus on all muscle groups in order to lose weight and build muscle because there's no such thing as spot training," Diamond reminds. "With that said, women have a tendency to gain weight in the midsection as we age and focusing on the core and a well-balanced workout will help to reshape body composition."

You may be super committed to your goal of dropping a few pounds, but remember rest days are important. "I see this mistake so often and it backfires every time," says Mirkin. "Your body perceives this as [a] major stressor on the body and your metabolism slows down to preserve body fat." Craving a break? Take ityour bod will thank you.

Sometimes the needle won't budge because of behaviors that have become second nature over 40. Consider adapting these lifestyle changes, and you may start to see real weight-loss progress.

Palinski-Wade says that people who track what they eat tend to lose more weight than those who don't. "Thats most likely because these individuals are more aware of what they are putting into their body, which can help them to make better choices and better moderate [their] portion size."

If you're unsure of how many calories you need to consume to maintain your weight, there are calories calculators you can use, adds Dr. Peterson. "[They] tell you the amount of calories you need to consume to maintain your weight based on your gender, age, height and activity level."

Stress, which plenty of women experience more of as they age and work and family responsibilities pile up, can lead to an increase in hormones like cortisol, which cause your body to store fat rather than burning it. To minimize your stress, Palinski-Wade suggests practicing breathing exercises every day, especially before bed.

Another option? Eat foods rich in vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids, which Palinski-Wade says have been found to reduce the levels of circulating stress hormones in the body.

Hypthyroidism, a condition where the body doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone, can sometimes lead to weight gain, but weight gain alone isn't a sign of hypothyroidism. This condition tends to affect women more in middle age, so it's important to rule it out if you're struggling with weight loss and get the treatment you need.

If you are taking the appropriate measures (e.g., eating enough of a calorie deficit for your age and body composition, stressing less, and working on strength training) and still not losing weight, and you also have other symptoms of hypothyroidism (such as constipation, fatigue, dry hair and nails), then it may be worth considering getting your thyroid levels checked," advises Dr. Peterson.

Difficulty sleeping can be a symptom of menopause, so it's not uncommon for women in their 40s to struggle with getting enough sleep. Unfortunately, this can also cause weight gain. "When you get less than seven hours of restful sleep, metabolic changes occur that can make it significantly harder to lose weight," says Palinksi-Wade. "The appetite hormone ghrelin is increased while leptin (which controls hunger cues) is reduced, triggering an increased desire to eat, especially for foods rich in fat and sugar. Insulin resistance increases, which can trigger the body to store fat."

If you're struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep, try these tips for making your bedroom the optimal sleep environment.

Dr. Peterson and Palinski-Wade both agree that a support system can keep you accountable at any age. "Its much easier to motivate yourself to go to the gym when a friend is there waiting for you. And its much easier to eat nutritious meals when your family and friends arent pressuring you to have another cookie," says Palinski-Wade.

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Should You Try Keto for Weight Loss? Here’s What Nutritionists Really Think – msnNOW

Posted: October 22, 2019 at 9:46 am

photka - Getty Images The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet touted for rapid weight lossbut does it really work? Here, nutritionists explain how effective it is for long-term weight loss and whether or not you should try it.With menus filled with cheese, bacon, and juicy steaks, it's easy to understand why the keto diet is so enticing. Not only is the extremely high-fat, low-carb eating plan one of the most buzzed about diets out there, but it has been touted for its ability to help you shed major pounds, boost your energy, and possibly even lower your bad LDL cholesterol levels.

But does science actually support the hype surrounding keto? As with any restrictive diet, it may help you lose weightbut for how long? Before you start swearing off all those delicious carbs, heres what to consider before you try the keto diet for weight loss.

The ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet designed to induce ketosis, a metabolic process whereby your body uses fat storage for energy instead of sugar, which is the bodys preferred energy source. Unlike other low-carb diets, which allow anywhere from 20 to 60 grams of carbohydrates a day, the recommended carb intake on the keto diet is less than 20 grams per daythats less than a single apple, banana, or sweet potato.

Another difference between keto and other low-carb diets is the percentage of calories from protein. Sports dietitian and owner of Eleat Sports Nutrition Angie Asche, MS, RD, says a common misunderstanding is that keto is high in protein (like Atkins) but it actually limits you to no more than 20 percent of your total calories from protein, to allow for over 70 percent to come from fat.

The keto diet was originally introduced in the 1920s as a treatment for epilepsy, but it has gained mainstream popularity over the past few years. So why are people so obsessed with keto now? For one, keto is often seen as a quick fix for rapid weight lossand celebrities like Halle Berry (who seems to be aging in reverse), have had success on the diet, says registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator Erin Palinkski-Wade.

The fact that weight loss occurs on the keto diet, which includes foods that would traditionally be limited on diets, such as bacon and eggs covered with butter and cheese, doesnt hurt either, adds Christy Brissette, MS, RD, president of 80 Twenty Nutrition in Chicago.

As with most diets that drastically reduce or eliminate certain food groups, the keto diet has been shown to aid in weight loss. This is likely due to the satiating effect of high-fat foods. When you feel full, you have less of an appetite and end up eating fewer calories.

While weight loss is shown to occur in short-term studies, the research is mixed on whether or not keto diets lead to greater fat losses when compared to higher carbohydrate diets, Asche says. Research also shows that while fat loss occurs, so does lean muscle mass loss, since youre consuming less protein than you normally would.

So yes, you may lose weight rapidly when you start the keto diet, but unless you follow the plan strictly and stay in a state of ketosis, gaining that weight back is very likely. The keto diet isnt calorie-restricted, but the types of foods you can eat are significantly restricted, meaning youll probably have a hard time sticking to it for the long-term.

Researchers have also explored the keto diets effect on numerous health conditions, including diabetes and pre-diabetes, heart disease, Alzehimers disease, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and even acne.

For those with diabetes, a ketogenic diet has been found to be beneficial in reducing insulin resistance and promoting improved blood glucose control, says Palinksi-Wade, who is also the author of the 2-Day Diabetes Diet.

Although there is research showing adherence to the keto diet for up to three years can improve heart disease risk factors, Brissette says positive changes in these values happen with any weight loss diet, so its tough to say whether its the diet in particular or the weight loss that leads to these improvements. The research tells us the keto diet isnt any better than other diets for improving these values.

There are three main reasons to stay away from the keto diet.

If the keto diet may help you lose weight or improve certain health markers, why wouldnt you do it? The answer is simple: Its very restrictive, so its not ideal for long-term for weight loss.

Palinski-Wade says she personally has clients who follow a keto diet and are successful, but for the majority of people who go on this plan, I find they typically jump on board hoping for a quick fix and are unable to maintain the lifestyle long-term.

Asche agrees that the diet is sustainable for some people long-term, but unless you are content with never eating carbs again, its just not realistic.

The keto diet can also impact your enjoyment of food and how you experience food-centric events, like family dinners, brunch with friends, or happy hour with coworkers. Because keto requires strict adherence that doesnt allow wiggle room for occasional splurges, it can get in the way of enjoying everyday life.

This type of restriction might even make you a bit obsessive, where you have to track every last gram, macro, never allowing yourself to splurge on anything containing carbs or sugar in fear of knocking you out of ketosis, Asche says.

Yes, it could promote weight loss, but there are several other methods to losing weight successfully that dont involve restricting entire food groups, counting every last carbohydrate, counting your percentage of fat and protein intake daily, and being limited to meat, dairy, eggs, avocado, coconut, and low-carb vegetables, she says.

If the thought of missing out on your favorite carbs doesnt bother you, the side effects of the keto diet may. Headaches, bad breath, and lack of energy (collectively referred to as keto flu) are common when people start the keto diet. Not to mention, you may experience constipation because your fiber intake plummets.

Brissette also warns that the keto diet could also cause your body to use muscle for energy, which could slow down your metabolism and reduce your strength over time.

If losing weight is a major goal for you this year, consider exploring all of your options (preferably with your doctor and a registered dietitian nutritionist) before you commit to a diet. There are many other eating plans for weight loss that are not as restrictive, are more sustainable, and have more research behind them.

Brissette recommends the Mediterranean diet (which was named the best diet to try in 2019) as one fantastic example of a way of eating thats been tried and tested over many generations and has been consistently shown to promote longevity and reduce the risk of chronic disease. The best part? It promotes a balanced plate of healthy, delicious foodscarbs included.

If you decide to give keto a try, its important to include plenty of minimally processed whole foods, such as low-carb vegetables, plant-based fats such as avocado, olive oil, and nuts, and lean proteins such as fish and poultry. As with any major dietary change, its best to follow it under the care of a registered dietitian nutritionist or doctor.

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Weight loss: Are you making THIS common calorie mistake when trying to lose weight? –

Posted: July 1, 2017 at 2:47 pm

There is an overwhelming amount of advice when it comes to losing weight.

The conflicting information can lead to confusion about which method is the most effective.

From which food groups to eat and when to eat them, from what exercise and how much, there are many variables which can help you along your road to health.

But there are some mistakes many of us are making which can prevent weight loss.

One of the first areas people are usually advised to control if they want to shed pounds is calorie intake.


The calories in-calories out deficit can lead to sustainable weight loss, according to experts.

Women are recommended to eat 2,000 calories per day to maintain weight on average, while men are advised to eat 2,500.

For weight loss of one pound per week, these numbers fall to 1,500 and 2,000 respectively.

But taking this method too far will have the opposite effect.

A survey of 2,000 British adults discovered that 44 per cent didnt know what their daily calorie intake should be.

Eating too few calories is one of the major mistakes people make when it comes to downsizing.

1 of 12


Not consuming enough calories can significantly slow down your metabolism, having the opposite effect to the one you desire.

A 2008 study published in the Environmental health Prevention Medicine journal found short-term energy restriction led to a significant decrease in basal metabolic rate (BMR) for participants.

Another study published in 2015 found eating too few calories leads to a fall in insulin secretion and body fluid balance.

So how many calories should you eat to lose weight? That comes down to the individual, according to experts.

The NHS has a free BMI calculator to give you a better idea of how many calories you should be eating each day.


It's great to be aware of calorie needs because it forces you to measure portions

Elizabeth Ward

Dietician Elizabeth Ward told Womans Day: "Determining the right number of calories for your body is highly educational if you have never paid much mind to calories before.

It's great to be aware of calorie needs because it forces you to measure portions, so if you can learn how many portions you need for a healthy weight, you can quit thinking about every calorie.

Dietician Erin Palinski-Wade said: "Be aware of your total calories needs and intake. Focus on a meal plan rich in fiber, plant-based fats, and lean proteins to promote satiety, which will naturally help you to control your portions and lose weight while taking in nutrients that promote health."

As a general guideline, women shouldnt dip below the 1,500 calories per day recommendation and men should stick to at least 2,000.

Otherwise your body may go into starvation mode and refuse to lose weight.

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Eating Salt May Actually Help With Weight Loss, New Research Suggests – Yahoo Health

Posted: May 16, 2017 at 12:41 pm

Astudy has concluded that our fundamental knowledge of salt is apparently totally off base and this news will make lovers of salty food quite hopeful.

According to an April 2017 study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, German scientists found that people who eat more salt are actually less thirsty than originally thought, although hungrier. They also discovered that the more salt mice consumed, the more calories they burned. In fact, these rodents needed to take in 25 percent more foodjust to maintain their weight.

Jens Titze, the lead author, has been studying this topic since 1991, when he was a medical student in Berlin, according to a report from the New York Times. This investigation eventually led to examining the effect a high-sodium diet had on crew members from a Russian space program, as well as mice.

So should salt be considered the newest weight loss food?

Its hard to say based on limited data, Randy Wexler,M.D., an associate professorof family medicine at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, tells Yahoo Beauty. We do, at times, become surprised at what we thought we knew. However, this requires more evaluation to know if this is true.

Erin Palinski-Wade, author of Belly Fat Diet for Dummies, explains to Yahoo Beauty that according to the study findings, high sodium intake triggered an increasing production of glucocorticoid hormones to break down fat and muscle. And this does require energy, so it would indicate that calorie expenditure may increase with a high sodium diet, she says. However, increased appetite was also seen with elevated sodium intakes, so I would not recommend this strategy as a form of weight loss.

As for the currently understood role sodium plays in weight, Wexler states that at its most basic level, increased sodium causes water retention, which leads to weight gain. However, in general, the body reaches a steady state or if the salt load was temporary, then the individual will go through diuresis [urinate more], and weight will usually return to baseline, he continues. As for salt stimulating weight fluctuations through other mechanisms, it is conceivable but still not possible to say.

Palinski-Wade adds that further research may also conclude that high-sodium diets may not lead to weight gain. Yet in real-life settings, diets rich in sodium are usually this way due to an increased intake of processed foods, she explains. If you eat a diet high in sodium from fast foods, processed foods, excessive snacks, etc., you are most likely also taking in a diet rich in refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, and calories, which would cause weight gain regardless of your sodium intake.

Both experts also agree that salt regulation remains a complex issue.

For example, we know salt also causes changes in cardiac function and the pliability of blood vessels in a manner separate from water retention, which can impact cardiac function, says Wexler. Salt also plays a role in any number of body mechanisms, though it is not always clear. The bottom line is we are still learning much about salt and how it impacts the body, which can be said of many things about how the body works.

And Palinski-Wade points out that separate research suggests that some individuals are more sodium sensitive than others, which calls into question whether studies such as this current one apply to the general population or just a percentage of people.

As a nutrition professional, my ultimate goal is to have my weight loss clients focus on a nutrient-rich diet filled with vegetables, fruits, fiber, and whole grains, along with lean proteins and plant-based fats, Palinski-Wade concludes. Although sodium should be a focus, a well-rounded diet that is focused on whole foods over processed foods is, in my opinion, a more important focus.

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