Search Results for: sam pinto weight loss

Study: Weight Watchers as Successful as Clinical Weight-Loss Programs

Posted: October 10, 2012 at 2:17 am

Commercial weight-loss programs like Weight Watchers may be just as effective in losing weight as clinical programs, and the key ingredient to success in both programs is buddying up, according to a new study published Tuesday in the journal Obesity.

In the study, 141 overweight and obese adults were randomly assigned into one of three groups -- a weight-loss behavioral program led by a health professional, or Weight Watchers, led by peers who had achieved their own weight-loss success, or a combination of both programs.

Overweight and obese adults who participate in any of the three weight-loss treatments that involved group counseling, whether it was with a health professional or with peers, as well as physical activity and diet change lost a significant amount of weight nearly a year later, the study found.

"When people who are working on a similar problem get together, they can support each other so they don't feel alone in this weight-loss journey," said Angela Pinto, assistant professor of psychology at Baruch College of the City University of New York and lead researcher.

"With the group idea, there's a sense of belonging," said Pinto, adding that participants may be more likely to complete their weight-loss goal when others are working with them.

Participants in both programs lost about the same amount of weight in total. However, more than double the number of participants enrolled in the Weight Watchers program lost 10 percent or more of their starting weight compared with the other two groups.

The outcome of the study showed that Weight Watchers can produce clinically relevant weight loss, according to Pinto.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans are considered overweight or obese, according to the American Dietetic Association.

The study is the first to provide a head-to-head comparison between a commercial weight loss program and a clinical weight loss program.

The findings suggest that people who are looking to lose weight more affordably can still do so successfully, the researchers said.

Study: Weight Watchers as Successful as Clinical Weight-Loss Programs

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Study: Weight Watchers Equals Clinical Programs

Posted: October 10, 2012 at 2:17 am

Commercial weight-loss programs like Weight Watchers may be just as effective in losing weight as clinical programs, and the key ingredient to success in both programs is buddying up, according to a new study published Tuesday in the journal Obesity.

In the study, 141 overweight and obese adults were randomly assigned into one of three groups -- a weight-loss behavioral program led by a health professional, or Weight Watchers, led by peers who had achieved their own weight-loss success, or a combination of both programs.

Overweight and obese adults who participate in any of the three weight-loss treatments that involved group counseling, whether it was with a health professional or with peers, as well as physical activity and diet change lost a significant amount of weight nearly a year later, the study found.

"When people who are working on a similar problem get together, they can support each other so they don't feel alone in this weight-loss journey," said Angela Pinto, assistant professor of psychology at Baruch College of the City University of New York and lead researcher.

"With the group idea, there's a sense of belonging," said Pinto, adding that participants may be more likely to complete their weight-loss goal when others are working with them.

Participants in both programs lost about the same amount of weight in total. However, more than double the number of participants enrolled in the Weight Watchers program lost 10 percent or more of their starting weight compared with the other two groups.

The outcome of the study showed that Weight Watchers can produce clinically relevant weight loss, according to Pinto.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans are considered overweight or obese, according to the American Dietetic Association.

The study is the first to provide a head-to-head comparison between a commercial weight loss program and a clinical weight loss program.

The findings suggest that people who are looking to lose weight more affordably can still do so successfully, the researchers said.

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Study: Weight Watchers Equals Clinical Programs

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Study: Weight Watchers comparable to clinical weight loss programs

Posted: October 10, 2012 at 2:17 am

A new study suggests weight-loss programs such as Weight Watchers may be just as beneficial as clinical programs likely because both use group-based approaches to achieve weight loss, according to U.S. News and World Report.

"Group-based weight-loss treatment produced weight loss, whether delivered by a professional or peer counselor," study author Angela Pinto, assistant professor of psychology at Baruch College of the City University of New York, told U.S. News and World Report. "When people are in a group with others on the same journey, they feel there is that element of, 'OK, this worked for him or her, perhaps it will work for me. Perhaps I can give it a try.'"

Pinto and her colleagues assigned 141 overweight and obese people to one of three groups. The first group was assigned to 48 weeks of behavioral weight-loss treatment from a health professional, the second participated in Weight Watchers for 48 weeks and the third received combined treatment the first 12 weeks were spent with a health professional and the next 36 weeks in Weight Watchers.

Pinto chose Weight Watchers because it is the largest commercial program in the United States, according to U.S. News and World Report.

After 48 weeks, participants in the Weight Watchers Group had lost the most weight 13.2 pounds while those in a professional program lost 11.9 pounds. The combination group lost 7.9 pounds on average.

Furthermore, the participants in in the Weight Watchers group were more likely to lose 10 percent or more of their starting weight than the other groups. Losing 10 percent of body weight is widely considered as a bench mark for reducing disease risk.

The study was published Tuesday in the journal Obesity.

Click for more from U.S. News and World Report.

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Study: Weight Watchers comparable to clinical weight loss programs

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22 effective tips to lose belly fat, according to experts – Netdoctor

Posted: September 18, 2020 at 1:56 pm

Visceral fat, also known as abdominal or belly fat, is fat that develops around your mid-section, surrounding vital organs like your liver and pancreas. Its different to subcutaneous fat, which you can pinch with your hands.

In healthy amounts, subcutaneous fat has several important functions it insulates and regulates the temperature of your body, for example. Belly fat, by contrast, promotes long-lasting inflammation, which can increase your risk of chronic diseases.

We asked Dr Samantha Wild, GP at Bupa UK, and Clarissa Lenherr, nutritionist at Bioniq, for their tips on how to lose belly fat for good:

Fat cells dont simply store energy, they also produce hormones and secrete inflammatory substances into the body. For this reason, having high levels of any type of body fat is bad for your health but this type of belly fat is the most villainous.

Whether youre overweight or not, carrying more visceral fat around your stomach can increase your risk of health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart and circulatory problems, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnoea, Dr Wild explains.

Since this kind of belly fat wraps around your internal organs, its hard to tell how much you carry. Were all at risk of developing visceral fat, so its really important we manage our lifestyle by making small, sustainable changes to help keep us healthy, says Wild.

Heres how:

If you arent already eating a source of lean protein such as salmon, eggs, or lentils at every mealtime, nows the time to start. Not only is it incredibly satiating eating protein stimulates the hormone PYY, which reduces appetite and promotes fullness but it also protects your body composition as you lose weight.

When youre in a calorie deficit, you risk losing muscle as well as fat. Eating adequate amounts of protein staves off hunger while preserving muscle mass, a University of Illinois study found. Recommended intake varies from person to person the reference intake in the UK is set at 0.83 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, Lenherr explains.

Keeping well hydrated is important for many reasons but did you know that drinking a pint of water three times a day before mealtimes could also help your weight loss efforts? In a 12-week University of Birmingham study, obese adults who drank 500ml of water half an hour before eating their main meals lost 3.5kg more than a control group who did so once or not at all. Aim to drink around six to eight glasses of water each day, says Wild.

When you eat soluble fibre, it forms a gel-like consistency that slows digestion, promoting fullness and decreasing the number of calories your body absorbs from food. Its also linked to lower levels of belly fat. For every 10g increase in soluble fibre eaten per day the equivalent of eating two small apples, 130g green peas and 85g pinto beans belly fat was reduced by 3.7 per cent over five years, an observational study by researchers from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Centre found.

The recommended daily intake of fibre is 30g, while the average UK individual consumes just 18g, according to the British Dietetic Association, says Lenherr. Fibre plays a huge role in digestion, cardiovascular health, balanced blood sugar, weight management, hormone health and more. To increase your fibre intake, include whole grains, nuts and seeds, pulses and fruits and vegetables into your daily diet.

Cortisol is a stress hormone released by the adrenal glands. It affects fat distribution by causing fat to be stored centrally as belly fat rather than peripherally, at the hips. The more cortisol you release, the greater your levels of this type of fat, a Yale study found. Think about your lifestyle where you can, try to reduce your stress levels, says Wild. Your mental wellbeing is just as important as your physical health, so take some time to focus on yourself. Make sure you spend time relaxing, too.

The type of fat you eat determines where it will be stored in your body. In a seven-week study by Uppsala University, participants gained weight by consuming excess calories from either muffins made of saturated fat (palm oil) or polyunsaturated fat (sunflower oil). Those who ate the saturated fat muffins gained more body fat, more belly fat, and three times less muscle than the group who ate muffins made with polyunsaturated fat. Additionally, monounsaturated fatty acids found abundantly in olive oil, as well as peanuts and avocados have been shown to have beneficial effects on belly fat.

Soft drinks appear to be even worse for belly fat than consuming high sugar foods, since your brain is less efficient at registering liquid calories (this is true of fruit juice, too). Studies have consistently shown a correlation between sweetened beverage consumption and an increase in belly fat. In a six-year observational study by the American Heart Association, among those who drank one soft drink daily, belly fat volume increased by 852 centimetres cubed.

They may be free from sugar, but diet drinks packed with artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, saccharin, or sucralose also play havoc with your waistline. Another observational study, this time by the University of Illinois, found that drinkers of diet soda compensate for the absence of calories by eating greater quantities of discretionary foods such as cookies, ice cream, chocolate, fries and pastries.

People who pay a high degree of attention to their present thoughts and feelings known as dispositional mindfulness are less likely to be obese and have less abdominal fat than people who do not exhibit as much awareness, a study from Brown University found. Dispositional mindfulness is more like an inherent personality trait, the researchers said, rather than mindfulness meditation, which is a focused and deliberate awareness of the present moment. However, it can be learned by regularly practicing meditation.

While physical inactivity leads to a significant increase in belly fat, a randomised clinical trial by Duke University Medical Centre found, high amounts of exercise can lead to significant decreases relatively quickly. Participants who did not exercise had an 8.6 per cent increase in belly fat after eight months, while those who exercised the most saw a 8.1 per cent decrease in belly fat in the same period.

Interval training may shed more pounds than a continuous moderate intensity workout, according to analysis published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, with sprint interval training the most effective for fat loss. HIIT high intensity interval training is a great option for those with a busy lifestyle, as youll increase your heart rate and burn fat in a short amount of time, says Wild. Your body will reap the benefits of a HIIT workout for hours after your workout, too.

High intensity interval training is a great option for those with a busy lifestyle, as youll increase your heart rate and burn fat in a short amount of time.

And if high intensity workouts arent for you? No sweat. Even moderate amounts of exercise can reduce the amount of inflammation in belly fat, according to a rodent study by the University of Illinois, helping to safeguard your health. Belly fat produces inflammatory molecules that enter the bloodstream and increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Ditch refined grains such as white bread, white rice, and white pasta for their healthier whole counterparts. People who consume three or more daily servings of whole grains for example, whole wheat bread, brown rice and oats while limiting their daily intake of refined grains to less than one serving per day, have around 10 per cent less belly fat than those who choose refined grains every time, research from Tufts University found.

Not all calories are created equal, says Lenherr. The calories in an avocado might be the same as a portion of fries, but the impact and nutritional intake of these two foods are definitely not the same, she says. Calorie counting is a popular way of losing weight, which may work for some individuals, but there is a significant difference between a low-calorie diet of plant foods versus a diet filled with refined carbohydrates and sugars.

We know this deep down, but now science has confirmed it: snacking on high-fat and high-sugar foods is independently associated with an increase in abdominal fat. According to a study published in Hepatology, eating high-calorie snacks in addition to three main meals a day increases the accumulation of abdominal fat and fat in the liver, whereas eating larger balanced meals at mealtimes does not.

Omega-3 fatty acids are a family of fats that are essential for human health. Theyre found in high amounts in fatty fish like salmon and herring, and also in algae supplements. Theres scientific evidence that getting adequate omega-3s either through your diet or as a supplement helps to reduce your appetite, increase your metabolism, and amplify the number of calories and amount of fat you burn during exercise. Multiple studies of patients with fatty liver disease have shown that fish oil supplements can significantly reduce abdominal fat.

Good news for your morning cup of joe. Women who drink two or three cups of coffee a day have lower total body and abdominal fat than those who drink less, a study by Anglia Ruskin University found, with drinkers between the ages of 20 and 24 having 3.4 per cent less belly fat than those who did not consume coffee. Our research suggests that there may be bioactive compounds in coffee other than caffeine that regulate weight and which could potentially be used as anti-obesity compounds, wrote lead researcher Dr Lee Smith.

There are so many reasons to mix up your workouts with a range of activities not least because it makes exercise more interesting. But when it comes to burning belly fat, cardio is king. Researchers from Duke University Medical Center compared aerobic exercise, resistance training, and a combination of the two, to find out which was best for fighting belly fat.

Aerobic exercise performed as the sole exercise method or alongside resistance training was found to be more efficient and effective than resistance training alone, significantly reducing belly fat, liver fat, liver enzyme levels and fasting triglyceride levels, and improving insulin resistance. Plus, it was found to burn 67 per cent more calories than hitting the weights.

While you have most likely heard or gluten-free or dairy-free, many popular diets are also calling for people to be nightshade-free, sugar-free, lectin-free or grain-free, says Lenherr. There are a number of problems with eliminating whole food groups unnecessarily, especially without the support of a nutritionist, she says from risking nutritional deficiencies to missing out on essential protein and fibre.

On top of this, a reductionist way of eating can leave people feeling unmotivated and bored, which increases the likelihood of unhealthy cravings and giving up on the diet altogether, Lenherr continues. For those still wanting to cut out whole food groups, make sure you speak with a nutritionist to ensure you avoid any unwanted health implications.

A lack of shut-eye has long been associated with a wider waistline. A poor nights sleep has an effect on your hunger hormones causing levels of appetite stimulant ghrelin to rise, and appetite suppressant leptin to fall which can make you feel especially ravenous. And unfortunately, many sleep disorders, like sleep apnea, are worsened by weight gain.

A meta-analysis by the University of Warwick Medical School found that short sleep duration increased the likelihood of obesity by 55 per cent in adults. And there have been controlled studies, too when 16 adults were allowed just five hours of sleep per night for five nights, they each gained an average of 0.82kg.

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that alternates between set periods of eating and fasting typically eating all your food in an eight hour window, and abstaining from eating for 16. In a review of studies on intermittent fasting by the University of Illinois, people experienced up to a 7 per cent decrease in abdominal fat within 24 weeks. This approach to eating doesnt suit everyone, and for people with certain health issues such as diabetes, it may even be dangerous. Seek advice from a healthcare professional before attempting this approach.

Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide a wealth of health benefits when eaten. Certain probiotics, such as those from the Lactobacillus family, inhibit the absorption of fat from your diet. They also stimulate the release of a hormone called GLP-1, which helps to burn calories and fat. A strain called Lactobacillus gasseri has been found to have impressive anti-obesity effects. In a Japanese study spanning 210 participants, taking this supplement for 12 weeks reduced belly fat by 8.5 per cent on average.

Theres a reason its called a beer belly. As well as being high in calories, alcohol decreases leptin levels the hunger suppressant making you want to eat more. It also interferes with your bodys ability to process carbohydrates and fats from food, and several studies have shown that drinking too much alcohol may encourage fat to be stored as belly fat, so limiting your intake is advised. Unfortunately, a study by the University of Verona found that even moderate alcohol intake is linked to carrying more belly fat.

Theres no quick fix to lose your belly fat, so make sure you find a healthy lifestyle that works for you, says Wild. Vary your exercise routines and find a few exercises that you enjoy. Swapping for healthier food habits doesnt need to be boring, theres lots of tasty alternatives to your favourite meals, she says. Its important to make healthy habits that you enjoy to help keep you motivated to achieve your health goals. Set yourself small, achievable goals each week and write them down it will help you to stick to them.

Last updated: 17-09-20

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The wonders of the Keto diet, know the allowed and prohibited foods – Explica

Posted: June 11, 2020 at 9:44 pm

The Keto diet focuses on converting fat into the bodys main fuel, it is known as a 24/7 fat burning diet. It is one of the most popular weight loss trends, know all the details and find out if it fits your lifestyle

It is a fact the keto diet today it is one of the eating plans to lose weight most popular and thanks to this tops the list as the trend of the moment to lose weight. Among its main objectives is characterized by being a high fat and low carbohydrate planYes, it is certainly quite peculiar to get used to the idea of losing weight while you eat bacon and cheese.

Due to the immense success of the keto diet various medical specialists have remained somewhat skeptical of their wonderful effectsFor this reason, it is worth learning more about this trend. The goal of the diet is to induce ketosis, what is a metabolic process in which the body use fat instead of carbohydrates to get the energy; Among the main limitations of this plan is that many people consider that it requires a lot of will.

The term keto is derived from the keto word which refers to the action in which the body is stimulated to produce small fuel molecules calls ketonesWhat happens in a simpler way is to provide the body with an alternative source of fuel that is used when blood sugar is low. The incredible thing is that ketones are produced very quickly when we stop eating carbohydrates and limit protein to the maximum. In a ketogenic diet the body changes its energy supply to practically run on fats, the most impressive thing is that it is a fat burning diet 24-7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

Also of course there is always the risk of regain lost weight, when other forms of food are resumed, including the prohibited foods in the keto diet. This type of diet is based on a fairly simple premise that focuses the diet on eat mainly fats, limited amounts of protein and almost no carbohydrates.

One of its great qualities is due to high consumption of healthy fats and other nutrients that are associated with great benefits to lose weight, improve digestive health, positively stimulates brain function and physical and mental performance are enhanced. It is one of the most recommended plans to burn the excess body fat without starving and it is proven that it achieves reverse type 2 diabetes.

The food groups allowed on a keto diet are the following

Meats: The poll meator pig beefsteaks Ground beef, lamb, bacon, turkey ham, sausages, in limited quantities.Fats and oils: Virtually all are allowed, however there is a special recommendation on consuming healthy fats as is the case of olive, avocado and coconut oil. Products such as butter, mayonnaise, lard and lard. Some vegetables: Especially those who they grow on the surface of the earth as is the case the cauliflower, cabbage, avocado, broccoli, zucchini, Peppers, aubergines, tomatoes, asparaguscucumber onion mushroomsspinach lettuce, green beans and olives.High-fat dairy: Thick cream, cheese (soft and hard), cream cheese, and sour cream.Walnuts: Nuts an extraordinary complement, the permitted products are the almonds, peanut, peanut butter, almond butter, macadamia nuts, walnuts and hazelnuts.Fatty fish and shellfish: Seafood is a great ally in the keto diet, the consumption of salmon fillet and seafood like snapper, trout, tuna, cod, catfish, halibut, clams, oysters, lobster, crab, scallops, mussels.Blueberries: The fruits of the berry family as is the case of the blueberries, blackberries and raspberries are allowed in moderation.Sugar substitutes: Artificial sweeteners (in moderation Stevia and sucralose.Alcohol: Always in moderation, the best options are strong spirits, dry wine and champagne.Eggs. Coffee and tea without sugarSpices: The best alternative to flavor.

Keto diet allowed food. / Photo: Pixabay

Fruit: Most fruits are banned from the Keto diet this is due to its sugar content, which are a type of carbohydrate. You should avoid consuming apples, bananasoranges grapes, watermelons, peaches, melons, pineapples, cherriespears lemonslimes grapefruits, plums, mangoes, etc.Grains and Starches: Products and derivatives of trigorice ryeoatmeal cornquinoa barley, Son, bulguramaranth buckwheat, sprouted grains.Root vegetables: As is the case of the potato (both sweet and regular), carrotsyams parsnips Yucca, beets and turnips. Grain Products: All kinds of cereal, bread, pasta rice, corn, oats, cookies, Pizza, popcorn, big wave, bagels and muesli.Vegetables: Black beans, Red beans, Pinto beans, White beanssoy green peas, chickpeas and lentils. Sweeteners: Cane sugar, honey, Maple syrup, agave nectar, splenda, aspartamesaccharin corn syrup. Sweet: Chocolates, pastrybuns cakes ice creams, cookies, pudding and custard.Some fats / oils: As is the case of canola oil, soybean oil, grape seed oil, peanut oil, Sesame oil and sunflower oil.Alcohol: Beer, cider, sweet wines and all range of sweetened alcoholic beverages. Drinks in plastic bottles: Sweetened beverages, juicesmoothies refreshments, sweetened tea and coffee.Low-fat dairy: As is the case of the skim milkskim mozzarella nonfat yogurt, low cheese and cream cheese. Sweetened sauces and sauces: In general all processed sauces like tomato sauce, BBQ sauce, some salad dressings, and hot sauces.

Carbohydrates. / Photo: Shutterstock

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How to take the mental and financial stress out of eating healthy –

Posted: May 29, 2020 at 1:50 am

While bored in the house, people have more time than ever to make bread, whip up coffee or try out pancake cereal. They can peruse Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok for recipe ideas.

But although creativity might be flourishing in the kitchen, there is stress, both financial and mental, that comes with preparing meals during the coronavirus epidemic.

Some experts say that seeing all the ways other people are eating healthy and losing weight may cause unnecessary pressure in an already stressful time period. On top of that, people who have suffered layoffs, furloughs and wage cuts may be looking to tighten their budgets, and creating healthy meals can be expensive if you dont know how to do it right.

To help make cooking fun again and less of a chore, we spoke with registered dietitian nutritionists from around the state to gather tips on how to eat healthy.

Meal prep

When people picture meal prepping, they often picture putting food in lots of little bento boxes, Anna Kathryn Littleton, a Morrison Healthcare dietitian at Mobile Infirmary, said. Or they think of making a big meal and eating it over and over again throughout the week. However, meal prepping doesnt have to be that way. For Littleton, its more about having a plan for your ingredients.

Littletons best advice is to write down what your options are. Take inventory of your pantry, your refrigerator and your freezer. Compare it to the ingredients you need for your recipes and then know exactly what you want to buy once you go to the grocery store. Also get ingredients that you can easily mix and match. For example, Littleton will make a big batch of brown rice and then use it in tacos and then as a side with salmon.

That way you don't get tired of the food that you make, Littleton said. If you make chicken and broccoli and rice and put it in six boxes to have for dinner every night, you're going to get exhausted of that meal, and you might turn to something different and be like, 'Oh, screw it, I've got mac and cheese in the cupboard. I'm going to do that instead.'

Since shes started meal planning, Littleton said shes found herself eating healthier while spending less money because she only buys what she needs. It also saves time and helps with stress.

Shop with a plan

By heading into the grocery store with a list (maybe one created while meal prepping), youre less likely to make impulse buys, Littleton said. Not only will that help keep you away from the chip aisle where something may catch your eye, but it will also help you from over buying.

People will go into the store with these big ambitions, and they'll buy a bunch of fresh fruits and vegetables and fresh meats and things, Littleton said. Waste is a huge thing, especially because fresh fruits and vegetables can go bad so quickly.

Knowing what you want will also help you get in and out faster, which is important during the pandemic, said Lindsey Jennings, who is also a Morrison Healthcare dietitian at Mobile Infirmary. Another good option is to order groceries online or utilize curbside pickup. They both reduce the chances of stumbling across a package of delicious-looking cookies as well as the amount of contact with other people. The internet can also help you shop around and find the cheapest prices for different items.

If you do go into the store, Jennings said it can be good to have a more general list. For example, if youve meal prepped and are making fish for dinner, it can help to write fish on your list instead of salmon. That way, if the store is out of salmon, you can buy a different fish instead of having to go around to different grocery stores looking for salmon.

Before the pandemic, Suzanne Henson, a registered dietitian nutritionist at the University of Alabama, did grocery tours. After looking at all the options, she determined The way that you eat can be as inexpensive or expensive as you make it. She said some companies have deals where you can mix and match 2.5 pound bags of frozen produce for $19.99.

I mean, that's a terrific amount of food for $20, Henson said.

Colorful plates

The more colors on your plate in your fruits and vegetables, the more nutrients you're going to be getting from (them), Jennings said.

However, incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet can be expensive if youre only looking to buy fresh. Canned and frozen fruits and vegetables are good options if you make sure you buy the right type. Instead of going for the canned fruits with added sugar, buy the fruit that is canned in its own juice. Choose vegetables without added salt and the frozen vegetables that dont have sauces.

Another way to keep costs down, Jennings said, is to stay away from pre prepared fruits and vegetables, like the ones that are already cut and bagged for you. If you really want your carrots in their own, individual packets, buy a larger bag and place them into smaller baggies yourself. It may take some time, but it will save you money.

Its important to shop in-season, Henson said. It can get expensive buying out-of-season fruits and vegetables. In the summer, Henson goes to produce markets, which have lots of options. She will buy frozen produce in off-seasons, which are also helpful because they are easy to cook.

Season it yourself

One of the reasons people buy already prepared foods, which are more expensive and often less healthy, is because they arent comfortable seasoning foods themselves.

Jennings said shes one of those people who doesnt always know what to do for seasonings, so she and Littleton both suggest Mrs. Dashs salt-free seasonings. Theres a misconception that food needs a lot of salt to taste good, Littleton said, but these are very flavorful.

Littleton says the garlic herb seasoning is great for chicken and vegetables while the lemon pepper is good for fish. Jennings uses the Italian herb seasoning for potatoes, carrots and chicken. She also recommends Tony Chacheres seasonings if you want to add some spice.

In addition to salt-free seasonings, Henson has a few things she always keeps on hand. Red wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar, low-sodium soy sauce, ponzu sauce and citrus juices all pack a lot of flavor. Lemon and lime juice can be bought fresh or frozen.

Full freezers

Frozen produce is always a go-to because its so easy to prepare, Henson said. You just stick it in the microwave. But its also good to put the fresh foods you buy in the freezer. There might be a deal on a whole rotisserie chicken, but as one or two people, you cant eat all of it. So buy it, put it in freezer bags and stick it in the freezer to eat later. That way, you get the deal without wasting the food. Henson said there are also often good packages of frozen meats and fish that you can get for less money.

Freezing your food can also help you go for cheaper options, Jennings said. Meat thats closer to the expiration date is often cheaper. By buying it and freezing it, you dont have to worry about that approaching date. The same goes for produce. Get it in the freezer before it starts to wilt.

Try going meatless

Beans are fantastic, Henson said. Black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, which are so versatile.

Not only are they full of protein and fiber, but they often sell for about 80 cents. Theyre super easy to cook from scratch or from a can.

Finding meatless proteins are a good way to save, Jennings said. Meat is often one of the more expensive items on the grocery receipt, and prices are going up right now anyways. Besides cooking beans, you can also look up other meatless meals to try and save money.

Drink water

At work, you might have a cup or water bottle you drink out of periodically, but now were all out of our routines. Littleton said it can be easy to forget to drink water at home, and Henson said that, for those who have gone back to work, it can be hard to remember to drink when you constantly have a mask over your face.

Water is critical to your health, especially if youre on medication. If youre taking medicine you can become dehydrated more easily, and the medicines also work better if youre drinking water.

Water can also help keep you from overeating. Not only can it help you feel more full, but people also commonly mistake thirst for hunger or appetite, Henson said. Staying hydrated can also help prevent headaches and help you feel better overall.

Water's free, it's great for you, and we're made mostly up of water, Jennings said.

Do your own thing

While looking at food trends can be fun, it can also create unrealistic expectations about what being healthy means during this time.

Social media and other media outlets can provide unnecessary pressure to start potentially unrealistic health goals at this time, Sheena Gregg, a registered dietitian nutritionist at the University of Alabama said. Stay away from a restrictive mindset about what you should or shouldnt be eating other than making sure your diet is balanced and youre staying hydrated.

Littleton said no one needs to focus on hardcore weight loss at this time. Its important to stay mindful of what youre putting in your body while avoiding both extremes.

The definition of whats healthy differs from person to person, and it can even differ month to month for a one person, according to Henson. Dont compare others to yourself or yourself to others.

Go easy on yourself

If you want to have some ice cream at the end of the day, dont beat yourself up about it, Littleton said, especially if youve eaten healthy throughout the rest of the day.

Its not all about just eating green juice and kale, Littleton said. Its about balance.

Gregg said she tells her clients to practice grace with themselves when it comes to their food choices. People eat for a variety of reasons, such as for nourishment, celebration, social events and stress, and its important to recognize that.

If you do decide to treat yourself, it can help to take the time to savor it, Linda Knol, a registered dietitian nutritionist at the University of Alabama, said in a list of tips.

If you plan to indulge, slow down and enjoy the food, Knol wrote. Use all your senses. Note the texture, taste, appearance, and smell.

Recognize your reasons for eating

While cooking and eating can be a fun way to fill time, its important to realize if youre eating in response to stress.

Research shows that stress can lead to the desire to eat, especially to eat unhealthy foods, Knol said, but it also shows that it reduces our enjoyment of those foods. It can lead to a cycle of stress-related eating.

The COVID-19 pandemic certainly qualifies as a stressful time, Gregg said, and it would be very natural to utilize food from time to time to cope with our current situation.

Both Gregg and Knol recommend that you address the stress, which is the root of the problem. They provided a variety of suggestions. Gregg said you could reach out to friends and family for social connection, journal, do some light walking, or engage in a personal hobby that provides stress relief. Knol suggested finding different forms of rewards other than food. She also said to recognize the cues that lead to stress-eating, make it harder to indulge (put the chips in the pantry instead of leaving them out) and adjust expectations so that theres less stress to achieve them.

Check out these recipes and sites

Gregg: is a wonderful resource as it houses recipes from Cooking Light, Southern Living, Health Magazine, and Sunset. Users can also search for recipes based on nutritional needs if they are navigating a certain health condition that limits certain nutrients. is also a great website for meal planning on a budget.

Henson: The way that someone with diabetes should eat is the way that we should all eat, honestly, she said. is a subscription service that sends menus, recipes and an ingredient list that can be sent to a local grocery store to prepare for pickup. and are two blogs that she often recommends. I know them personally, and I trust their recipes, and I know that their recipes always turn out beautifully, she said.

Jennings:, and are all good resources. is also a good place to go to for cooking advice.

Littleton: Im a big Pinterest person. I find a lot of inspiration on Pinterest, honestly. Thats where most of my quarantine meals have come from. Her favorite meal? Enchilada chili. To make it, she throws chicken and chicken stock in the crockpot. Then she adds the vegetables she would want in an enchilada, like black beans, chili beans, corn, peppers, some little green chilis, as well as whatever seasonings she feels like. She said she probably makes it differently every time. Then she turns the crockpot on and after three hours, she has a delicious meal that will feed her for days.

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The Slow-Carb Diet Is All About Eating Fiber-Rich Carbs, But It’s Pretty Restrictive – Yahoo Lifestyle

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:49 pm

Photo credit: fcafotodigital - Getty Images

From Women's Health

If youve already given keto or any other low-carb diets a try, you might be eager to test out the Slow-Carb Diet, which is *somewhat* similar.

The eating plan is included in the book The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman by Timothy Ferriss (an entrepreneur, author, and podcast host), which was published in 2010. In the book, Ferriss details his Slow-Carb Diet approach. But the diet has also gained lots of followers who haven't necessarily read about it in The 4-Hour Bodyit's a buzzy diet that makes the rounds.

So what's the Slow-Carb Diet all aboutand can it really help you lose weight in a safe and sustainable way? Let's get into it, with the help of a registered dietitian.

The Slow-Carb Diet involves eating five food main groups (animal protein, vegetables, legumes, fats, and spices) and teaches to eat four meals a day for six days of the week. You also get one cheat day, on which you can eat whatever you want, explains Brigitte Zeitlin, a registered dietitian and owner of BZ Nutrition in New York City.

Basically, the idea is to follow a very low-carb regimen on the premise that it will increase your bodys ability to break down fat for energy and reduce your overall fat stores, says Zeitlinand in turn, reduce your body weight.

Ferriss also talks about various supplements (like calcium and magnesium) you can take while doing the diet, but they aren't a requirement. Now, a break down of the Slow-Carb Diet eating rules.

The slow-carb diet is based on the following five fundamental rules, which Ferriss also detailed on his blog:

Avoid white carbohydrates. If you are on this diet to lose weight, then you need to avoid all processed carbohydrates (like breads, pastas, cereals, baked goods, etc.) for six days per week. If you are on the diet to increase your muscle and strength, then youre allowed to eat these foods within 30 minutes of finishing a resistance-training workout.

Eat the same meals over and over. Basically just re-make the same meals from the approved five groups of foods (animal protein, vegetables, legumes, fats, and spices).

Watch what you drink. This diet boasts the importance of drinking water and other unsweetened tea or coffee. Consuming alcohol, juice, smoothies, sodas, or any calorie-filled beverage is discouraged.

No fruit. This diet bans all fruit intake on the premise that they contain too much sugar for weight loss. (Psssst, many other experts still recommend fruit on a weight-loss plan, though!)

Take one day off per week. One day a week of your choosing, you can cheat and eat and drink anything you wish. (More on that later.)

Story continues

Turns out, there are no foods that are actually dubbed slow-carbohydrate foods. "I believe the name of this concept comes from the approved-food lists and the fact that the carbs that are allowed are all complex carbohydrates, meaning they have fiber in them and therefore take your body longer to break down and process," says Zeitlin. "In other words, they move through your system at a slower rate than the simple, or white, carbs that are off limits on this diet."

For anyone unfamiliar with the concept of simple versus complex carbs: White-flour items or simple carbohydrates move through the body at a faster pace than complex ones like legumes or dark leafy greens, Zeitlin explains. So, simple carbs end up being less filling and satiating, plus they spike your blood sugar, compared to complex ones due to the removed fiber. So, complex carbs = slow carbs. Get it?

Foods allowed on the Slow-Carb Diet include:

Animal proteins: Eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, beef, pork, and fish

Legumes: Lentils, black beans, pinto beans, red beans, and soybeans

Certain vegetables: Spinach, asparagus, peas, green beans, sauerkraut, kimchi, and cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts)

Fats: Butter, olive oil, grapeseed oil, nuts, ghee, and dairy-free creamer

Spices: Salt, pepper, herbs, and seasonings

FYI: Several food groups are off-limits on this diet, including fruit, dairy (except for cottage cheese), fried foods, white-flour products, and alcohol.

One of the main aspects about this diet is that you must take one day "off" to eat whatever you want. The book calls it a "free day," during which you can eat and drink anything you wish.

"[Ferriss] believes this eases the mental stress that often comes along with dieting and that it may help to boost your metabolic rate, which can sometimes slow down with calorically restrictive diets like this one," says Zeitlin.

One of the principle rules of the diet is that you will eat the same things over and over. A variety of meals is not the goal or purpose.

The following are a few examples of meals you could enjoy that would fit the Slow-Carb Diet bill, provided by Zeitlin:

Slow-Carb breakfasts

Slow-Carb lunches

Slow-Carb dinners

Salmon with roasted broccoli

Stir-fry with all the allowed vegetables and soybeans

Grilled steak with cauliflower

The diet cuts out processed foods, sugary beverages, and other less-nutritious foods, and doing so can certainly yield weight-loss results. Allowing for a day of eating whatever you want may help some people feel less deprived, too. (However, the opposite can also be arguedsee the cons comin' up!)

The reviews about the Slow-Carb Diet online are mixed, but there are certainly lots of positive ones. "Even if you don't actually apply any of the techniques, this book will likely make you think about your overall health in a different way," one reviewer wrote on Amazon. "There is a wealth of information in this book, and it has helped me lose weight, gain strength, and run faster in the last 12 months."

The same reviewer went on to explain: "Like most of Ferriss' work, it could easily be misunderstood. Be clear that it isn't about shortcuts or 'hacks'it's about efficiently getting maximum benefit from the minimum inputbut that 'minimum input' still requires effort and dedication. You'll get out what you're prepared to put in." (That's only *one* person's opinion, of course, but valid points.)

There are very few pros to fad, restrictive diets like this one, according to Zeitlin. You can definitely lose weight, but she warns it may not be sustainable for everyone. As soon as you reintroduce the healthy food groups that have been removed, like whole grains and fruits, you will regain weight and likely gain back more weight than you originally lost, Zeitlin says.

Zeitlin also warns that you may feel guilty about falling off the plan, and you may end up going overboard on the restricted foods if you feel deprived while omitting simple carbs, alcohol, and more six days of the week. Additionally, the concept of a free or cheat day can create a messed-up relationship with food, reinforcing the notion that they are 'good' foods and 'bad' foods, when some of those 'bad' foods are vitamin-rich fruits and whole grains," she adds.

The choice is ultimately yours, and you know your body and personality best. Some people have an easier time losing weight by following structured guidelines and grocery lists, while others (like people with a history of disordered eating) may find that type of heavy guidance and rigidity harmful or even downright dangerous.

Zeitlin personally doesnt recommend trying an overly restrictive diet like the Slow-Carb Diet. "Diets that encourage cutting food groups out completely dont support your health-goals long-term and can leave you yo-yo-ing up and down with your weight," she says.

If you are trying to lose weight, Zeitlin recommends "concentrating on foods you should be adding in versus taking out," she says. This includes adding in more veggies, lean proteins, whole grains instead of white flour, and fruits. "Keep your grains and fruits to two servings each per day and dont forget to add in more water, along with sleep and physical activity," she says.

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The Slow-Carb Diet Is All About Eating Fiber-Rich Carbs, But It's Pretty Restrictive - Yahoo Lifestyle

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Recipes That Are High In Protein and Fiber – Healthy Muscle Meals –

Posted: January 6, 2020 at 12:42 pm

If theres one thing that unites all diets, its cant.

Diets tell you what foods you cant eat, how much food you cant eat, and now, with the rise of intermittent fasting, even when you cant eat.

Yes, depriving yourself of food can lead to temporary weight loss. But eating well is less about what youre losing and more about what youre gaining. Eating well means youre building muscle, defending against disease, and harnessing more energy.

Eating well involves freeing yourself from batshit diet rules based on pseudoscience. Eating well makes your life easier, not more complicated.

Reams of research and experts agree that the easiest way to lose weight and improve your overall health is to eat at least 30 grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber at each meal.

Thirty grams promote muscle maintenance and growth. Ten grams fill you up during mealtime and helps you stay full until your next meal. Its simple. Except that you might not know what a 30/10 meal looks like.

So heres one for every day of the month.

They also feature other thing most diets dont: deliciousness.

You could slug back a mug of greasy butter coffee in the name of feeling bulletproof. Or you could start your day feeling satisfied and ready to tackle your workoutor the workout that is work.

Between the halves of a split whole-wheat English muffin, layer a sizzled chicken breakfast sausage patty, 1 broiled tomato slice, 1/2 cup sauteed baby kale, and 2 fried eggs.

483 calories, 30g protein, 57g carbs (10g fiber), 16g fat

Make a 3-egg omelet with 1/4 cup shredded cheddar and 2 cups sauteed baby spinach. Serve with 1/2 avocado smashed into 1 thick slice of toasted whole-grain bread.

571 calories, 34g protein, 30g carbs (10g fiber), 36g fat

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On 2 pieces of whole-wheat toast slathered with 2 Tbsp cream cheese, divide 2 oz smoked salmon, 1 Tbsp capers, some fresh dill, a little thinly sliced red onion, and fresh lemon juice. Eat with a medium-sized ripe pear.

551 calories, 45g protein, 55g carbs (10g fiber), 19g fat

Top 1 1/2 cups plain 2% Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup of each of the following: blueberries, raspberries, sliced strawberries, blackberries, unsalted dry-roasted shelled pistachios, and unsweetened coconut flakes.

621 calories, 37g protein, 43g carbs (11g fiber), 36g fat

In 1 Tbsp olive oil, sizzle 4 oz finely chopped leftover turkey breast and 1 large chopped leftover potato with 1/4 minced onion, 1 small chopped zucchini, and 1 cup shredded Brussels sprouts. Eat this hash topped with plenty of hot sauce.

640 calories, 47g protein, 81g carbs (10g fiber), 16g fat

Cook 1/2 cup steel-cut oats and then stir with 2 Tbsp peanut butter and 1 scoop chocolate whey-protein powder. Top with 1/2 sliced banana, 1 Tbsp raisins, and 1 Tbsp chopped walnuts.

740 calories, 42g protein, 84g carbs (13g fiber), 28g fat

Top 4 oz roasted cod with 2 Tbsp warmed salsa and 1 roughly chopped large broiled russet potato on the side. Serve with 1/4 sliced avocado, and a hardboiled egg on the side. Skip the traditional banana.

579 calories, 36g protein, 75g carbs (10g fiber), 16g fat

Over two Kodiak Cakes high protein waffles, divide 1 cup plain yogurt, 2 sliced peaches, 2 Tbsp unsalted dry-roasted shelled pistachios, 2 Tbsp whole flax seeds, and torn mint.

629 calories, 32g protein, 85g carbs (13g fiber), 23g fat

Order the 2 Eggs & Turkey Sausage on a Skinny Wheat Bagel, with a side order of mixed nuts.

740 calories, 37g protein, 40g carbs (13g fiber), 52g fat

Order a Hash Brown Scramble Bowl w/ Nuggets, a side order of hash browns, and a large fruit cup.

745 calories, 34g protein, 55g carbs (10g fiber), 46g fat

Unless you have a WFH gig, youll have to prep these meals during off hours. Whatever, though, because theyre simple to make, you can easily double or triple them for meal prep, and they taste way better than another ham and cheese.

On a bed of 2 cups chopped dinosaur kale, scoop 1/2 cup barbecue pulled pork in the center. Add 1/4 cup black beans, 1/4 cup corn, 2 oz roasted red peppers, and 3/4 small thinly sliced avocado. Top with a southwest-style dressing.

570 calories, 30g protein, 52g carbs (14g fiber), 31g fat

Zoodle-ify 2 large zucchini. Sautee in olive oil with 1 pint cherry tomatoes. Top with 2 leftover sliced boneless, skinless chicken thighs and 1/2 cup basil.

698 calories, 67g protein, 32g carbs (10g fiber), 36g fat

Assemble the following: 1 (2 oz) single-serving hummus pack, 3 Wasa crispbread crackers, 2 hardboiled eggs, 6 baby carrots, and a chunk of Swiss cheese. Snack away.

612 calories, 35g protein, 50g carbs (10g fiber), 31g fat

Slice 4 oz cold leftover sirloin steak and serve next to a salad of 1 cup chopped arugula, 1 cup chopped romaine, and 1 cup chopped watercress. Top with 1/2 cup cooked chickpeas, 1/4 cup roasted pumpkin seeds, 1/4 cup roasted red peppers, and 2 Tbsp light Italian dressing.

526 calories, 42g protein, 34g carbs (10g fiber), 25g fat

Mix 1 can drained white tuna with 1/4 cup 2% Greek yogurt and season with salt and pepper. Pile atop one slice of whole-grain toast and a thick slice of good cheddar. Heat under a broiler or in the microwave until the cheese melts. Eat with 2 cups red grapes and 4 celery sticks.

664 calories, 58g protein, 76g carbs (10g fiber), 17g fa

Mash together a 6 oz canned salmon with 1 Tbsp mayonnaise, 1/4 cup minced celery, the juice of 1 lime, and 1/2 cup navy beans. Pile between 2 slices dark rye.

754 calories, 62g protein, 81g carbs (11g fiber), 22g fat

In a large pot, cook 1 (28 oz) can crushed tomatoes with 1 (15 oz) can kidney beans, 1 (15 oz)can chickpeas, 1 (8 oz) package crumbled tempeh, 2 minced garlic cloves, and 1 chopped medium yellow onion, until chili-like. Season, pack, and reheat as needed. Makes 3 servings

Per serving: 526 calories, 34g protein, 82g carbs (20g fiber), 11g fat

Season and roast a 6 oz swordfish steak. Douse it in the juice of 1/2 lime and serve over 2 oz cooked soba noodles, 1/2 cup shelled edamame, and 2 sliced medium radishes. Drizzle with soy sauce. Top with cilantro. Serve with 3 heads cooked baby bok choy on the side.

553 calories, 47g protein, 61g carbs (10g fiber), 14g fat

Order a Apple Pecan Chicken Salad (Full) and a small chili.

730 calories, 53g protein, 70g carbs (12g fiber), 28g fat

Ask for a Turkey Sandwich on Whole Grain (Whole) with a banana.

630 calories, 38g protein, 87g carbs (12g fiber), 17g fat

If you frequently find yourself pouring a bowl of cereal an hour after finishing dinner, you might not be eating enough protein and fiber at suppertime. These meals fix that.

In a big pot, steam 1 (25 count) bag scrubbed littleneck clams with 1/4 cup white wine, 2 cloves thinly sliced garlic, 2 Tbsp butter, and 1 large thinly sliced shallot until the clams open. Top with parsley. Eat with crusty whole-grain bread and 2 cups sauteed green beans.

819 calories, 49g protein, 92g carbs (10g fiber), 28g fat

In an oiled cast-iron pan over high, sear 6 large sea scallops till done, about 1 minute a side. Serve with a medium roasted sweet potato topped with 1 Tbsp good butter and 1/2 cup pomegranate arials, plus 1 cup sauteed halved and seasoned Brussels sprouts.

452 calories, 34g protein, 52g carbs (11g fiber), 14g fat

Into a whole-wheat steak roll, stuff a grilled Beyond Brat and top with 3/4 cup warmed sauerkraut and spicy brown mustard. Serve with 1/2 cup potato salad.

654 calories, 30g protein, 72g carbs (15g fiber), 27g fat

Season and roast a 4 oz salmon fillet, then flake and tuck into three 5-inch corn tortillas with 2 Tbsp black beans, 1 Tbsp guacamole, and 1 medium sliced radish. Add some hot sauce and cilantro on each.

408 calories, 32g protein, 42g carbs (11g fiber), 14g fat

Stir-fry in 1 Tbsp of canola oil 1/2 block extra-firm tofu, 1/2 cup shelled edamame, and all of the following, chopped: 1/2 bunch asparagus, 1 cup broccoli florets, 1/2 red bell pepper, 1/2 cup water chestnuts, and 1/2 cup sugar snap peas. Season with rice-wine vinegar and soy sauce.

530 calories, 35g protein, 37g carbs (14g fiber), 28g fat

Sear 2 seasoned lamb chops and serve drizzled with 2 Tbsp balsamic syrup and topped with 1 Tbsp minced mint. Serve with . cup cooked green lentils and . large broiled tomato.

398 calories, 41g protein, 40g carbs (13g fiber), 8g fat

Saute 4 large peeled, deveined shrimp in 1 Tbsp olive oil, 2 minced garlic cloves, 1/4 cup roughly chopped unsaltedalmonds, and 1 lb chopped broccoli rabe. Toss with 2 oz cooked whole-wheat spaghetti and 1 Tbsp freshly grated Parmesan.

708 calories, 38g protein, 70g carbs (13g fiber), 35g fat

Slide 1 boneless, skinless grilled chicken breast into a wholewheat bun with 1 Tbsp Franks RedHot and 2 Tbsp crumbled blue cheese. Eat with 1 cup raspberries on the side.

383 calories, 36g protein, 38g carbs (11g fiber), 11g fat

Order the Southwest-Style Tacos with Grilled Shrimp and a side Caesar salad.

920 calories, 30g protein, 91g carbs (10g fiber), 50g fat

Ask for a Chicken Burrito Bowl with pinto beans, fajita vegetables, guacamole, corn salsa, and lettuce.

645 calories, 46g protein, 51g carbs (19g fiber), 32g fat

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How to lose visceral fat: The diet proven to reduce the harmful belly fat – Express

Posted: November 9, 2019 at 5:42 am

Body fat is not created equal in terms of its health risks, and visceral fat is regarded as the most dangerous as it wraps around internal organs.

In contrast to subcutaneous fat, which sits just below the surface of the skin, the proximity of visceral fat to internal organs can lead to metabolic disease, insulin resistance, and an increased risk of death.

Numerous studies have touted the health benefits of following low-carb diet, which generally consists of the following:

It has been shown to ward off a wide-range of health complications, and is increasingly recommended for people with type 2 diabetes to help them manage their blood sugar levels.

In addition a low-carb diet has been shown to aid weight loss, and the ketogenic diet, which is a very low-carb diet that involves cutting back on carbs and replacing them with fat, has been shown to combat harmful visceral fat.

A study including 28 overweight and obese adults found that those who followed a ketogenic diet lost more fat, especially visceral fat, than people following a low-fat diet.

Key components of a keto diet include:

Notably, avocados and keto-friendly vegetables such as Brussels sprouts are high in soluble - a type of fibre that easily dissolves in water and is broken down into a gel-like substance in the gut.

How to get rid of visceral fat: Best diet proven to reduce the dangerous belly fat

And soluble fibres have been shown to deal an effective blow to visceral fat, with one study in particular demonstrating weight-loss benefits of upping insoluble fibre-intake.

The study, published journal Obesity, suggested the best defence against visceral fat is to eat more soluble fibre from vegetables, fruit and beans, and engage in moderate activity.

The study found that for every 10-gram increase in soluble fibre eaten per day, visceral fat was reduced by 3.7 percent over five years. In addition, increased moderate activity resulted in a 7.4 percent decrease in the rate of visceral fat accumulation over the same time period.

We know that a higher rate of visceral fat is associated with high blood pressure, diabetes and fatty liver disease," said Kristen Hairston, M.D., assistant professor of internal medicine at Wake Forest Baptist and lead researcher on the study.

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They added: "Our study found that making a few simple changes can have a big health impact."

Ten grams of soluble fibre can be achieved by eating two small apples, one cup of green peas and one-half cup of pinto beans; moderate activity means exercising vigorously for 30 minutes, two to four times a week, Hairston added.

In the longitudinal study, published in the June 16 online issue of the journal Obesity, researchers examined whether lifestyle factors, such as diet and frequency of exercise, were associated with a five-year change in abdominal fat of African Americans and Hispanic Americans - populations at a disproportionately higher risk for developing high blood pressure and diabetes and accumulating visceral fat.

At the beginning of the study, which involved 1,114 people, the participants were given a physical exam, an extensive questionnaire on lifestyle issues, and a CT scan, the only accurate way to measure how much subcutaneous and visceral fat the participants had. Five years later, the exact same process was repeated.

Researchers found that increased soluble fibre intake was associated with a decreased rate of accumulated visceral fat, but not subcutaneous fat.

There is mounting evidence that eating more soluble fiber and increasing exercise reduces visceral or belly fat, although we still don't know how it works," Hairston said.

Adding: Although the fibre-obesity relationship has been extensively studied, the relationship between fibre and specific fat deposits has not. Our study is valuable because it provides specific information on how dietary fibre, especially soluble fibre, may affect weight accumulation through abdominal fat deposits."

According to Harvard Health, engaging in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day could help to target the harmful fat.

Studies single out aerobic exercise as the best type to beat the fat, for example, an analysis of 15 studies in 852 people compared how well different types of exercise reduced visceral fat without dieting.

For example, an analysis of 15 studies in 852 people compared how well different types of exercise reduced visceral fat without dieting.

The analysis suggested that combining regular aerobic exercise with a healthy diet is more effective at targeting visceral fat than doing either one alone.

Examples of aerobic exercises include:

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How to lose visceral fat: The diet proven to reduce the harmful belly fat - Express

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Eating a Plant-Based Diet: Safely Going Vegan | Nerd Fitness

Posted: April 19, 2019 at 8:47 am

So youre interested in eating only plants, eh?

Well, youve come to the right place to learn all about it. Ive seen many people over the years have success with a Plant-Based Diet.

Truth be told though, Ive seen many people also struggle with it too.

(After all, donuts are plant-based and pizza just got declared a vegetable).

There is definitely a right way and a wrong way to embark on eliminating animal products from your diet.

Today, Ill share with you how to safely and correctly follow a plant-based menu and still hit your goals.

Now, although Ive been running this site for 10 years, I may be drawing a large target on my back by diving headfirst into a topic Ive thus far avoided.

As a blogger, if you want to tenfold your hate mail, take a stance on a Plant-Based Diet.

And saying ANYTHING about veganism for OR against is an easy way to get virtual produce tossed at you.

Although most people discover Nerd Fitness through our guides on Paleo or Keto, we get SO many questions on how to eat a Plant-Based Diet that I figured Id give my two cents.

With pop stars and famous directors advising folks to try veganism, these inquiries are only going to increase.[1]

So today, we are going to talk about how to eat a Plant-Based Diet safely.

The right way, and the wrong way, to go vegan or vegetarian.

BIG ASS CAVEAT: Im not going to try to convince you to give up meat. If youre reading this, Ill assume youre here because youre interested in doing so, and want to know the best path through it.

The politics, controversy (yes, Ive read the China Study[2]), and geopolitical impact of veganism are beyond the scope of this article. Im just a nerd who studies the hell outta health and wellness and sometimes wears pants.[3]

So setting all the controversy aside, I want to explore the science and the how to for people who are heading down this path.

Lets goooooo!

There are quite a few different versions of a Plant-Based Diet.

Itll be good to start with some definitions so we land on the same page.

According to the Vegetarian Society, a vegetarian is someone who does not eat foods that consist of, or have been produced with the aid of products consisting of or created from, any part of the body of a living or dead animal.[4]

So NO eating:

Instead, vegetarians DO eat:

Plants, more or less.

Vegetarian can be a broader term for more specific examples of plant-based eating. Some examples would be:

Lacto-ovo-vegetarians is someone who doesnt eat animal flesh but does eat dairy and eggs. This is the most common type of vegetarian.

Lacto vegetarians dont eat eggs but do eat dairy.

Ovo vegetarians avoid all animals products, with the exception of eggs.

Vegans avoid all animal products, including dairy and eggs and even things like honey. If it came from an animal, its not a part of a vegan diet. Some even take it one step further and eat only a raw vegan diet, where the plants consumed are not cooked prior to consumption.

The above are the most common forms of Plant-Based Diets, but there are others!

A pescatarian is someone who consumes no animal products except fish and shellfish.

A flexitarian is someone who follows a vegetarian diet a majority of the time, but who will occasionally eat meat.

Now granted, neither pescatarians nor flexitarians are technically vegetarians because both contain animal products on the menu.

However, they are mostly plant-based, so worth mentioning especially if somebody is doing this in an attempt to be healthier.

There are many more considerations and labels, which can tackle a lot of the ethical stances around being vegan: not wearing animal products, the treatment of animals, etc.

To be blunt, this is outside the scope of this article.

Im only interested in If you are going to eat only plants, how do you do it? So well politely ignore clothing, testing, and captivity for this article.

Which brings us to

What you can or cannot eat on a Plant-Based Diet depends a lot on what kind of vegetarianism you follow.

Eggs and dairy, for example, may or may not be included. It really comes down to what path you are choosing.

There are some general food groups we can consider as universal no matter what form of vegetarianism you follow.

A Plant-Based Diet will include the following foods:

Whole grains. Rice, oats, barley, and buckwheat would all be examples of whole grains. Most vegetarian diets include a sizable amount of whole grains as their base.

Vegetables. Of course, a vegetarian diet is going to include vegetables! And it should because vegetables are great for you! Theyre packed full of nutrients, fiber, and generally low in calories. Most people could stand to eat more veggies. If you find yourself not being able to stomach greens, I got you. Check out this post for tips on how to turn around any vegetable hater.

Legumes. Beans, lentils, and soy make up the legume family. If youre following a plant-based or vegan diet, legumes would be a great way to get protein (more on this to follow).

Fruit. Bananas, apples, and oranges all come from plants, so all are vegetarian-friendly. While high in fructose (sugar), they are also nutrient dense. Our general stance on fruit around these parts is to eat in moderation.

Nuts and seeds. Again, they come from plants, so almonds, cashews, and pumpkin seeds are good to go on any vegetarian plan you pick. So is quinoa, which although is often thought of as a grain, is actually a seed. Mind=blown.

Nuts and seeds, although high in fat and calories, are another great way to get protein on a Plant-Based Diet.

No matter what type of vegetarian diet you pick, youd be free to eat the above (provided they fit into your current nutrition goals but Ill get to that shortly).

The below will depend on what kind of vegetarianism you are trying. We may be stepping into controversial waters (remember, dont shoot the messenger) with the following:

Eggs. Eggs are a great source of vitamin B12 and protein, which will become important in a section further down.

Dairy. Whether or not you consume dairy will be determined by your specific strain of plant-based nutrition. On the one hand, its from an animal (moo). On the other hand, dairy can be full of nutrients that might be harder to source from only plants, like omega-3s and calcium.

Fish. Look, I get it. Fish are animals, so technically not allowed on a vegetarian diet. However, if you eat a mostly-Plant-Based Diet that includes a little fish, it wouldnt be too different from a Mediterranean Diet. There are a lot worse ways to eat than like the Mediterraneans. And as mentioned earlier, depending on who you talk to, being pescatarian could be a form of a Plant-Based Diet.

Thats a lot of the major food groups when it comes to plant-based eating.

So heres all you need to remember:

Whatever form of vegetarianism you may pick, stick to REAL food whenever possible.

Pinto beans, asparagus, apples, and quinoa would all be examples of real food. These are nutrient-dense foods that will keep you full and energized throughout your day. Deep fried cheese balls, donuts, and candy bars are examples of plant-based, but not real food.

And Ill give out a warning on processed vegan junk food in a moment.

For now, there may be a question you are thinking.

Its one of the most common ones we get when it comes to eating a vegetarian or vegan diet.


There are plenty of examples of people losing weight on a Plant-Based Diet.[5]

However, there are also stories of the opposite where people gained body fat when going vegan.[6]

However, anecdotal evidence isnt science.

What does the research say?

If you look at studies on the subject, theres nothing here that will surprise us: plant-based calories count just as much as animal-based calories.[7]

There are some studies which show the success of veganism compared to omnivore diets for weight loss.[8] Then there are others showing that a diet including meat outperforms vegan diets for trimming body fat.[9]

Depending on who youre trying to impress, you can find six studies that say vegans will lose more weight than meat eaters, or half a dozen studies that show vegans will lose less weight.

It honestly doesnt matter, because when it comes to weight loss, it comes down to calories, calories, calories.

Oh and calories. Did I mention calories?

Put bluntly, if youre not losing weight, youre consuming too many calories.

It doesnt matter if theyre vegan or vegetarian or Paleo or certified organic. Check out our Why cant I lose weight? article to learn the science behind why!

Lets get to the point: Youre here, youre eating plants, and you want to lose weight. So heres how to do it.

If you typically ate a standard American diet filled with burgers and french fries, and then moved to salads? Yeah, Id imagine that you would lose weight simply because youre now eating fewer calories than you were eating in the past.

However, if you go from scarfing down normal burgers to scarfing down an Impossible Burger or a vegan burger? Maybe not.[10]

Lets take a look:

The Impossible Burger is made with wheat protein, coconut oil, potato protein and heme (a molecule found in plants and animals). So its very calorically dense.

Moral of the story: dont assume that food without any meat in it will have fewer calories in it.

While there are plenty of nuances, when it comes to weight loss, calories in and calories out plays a major role in whether or not you are successful.

Just because something is vegan doesnt mean its necessarily healthy. As someone pointed out in our private Facebook Academy group, Oreos are vegan.

If you dont plan properly, you could be deluding yourself into thinking veganism will be a weight loss strategy.

I know that adopting a new lifestyle can be challenging, especially if youre really busy. Whether its veganism, a low-carb diet, or trying to build muscle, embarking on a new habit can be tough if you dont know what to do.

Weight-loss, no matter which strategy you pick, can be a hard road to follow.

I want you to know that youre not alone, were here to help. We offer a 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program to help busy people like you embark on complete life overhauls. We can help you with dietary changes, exercise, and accountability so you can create new healthy habits that fit into your chaotic day-to-day life!

If youre thinking about a Plant-Based Diet for weight loss, we can help you switch to a less restrictive diet over time. Slow and steady is our preferred approach.

If youd like to learn more, click on the big image below:

Contrary to popular belief, you CAN get enough protein when following a Plant-Based Diet.

However, protein consumption SHOULD be something thats prioritized if youre trying to lose weight, build muscle, and be healthier. What we call protein is actually a combination of different amino acids. There are 20 or so amino acids that we use to build muscle and keep our organs functioning.

Nine of these amino acids our body cant produce itself, so we need to get them through food.

Getting all nine is important, because these amino acids do everything from build and repair muscle tissue (which is HUGE for strength training), run our metabolism, and even help our genes function correctly.[11]

All nine are found together in all forms of meat. When you eat a piece of chicken, you are getting all nine.

When it comes to non-animal sources, most plants will generally be missing one or two of these nine essential amino acids.[12]

Soy might be the best way to get all nine together in one plant; however, soy doesnt seem to provide the same biological functionality as dairy or eggs.[13]

You can overcome this small challenge easily by varying your dietary choices.

See the original post here:
Eating a Plant-Based Diet: Safely Going Vegan | Nerd Fitness

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