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Best Weight Loss Shakes That Work: Top 11 Most Effective Shakes for Losing Weight – Peninsula Daily News

Posted: May 8, 2022 at 1:44 am

The 21st century is marked by rapid urbanization and growth. It has resulted in people living utterly busy lives where they cant even make time out for their meals. As a result, they end up eating junk food that is filled with artificial synthetics and preservatives.

Weight loss is a dream for many individuals who cannot dedicate proper time to their health due to work and personal commitments. As a result, they indulge in an improper diet that can deprive their body of essential vitamins and minerals.

If you cannot dedicate time to your weight loss program, we recommend you take the support of meal replacement shakes. These are rich in nutrients that help you feel satiated. These weight loss shakes can improve your overall well-being as they contain the same nutrition as a well-balanced meal.

Meal replacement shakes are becoming immensely popular for their rich protein content that can substitute for a traditional meal. Besides getting vitamins and minerals, the shake also provides your body with fiber that is important for everyday bowel movements.

The best thing about meal replacement shakes is that they are an excellent way to achieve successful weight loss. Since the shakes have the necessary nutrients, they can keep your stomach full without the intake of calories or carbs. In addition, the fat-burning meal replacement shake can also be used to achieve regular dietary requirements by people at their utmost convenience.

However, the market is flooded with meal replacement products that may not be good for your health. It is essential to search for the right meal replacement shake that would suit your requirements the most. We have curated a comprehensive list of meal replacement products that you can refer to while choosing your weight loss partner!

As more and more people are becoming health-conscious, they are seeking nutritious food products that can satiate their hunger and provide the necessary nourishment to their bodies.

Our research and the editorial team came up with the best product for achieving your goals of weight loss a meal replacement shake. To help you choose the right one for yourself, our team sorted the finest products from the lot.

Every fat-burning meal replacement shake listed here had to pass specific criteria to become a part of this article. Below is a list of the best weight loss shakes available:

PhenQ Complete Meal Shake provides robust weight loss support to individuals. The shake can provide a complete meal replacement for one time and allow the user to engage in healthy eating. The shake can boost your energy levels and improve metabolism with just a few servings packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals, fiber, and protein.

PhenQ Complete Meal Shake is one of the best weight loss shakes to shed those extra kilos naturally by lowering your calorie intake. Any individual can take the PhenQ Complete Meal Shake since it is free from gluten, soy, and other artificial flavors. The vegan nature of the shake has made it so popular among individuals seeking weight loss naturally.

PhenQ Complete Meal Shake is gaining immense popularity over traditional dieting because it delivers essential vitamins and minerals, unlike the latter, which deprives the body of nutrition. Also, the meal replacement option is ideal for people who dont get time to cook their meals and eat junk food.

Consumption of PhenQ Complete Meal Shake is equivalent to eating a balanced meal because it ticks off your daily nutritional requirements and suppresses your cravings. Taking meal replacement shakes allows your body to lose weight faster than ever.

It re-ignites your slowed-down metabolism and supports weight loss. Like other meal replacement powders on this list, PhenQ is low in saturated fat that can hamper your weight loss process.

Its natural ingredient content (mushroom, Ashwagandha, etc.) and immense wellness benefits have made it popular among weight loss users. People prefer meal replacement options over protein powders because of their ability to promote overall development.

You might be wondering whether meal replacement is the correct option for your weight loss program or not. Meal replacement shakes do not deprive your body of essential nutrients. Instead, they contain abundant nutrients so that your stomach remains full throughout the day.

Lanta Flat Belly Shake comprises natural ingredients in its formula that contain essential vitamins and minerals that provide your body with the necessary nourishment. Meal replacement products are different from protein powders that do not have other nutrients and focus only on weight loss.

Think of a meal replacement shake as a complete package and alternative for a balanced meal. It can keep you full and healthy without taking away your energy and help you lose weight. When your body does not consume any additional calories, it can effortlessly shed those extra pounds using saturated fat.

The formula of Lanta Flat Belly Shake is made from the most natural elements making it one of the best weight loss shakes on the market right now. It contains extracts of fruits and vegetables, cinnamon bark, green tea extract, Panax Ginseng, and Ashwagandha, among other optimal ingredients for weight loss and burning fat.

Lanta is regarded as the best meal replacement shake by many users who have stated that it has promoted their habit of healthy eating. Like other meal replacement powders on this list, Lanta also contains healthy fats that can promote weight loss. Lead an active and healthy life with the help of meal replacement options provided by Lanta.

The unique thing about Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is that it comes with digestive enzymes that readily break down the food and aid digestion. Okinawa has been considered the best meal replacement shake because of its ability to suppress cravings and act as a strong meal replacement.

The meal replacement product offers full satiety to users, unlike other meal replacement powders present on the market. The shake aids weight loss and enables users to shed extra weight with the minimum workout.

Consuming Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic can supply your body with essential nutrients that are not possible when you try to achieve weight loss using traditional diet programs. An ordinary protein powder cannot provide the benefits that one can get from consuming this meal replacement shake.

Okinawa is one of the best weight loss shakes because of its ability to provide your body with the necessary nutrition using vitamins and minerals. If you are looking to replace your balanced meal with a healthy eating option, meal replacement shakes might be the right thing for you.

The belly Tonic by Okinawa is delicious, gluten-free, vegan-friendly, and low in saturated fat. The products formula is designed to curb your appetite, satiate your hunger, and promote effective weight loss in just a few servings. The shake is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats to improve overall health.

One Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic scoop is enough to kick-start your weight loss program.

If you want to lose weight by controlling your calorie intake, you must go for Ikaria Lean Belly Juice. It is one of the best weight loss shakes on the market. The product can curb your appetite, boost energy levels, and promote healthy fats in the body. It has also been found to support healthy blood pressure.

The Ikaria Lean Belly Juice can automatically switch your body from normal to fat-burning mode. It helps you burn more fat for energy while removing the excess fat stored in your body. If you are struggling with weight loss, meal replacement is the way!

The natural ingredients present in the formula of Ikaria Lean Belly Juice work in synergy to induce weight loss in regular users. These are scientifically proven ingredients (capsaicin, silymarin, dandelion, fucoxanthin, and resveratrol) to assist the process of weight loss.

Unlike most meal replacement powders that only use protein to promote weight loss, Ikaria Lean Belly Juice combines relevant ingredients to change your body positively. The juice also includes fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can replace a balanced meal without depriving your body of the necessary nutrition.

Most people have hectic lifestyles these days where they cannot make time to take care of their health. The presence of essential vitamins and minerals in meal replacement shakes boosts the habit of healthy eating in individuals. Consuming the best meal replacement shake can do wonders for your weight loss program.

Unlike most replacement powders that do not contain the right proportion of ingredients, Ikaria gets it right. It is palatable, low in saturated fat, soy-free, gluten-free, and vegan-friendly.

BioTrust Keto Elevate is one of the best weight loss shakes for individuals on a keto diet. Daily consumption of this weight loss powder makes it very easy for people to lose weight and remain in shape. It assists people in achieving their fitness goals and engaging in positive weight management.

It is one of the few meal replacement shakes that come with saturated fat along with plant-based protein sources to provide the necessary nutrients to your body. Since its not like traditional protein powders that only aim at weight loss, it is considered the best meal replacement shake by individuals attempting to lose weight using newer means.

The formula of BioTrust Keto Elevate is high in healthy fats, making it very easy to control your calorie and carbs intake to achieve your daily weight loss goal. The powder promotes a healthy body shape and allows you to maintain optimum body weight. In just a few weeks, you will start noticing positive changes in your body, both physically and mentally.

Each serving of Keto Elevate contains a rich profile of vitamins and minerals, fiber, amino acids, and other plant-based proteins. The meal replacement product is free from artificial preservatives, soy, dairy, gluten, sugar, and gluten. As a result, it provides several health benefits (regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels, promotes mental clarity, and boosts metabolism, among many others) apart from just fulfilling your target of weight loss.

Like many meal replacement powders on this list, Keto Elevate can make for a balanced meal because of its high nutritional content. The powder can support a good appetite, control your cravings, and promote healthy eating daily.

Very few traditional protein powders contain any nutrients apart from protein. But, consuming whey protein solely cannot benefit your body wholly. Thats why the makers of Golden Superfood Bliss have introduced an all-encompassing formula containing healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, fiber, etc., and turmerics goodness.

Turmeric makes a great addition to a meal replacement shake as it has numerous health benefits. Apart from boosting metabolism, it can help local inflammation and muscle soreness caused by a heavy workout session. This quality alone makes Golden Superfood Bliss one of the best weight loss shakes on the market right now.

Many meal replacement powders promise effective weight loss but cannot deliver. Golden Superfood Bliss is formed of an excellent formula that can replace a balanced meal and provide you with equally nutritional content. It can supply your body with saturated fat portions that nourish your body.

Golden Bliss is the best meal replacement shake to lose weight if you want to reduce your cravings and curb your appetite. The powder can promote healthy eating habits in individuals who lead hectic lives. It can make them more active and fitter to quickly achieve their weight loss goals.

The addition of amino acids from the proteins present in the meal replacement product enables you to maintain optimum body weight. Meal replacement shakes can slim down more effectively as you take fewer calories than usual.

Golden Bliss offers a high-quality blend of natural weight loss ingredients in a potent formula, unlike many meal replacement powders.

Ladder Whey Protein is the only weight loss powder formulated with LeBron James and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ladder is the company of both these celebrities to promote weight loss in individuals looking for a formula made with natural ingredients.

Unlike many meal replacement powders, Ladder Whey Protein is NSF-certified for Sport. The powder has passed several tests and meets all the weight loss powder requirements. The natural formula of the best meal replacement shake contains no banned substances that can harm your bodily health.

It is one of the few protein powders that promote a healthy body weight to meet your weight loss goals. Amino acids in the powders formula can boost muscle strength and development. Other beneficial ingredients include fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

It is one of the best weight loss shakes to build lean muscle mass, boost exercise performance, and improve muscle recovery. The powder has immense health benefits, including optimum blood pressure, healthy cholesterol levels, appetite management, etc.

When you consume these meal replacement shakes, you take a step towards healthy eating as you restrict calorie intake extensively. The powder can supply your body with saturated fat portions that provide necessary nourishment. Since the powder acts as a replacement for a balanced meal and is rich in protein, you lose weight smoothly. Entrust your weight loss process to Ladders Whey Protein, and you will not be disappointed.

Exante meal replacement shake contains a high nutritional content of ingredients that can assist your weight loss process to a great extent. The shake is packed with 26 vitamins and minerals that deliver your body the necessary nourishment. These elements ensure that your body receives nutrition for overall growth and development.

Exante meal replacement shakes are known for producing effective results in regular users. The texture of these shakes is creamy and delicious so that your palate is satisfied to control your cravings. The Exante meal replacement shake is enough to replace a balanced meal as it provides equally high nutrients.

When you consume Exante meal replacement shakes daily, you deliver fewer calories to your body. It can assist your weight loss process as your appetite is curbed and you dont intake junk food rich in unhealthy fats. The saturated fat from the meal replacement shake can help you lose weight and stay in shape.

Exante meal replacement shakes are available in unique flavors so that weight loss does not get boring for you. The flavors are Strawberry, Marshmallow Milk Cereal, and Birthday Cake, among many others, to satiate your hunger and taste buds. With the vegan protein shake, you get the goodness of natural ingredients and can maintain a healthy diet.

If you want to try out a vegan protein shake to lose weight more effectively, Exante is the best meal replacement shake. The product can immensely improve your prospects of weight loss with the help of a high-quality formula. Rest assured, Exante meal replacement shakes are free of artificial substances that can induce side effects in your body.

Fitera FitFreeze is one of the unique meal replacement shakes on our list. The powder formula of the product can be made into an ice cream that provides a tasty treat to individuals seeking weight loss options. You freeze the weight loss powder to make 2 pints of ice cream for around 15 servings.

FitFreeze has revolutionized the meal replacement industry with the invention of its ice cream powder. Individuals generally associate weight loss with a dull period where they cannot eat delicious food. But who can say no to ice cream and that too during your weight loss process!

Fitera offers a nutritious meal replacement shake that emphasizes protein to help you heal from workout pain. Protein helps your muscles recover and make you feel satiated even when not consuming solid food. The vegan protein shake allows you to intake fewer calories than usual to shed stubborn fat stored in your body.

Consuming FitFreeze ice cream is as good as eating a traditional healthy meal since it contains equal nutritional value ingredients. Anyone can drink the vegan meal replacement shake to lose weight and achieve fitness goals without much effort.

Apart from containing protein, the vegan meal replacement formula also contains fiber, minerals, and vitamins, among other proven ingredients for weight loss. The formula is designed to be soy-free, gluten-free, and non-GMO so that many people can benefit from it.

It is one of the most effective meal replacement shakes to help you lose weight and achieve physical and mental fitness. The formula promotes the presence of healthy fat in your body so that your weight is optimum.

Floralite is one of the many meal replacement powders that assist individuals in their weight loss program. The products website is filled with positive customer reviews from satisfied clients who shared their weight loss transformations. Some of these clients claimed to lose over 20 pounds of body weight in less than a month.

The product is one of the best nutritious meal replacement shakes. It contains 56 ingredients in each serving to ensure that users maintain a healthy diet whenever they consume Floralite.

If you want to get a suitable meal replacement, you can go for Floralite. The product delivers fewer calories than a traditional meal. It helps suppress your appetite and keeps you satiated for a long time. This allows individuals to lose weight quickly as the stubborn fat in their bodies gets burned.

The vegan protein shake by Floralite is free from gluten and soy, so everyone can consume it. The amino acids in Floralite help develop and grow muscles in the body. Several health benefits of consuming Floralite daily include optimum blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure levels.

The gluten-free meal replacement shake can supply your body with healthy fat that can allow it to burn calories faster. Floralite is an excellent substitute for a healthy meal that contains all the nutrients fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Allow the premium formula of Floralite to energize your body and assist it in losing weight.

WellGrove Keto Super Powder is a nutritious meal replacement shake formed from extra virgin olive oil, fresh extracts, and prebiotics. The premium keto weight loss formula assists you in losing weight without engaging in a physical workout. If you are on a keto diet looking for effective meal replacement shakes, WellGrove can help you lose weight.

WellGrove Keto Super Powder has a unique formula on our list. Besides assisting an individual in the weight loss program, the vegan protein shake can promote a healthy gut and digestive system. Probiotics make it a potent blend to introduce healthy microbiomes into your digestive tract.

Olive oil used in the meal replacement shake supplies your body with healthy fats to promote weight loss efficiently. Many dieters add olive oil to their diet to boost weight loss. In addition, olive oil also helps in reducing inflammation caused by strenuous workouts.

The vegan meal replacement shake can be taken instead of a traditional meal as it contains all the essential nutrients you get from solid food. WellGrove Keto Super Powder is rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins, proteins, and other nutrients so that your body achieves balance quickly.

When you take this vegan meal replacement formula, you consume fewer calories than usual. When your body does not get so many calories, all the energy is directed towards weight loss. The gluten-free nature of the product makes it consumable by anyone.

Apart from becoming an essential part of your healthy diet, the meal replacement product can boost mental health and provide faster recovery from workouts.

Weight loss is an extensive process. A dream for many, achieving it requires persistent effort. What if we tell you that you can now achieve weight loss with the help of meal replacements.

You can now drink meal replacement shakes to complete your healthy diet and reach your fitness goals. However, the market is flooded with meal replacement shakes that may or may not produce effective results all the time.

To assist you with sorting these shakes, we skimmed through the deepest corners of the internet to separate the best meal replacement shakes from the junk ones that do not work. Heres how we chose these very brands to develop a comprehensive list.

The real game-changer in any meal replacement shake is the presence of ingredients in its formula. If the formula contains scientifically-backed ingredients that induce weight loss, it will receive a thumbs-up from the user.

A good meal replacement shake must contain essential minerals and vitamins, fiber, protein, amino acids, and other nutrients essential for bodily growth. Although, we preferred meal replacement shakes containing these nutrients and other elements like ginger, Panax Ginseng, turmeric, etc.

To assist your weight loss dream, we came up with the best meal replacement shakes that contain proven ingredients.

A good meal replacement shake must be made of natural ingredients so that users dont get any side effects from regular consumption. The presence of natural elements increases the efficacy of these shakes in inducing weight loss.

We preferred meal replacement shakes that contained natural extracts of fruits and vegetables in their flavored versions, plant-based proteins, vitamins and minerals, ginger, turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon bark, Ashwagandha, and so on.

We incorporated the best meal replacement shakes present in the industry right now.

Often, brands use artificial sweeteners in their products to make them more palatable and desirable. The inclusion of artificial flavors interferes with the formulas efficacy in containing natural ingredients to generate weight loss results.

Unlike other meal replacement shakes claiming to be entirely natural but have hidden artificial flavors, we included the best meal replacement shakes that display their nutritional content honestly.

When you consume meal replacement shakes, be aware to check the formula listed on the backside of the product. Our team tried out all the brands mentioned here to ensure that you receive the best only.

Since meal replacement shakes aim to induce weight loss, the brand must display actual results of consuming their meal replacement products. The best meal replacement shakes produce effective results from users who have shed weight and burned stored fat in the body.

When you drink meal replacement shakes, your body consumes fewer calories but receives the same benefits of a wholesome traditional meal. Meal replacements are turning out to be a popular weight loss option among fitness enthusiasts because of their ability to produce effective results.

If the question are meal replacement shakes good for your body still lingering in your mind, try out one of the brands listed here to witness actual results.

All the meal replacement shakes mentioned on our list contain vitamins and minerals, fiber, protein, and other nutrients to induce positive weight loss results. Several customers have provided positive feedback on meal replacements online that let us to these same brands.

If you wonder whether meal replacement shakes are good for weight loss, you can read plenty of customer reviews online that state the efficacy of these products.

Drink meal replacement shakes with the full nutritional content of a balanced meal to lose weight.

The best meal replacement shakes do not simply use protein in their formula. They contain other nutrients to support protein in inducing weight loss in individuals.

Most meal replacement shakes contain digestive enzymes, natural extracts of plants, ginger, turmeric, vitamins, and minerals. Digestive enzymes promote a healthy gut, whereas turmeric cures local inflammation.

Drinking meal replacement shakes with additional ingredients can help you lose weight and improve your overall well-being.

When it comes to finding the best meal replacement shakes, we had to make sure that it was palatable for you because it is an essential factor in deciding whether you will continue to take them every day. Most meal replacement shakes are not precisely known for their options of multiple flavors, but we made sure that the ones on our list give you enough choices to let you decide the best options for you.

Drinking meal replacement shakes in flavors that you dont like is not feasible whatsoever, and you might not stick to it in the long term, which will prevent you from getting the benefits of meal replacements. This is the opposite of what we want. While we were at it, we not only considered the number of flavor options available, but we also kept in mind that there were no artificial flavors included in the options because these do more harm than good.

Palatability and taste of the meal replacement took the next priority when ranking the best meal replacement shakes you can use in the long term. It is not all about unique and distinct flavors but finding a few that you might want to take every day.

Most meal replacement shakes are not precisely known for their taste or appreciated. People tend to avoid taking them regularly because their complete meal replacement powder does not satisfy them when it comes to having some taste that they could enjoy. For the shake to be sustainable, it has to be tasty.

The source of the protein used ought to be taken quite seriously. Most people might be OK with taking products made from grass-fed collagen peptides or containing whey protein concentrate. However, if you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet that is lactose-free, then a plant-based protein is the best way. Whey protein concentrate is derived from milk.

Some of the best meal replacement shakes for vegans are made from pea protein, brown rice protein powder, hemp protein powder, etc. Most meal replacement shakes want to provide people with plant-based protein stick to pea protein powder, but brown rice protein powder and hemp protein are great options for plant-based protein. We took the choices and sources of protein into consideration while ranking the shakes.

The amount of macronutrient content is significant and a must-consider factor for people who wish to eat fewer calories to enhance their process of shedding extra weight. The complete meal replacement powder must contain a healthy amount of proteins per serving. But also, the number of other macros like fats and carbs per serving must be taken into consideration.

The meal replacement shakes offered an optimal balance between carbs and protein per serving, ranked among the top. The amount of macronutrients present in the shakes affects the efficacy of the same and decides how much extra weight you can lose and whether you will be able to build muscles. The macronutrient content also determines how filling the shake will be and how sustainable.

When we decided which was the top meal replacement powder we would add to our list, we also considered the number of vitamins and minerals per serving. This is an essential aspect of meal replacements because you substitute a well-balanced diet. We selected only those products with adequate vitamins and minerals per serving. The more vitamins and minerals per serving, the better. This ensures that your immunity is not compromised during your journey of reducing weight and dropping those pounds.

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Best Weight Loss Shakes That Work: Top 11 Most Effective Shakes for Losing Weight - Peninsula Daily News

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16 Best High Protein Foods Weight Loss – Food List – Men’s Health

Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:56 am


The first step to losing weight is rethinking your diet.

Weight loss comes down to energy balancemeaning you have to consistently burn more calories than you eat. High-protein foods help out with both sides of the energy balance equation, says Kim Yawitz, a registered dietitian and gym owner in St. Louis, MO.

First, high-protein foods can help boost your metabolism, both short- and long-term, Yawitz says, adding that eating a protein-heavy meal temporarily increases calorie burn, simply because your body has to work harder to digest and metabolize protein compared to fats and carbs. Over time, incorporating more high-protein foods can also help protect against muscle loss while in a calorie deficit, allowing you to eat more calories while still losing weight.

As a bonus, high-protein foods are also highly satiating, says Yawitz, especially when pitted against high-carb foods (bread, pasta, rice, etc.). In this way, eating more protein at meals and snacks can help you to eat fewer calories overall when youre trying to lose weight.

To preserve muscle mass, Yawitz typically recommends starting with 0.8-1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day on a weight loss diet. For instance, if you weigh 150 pounds, that amounts to 120 grams to 150 grams per day. Keep in mind that eating too many calories overall will make you gain weight, even if those calories come from high-quality proteins, says Yawitz. You may need to reduce your carb and fat intake, especially if youre eating a lot more protein than normal.

Another thing thats important to keep in mind as you increase your protein intake is to drink more water. In one small study, athletes on high-protein diets were more likely to be dehydrated than those who ate less protein. In this study, the athletes didnt feel especially thirsty even when their urine showed markers of dehydration, she says, noting that drinking water throughout the day can help you feel and function your best even if you dont feel parched, plus it may even help with your weight loss efforts.

Ahead, 16 such high-protein foods that can help with weight loss.

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I stock my freezer with tilapia, which provides 30 grams of protein per four-ounce serving, and is also low in calories, says Yawitz. Whether you opt for tuna, tilapia, sardines, anchovies, or something else, fish is very filling, making it a great choice when youre cutting calories, says Yawitz.

This is one of my favorite proteins because it not only boasts 19 grams of high-quality protein per 3 ounces cooked, it also boasts EPA and DHA omega-3s, says Amy Gorin, R.D.N., an inclusive plant-based dietitian in Stamford, CT. These healthy fats help keep you fuller for longer (in addition to helping with heart health), she says.

"I love to make my own salmon bacon, says Gorin. Check out Gorins recipe for homemade salmon bacon here.

Heres another fish worth singling out when it comes to being high in protein and a good option for those trying to lose weight. Mackerel is low in mercury and packs a ton of protein; it has 33 grams per filet, says Kylie Ivanir M.S., R.D. Protein increases cholecystokinin (CKK), a hormone related to satiation, she says.

These are one of Gorins favorite plant-based foods to load up on because they are a complete protein, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids that your body is unable to make on its own. She also likes that pistachios are one of the highest protein nuts, with a quarter-cup serving providing six grams of protein, adding that since pistachios contain a trifecta of protein, fiber, and better-for-you fats, they help keep you fuller for longer which can help with weight management.

Just cup of low-fat cottage cheese contains 14 grams of belly-filling protein, says Yawitz. You can stick to a cup if you need a small snack, or top a double portion with fruits or raw veggies for an easy meal.

Theres good reason egg whites have a good reputation as a protein-rich food that helps with weight management. By opting to eat egg whites rather than both the white and the yolk you cut down on a significant amount of calories without losing much protein, says Trista K. Best, M.P.H., R.D., at Balance One Supplements.

The calories in eggs goes from around 70 to less than 20 when you cut out the yolk and only lose two grams of protein. This continues to be a protein-rich food that can aid in weight loss by both keeping you full and cutting down on calories," says Best.

Almond butter, in particular, packs a significant amount of nutrients including monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, fiber and protein. A quality almond butter will have less than two grams of sugar, Best says. Protein is also a valuable nutrient when choosing an almond butter. An adequate amount of protein in a serving of almond butter is around six-to-seven grams.

Its not always easy to follow a high-protein diet, especially if youre always on the go. I keep whey protein powder and a shaker bottle on hand for days when I struggle to hit my protein goals, says Yawitz. Look for a brand thats third-party tested, and that has at least 25 grams of protein per scoop and not a lot of added ingredients. Need a good recommendation? These are the best whey protein powders to buy right now.

Mackenzie Burgess, registered dietitian nutritionist and recipe developer at Cheerful Choices, recommends choosing grass-fed beef thanks to its higher amounts of nutrients like omega-3s and antioxidants. Plus, it packs in substantial protein, which helps us feel fuller longer and may help reduce the overall calorie intake for the day," Burgess says.

Yes, tofu is the new king of protein. Tofu is a favorite plant protein because its so versatile. It picks up the flavor of whatever its cooked with, and baked tofu is so delicious, says Gorin. Plus, tofu is a complete vegan protein that provides protein and fibera combination that helps to keep you fuller for longer. Half a cup of firm tofu provides 22 grams of protein.

Soy foods in general are another group of grub to keep in mind if youre trying to load up on protein and drop weight. Soy is a high protein food that is beneficial for a weight loss diet because it also contains fiber, says Banna. Fiber is important to help you stay full and avoid overeating. Along with tofu, try edamame, miso, and tempeh (more on tempeh below).

As Burgess puts it, don't knock it till you try it. At 31 grams of protein per cup, tempeh has a firm texture and surprisingly nutty taste. Its made from fermented soy beans, making it a versatile, protein-packed choice for a meatless meal, she says. Try sauting tempeh cubes in a veggie stir-fry or grilling as kabobs, Burgess suggests.

Pea protein powder contains the magical combination for weight loss of both protein and fiber which keep you satisfied, while maintaining energy levels and keeping blood sugar levels stable, say Lyssie Lakatos, R.D.N. and Tammy Lakatos Shames, R.D.N., The Nutrition Twins.

No more energy crashes and blood sugar dips that result in sugar and salt cravings and unwanted calories from unplanned snacks. Plus, pea protein can aid in weight loss even when calories arent restricted, and it also has been found to be more effective than whey protein at fighting against hunger. Check out our guide to pea protein powders here.

Black lentils pack in 18 grams of protein per cup and the protein aids in weight loss, says Ivanir. The fiber in black lentils also slows digestion, keeping us full and reducing cravings throughout the day.

The fiber in beans will keep consumers satisfied long after a meal which can prevent overeating, says Best. If you can, pair beans with rice: Beans are also rich in protein and eating them along with rice is the best way to get in all nine essential amino acids. Taking in all essential amino acids is necessary for a healthy life and combining rice and beans provides the right combination of amino acids to achieve this.

Pumpkin seeds are high in protein, containing 12 grams per cup, says Ivanir. The protein content will keep blood sugar levels in check, aiding in weight loss, she continues, elaborating that the seeds are rich in fiber, which feeds beneficial microbes in the gut.

New to this probiotic beverage? Its time to add it to your routine regularly. Just one glass of kefir contains nine grams of protein! Protein decreases neuropeptide Y (NPY), the Im craving carbs hormone. Carbs derail weight loss efforts by spiking blood sugar, says Ivanir. Look for brands that have no added sugar, she says.

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How to Lose Weight Fast: The Fastest Ways for Real Weight Loss Results – Mercer Island Reporter

Posted: April 11, 2022 at 1:54 am

If youre over your goal weight or your doctor wants you to lose weight due to health reasons, there are ways you can lose weight fast safely. Most experts recommend sticking with a steady weight loss rate of one to two pounds a week. This is the most effective long-term weight management strategy out there.

However, many eating and diet plans only leave you feeling more hungry or unsatisfied throughout the day, or they tell you not to eat anything from one of the major food groups. As a result, these plans are simply not sustainable. Thus, it can be difficult to find and stick with a healthy eating plan.

Each person has a unique need and eating style, so the tips that may work for you may not for another. Perhaps a low carb diet helps you lose weight, or one that focuses on whole grain foods. These may not work for another person, though.

There are some general tips that help most people lose weight and those are plans that help you:

If youre looking to lose weight quickly, just remember that this is rarely a sustainable endeavor. Its always best to focus on long-term health and habits. Nonetheless, here are some tips for losing weight fast.

You can cut out or cut back on starches and sugars (carbohydrates) by implementing a low-carb diet and eating more whole grains. You will eat fewer calories and your hunger level will reduce. Plus, youll burn stored fat for energy rather than carbs. When eating more whole foods, you will benefit from ingesting higher fiber while digesting them slowly keeping you fuller for longer.

Studies show that low carb diets reduce appetite, resulting in eating fewer calories without feeling hungry. That being said, most people find it hard to stick to a low carb diet over the long term, leading to yo-yo dieting.


Balance out your plate with:

To preserve your muscle mass and health while you lose weight, eat a recommended amount of protein. The average male needs 56-91 grams per day, while the average female needs 46-75 grams per day.

Load up on leafy green vegetables in particular, as they have lots of nutrients and are low in calories. Just be careful of high-carb (complex carb) choices such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, and corn.

You need healthy fats too, such as avocado and olive oil. Try some nuts, seeds, and olives too. Use butter and coconut oil in moderation because they have a high saturated fat content.


Exercise will help you lose weight quickly, particularly by lifting weights. This will allow you to burn calories and prevent a slow-down of your metabolism. Strength training three to four times per week is a good start. If you cant or dont want to lift weights, try cardio workouts such as jogging, walking, running, swimming or cycling. Combine the two for the best results.


If you go with a low-carb eating plan, you dont have to count calories so long as you eat mostly fat, protein, and low-carb vegetables. If youre not losing weight despite this, start keeping track of calories. Just remember that eating not enough calories can be dangerous when it comes to weight loss.

You should reduce your caloric intake by implementing a sustainable, healthy amount of food.

Counting calories can be helpful for some people but not everyone. If you stress out about your caloric intake and your weight, you will end up feeling guilty about your food choices. You may also participate in restrictive diets, which could lead to an eating disorder.

Speak with a healthcare professional, like a registered dietitian, if you are having struggles with food.

Or, you could chat with a trained volunteer at the National Eating Disorders Association helpline at no cost.


Check out these tips to help you lose weight fast:

In addition to these weight loss tips, do all you can to reduce your stress level and implement a fitness routine.


Check out these sample meal plan ideas which are low in carbs (2050 carbs/day). Each meal includes protein, healthy fats, and vegetables.

If you still want to eat complex carbs, you should add whole grains such as:

Many people lose weight quickly in the first week of their new diet, then taper off after that and slow down to a more consistent rate. Expect to lose body fat and water weight that first week. Especially if youre on a weight loss plan for the first time, you may lose weight more quickly than others.

Just remember that most doctors recommend only losing one to two pounds per week. Any faster than that is not safe, but you should speak to your doctor about the right choice for you.

In addition to weight loss, a low-carb diet boosts your health in many ways:

Other diet plans that lower caloric intake and increase whole foods are linked with better metabolic markers and slower aging


When you reduce your intake of carbs or replace refined carbs with complex carbs, you will experience lower hunger levels. Feeling hungry is why most people cant maintain a steady weight loss plan, so finding a way of eating that keeps you fuller for longer is the best bet.

When you incorporate a sustainable low-carb or low-calorie eating plan, you can consume healthy foods until you are full and still be able to lose weight.

Quick weight loss may be your goal, but dont neglect the long term. Its quite easy to lose weight but losing fat takes longer. Thats why sustainable weight loss is more difficult to achieve.

If you have a goal of losing weight for a special occasion such as a wedding or vacation, or you just want to improve your health, weight loss is a goal many people share.

Its important to set realistic expectations, and part of that is knowing what a healthy weight loss rate is.

Weight loss happens when a person consistently consumes fewer calories than they burn each day. Weight gain, on the other hand, happens when a person consistently eats more calories than they burn.

Any food or beverage with calories in it will count toward your daily caloric intake. The number of calories you burn per day is called your energy or calorie expenditure.

Calorie expenditure involves these three components

When the number of calories you take in equals the number of calories you are burning, you can maintain body weight.

If your goal is to lose weight, you have to create a negative calorie balance by eating fewer calories than youre burning or burning more calories with more activity.


You can achieve weight loss when you consistently take in fewer calories than you burn every day.

Many factors impact how fast you lose weight. You cant control all of them.

Fat-to-muscle ratio affects the ability to lose weight.

Because women have a higher fat-to-muscle ratio than men by nature, they have a five to 10 percent lower RMR than males who are the same height.

As such, females will burn five to 10 percent fewer calories than men while at rest. This is why men usually lose weight more quickly than women when they consume the same amount of calories.

Changes in body composition happen with age. Your fat mass increases while your muscle mass decreases. This change can contribute to a lower RMR.

Older adults over 70 likely have RMRs that are 20 to 25 percent lower than RMRs of younger adults. This decrease makes it more difficult to drop pounds as we get older.

Initial body mass and composition can impact how quickly you can lose weight. You should know that the different absolute weight losses will correspond to the same relative weight loss by individual.

In order to lose weight, you have to create a negative calorie balance. Lets say you take in 500 fewer calories per day for eight weeks, you will experience faster weight loss than if you only ate 200 fewer calories per day.

Getting enough sleep is a big part of weight loss. Chronic sleep loss can prevent effective weight loss and how fast you lose pounds.

Just one night of not getting a good nights sleep can boost your craving for high-calorie, nutrient-low foods, such as cakes, cookies, sugary beverages, and chips.

Chronic sleep deprivation also contributes to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and certain cancers.

Other factors affecting weight loss rate include:


Age, gender, and sleep all affect weight loss, as do medical conditions, genetics, and certain medications.

Its confusing to know which diet is best for quick weight loss. But there is no single weight loss diet that is the best. Everyone is different, and different diets work for different people.

Low-carb diets such as keto can help you drop pounds initially but studies do not show positive results over the long term. Instead, sticking to a healthy, low-calorie eating pattern is the best way to lose weight.

Just be careful to only moderately reduce caloric intake or work alongside a registered dietitian to come up with a diet plan that will work for you.

A combination of diet and exercise, including aerobic and resistance training, will help you maximize fat loss while minimizing muscle loss.

Dont eat a lot of processed foods and be sure to incorporate healthy, whole foods like vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, whole grains, and proteins.


Sticking to an effective weight loss diet is tough for most people. Always select a diet based on your preferences and health status.

While you may want to experience rapid weight loss, you shouldnt lose weight too quickly.

Rapid weight loss boosts the risk of gallstones, malnutrition and dehydration.

It can also lead to:

Though you may lose weight fast when beginning a new diet, you should aim to only lose between one and three pounds a week, or one percent of your body weight.

Weight loss is never a linear process. You may lose more one week and not as much the next. Thats why its easy to get discouraged if you dont lose weight in one week or it plateaus. Its a good idea to keep a food diary to help you maintain focus.

Research shows that those that use self-monitoring techniques, such as writing in their diary, have more success with losing weight and keeping the pounds off


Losing weight too fast can result in gallstones, fatigue and muscle loss. A healthy weight loss goal is one to three pounds per week.

You will lose weight when you consume fewer calories than you are burning.

Many things affect weight loss rate, including age, gender, starting weight, sleep quality, and calorie deficit.

Diet and exercise are essential for weight loss but many other factors are at play here. Sleep quality and stress levels impact hunger, metabolism, body weight, and belly fat. All you have to do is make small changes to your diet and daily routine and you will lose weight.

Here are some of the top weight loss tips for females.

Refined carbs are highly processed, meaning they reduce the amount of micronutrients and fiber found in the final product.

These foods can boost your blood sugar levels, increase your hunger levels and increase your belly fat and body weight.

Limit the use of white bread, prepackaged foods and pasta. Instead, go for whole-grain products such as brown rice, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, or barley.

Resistance training will help you build up muscle while increasing endurance. This is especially good for females over 50 because it boosts the number of calories your body will burn while at rest. Plus, it ensures bone mineral density which protects you against osteoporosis.

You can lift weights or do some body-weight exercises to start out.

Drink lots of water to easily achieve weight loss. When you drink water before a meal, you can boost weight loss while reducing the number of calories you take in by 13 percent.

Protein such as meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, legumes and dairy should be part of your healthy diet if you want to lose weight.

Getting good sleep quality is essential when you want to lose weight. Its just as important as diet and exercise. In fact, sleep deprivation has been linked with increased body weight and higher ghrelin levels, which is the hormone that stimulates hunger.

Cardio, or aerobic exercise, boosts your heart rate so you can burn extra calories. Go for between 20 and 40 minutes of cardio per day.

Use a food journal to keep track of what you eat. This will hold you accountable while making healthier choices. You can also count calories this way while helping you stick to your weight loss goals.

Add more fiber to slow down how fast your stomach empties so you stay fuller for longer. Increase your intake of fiber to 14 grams per day, adding fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, seeds, and whole grains.

This will minimize external distractions while you eat. Eat slowly and focus on how your food looks, tastes and smells. Eating slowly will make you feel full, resulting in reductions in daily caloric intake.

Choose healthy, low-calorie snacks to minimize hunger levels between meals. They should be high in protein and fiber so as to curb your cravings. Try whole fruit with nut butter, Greek yogurt with nuts, and veggies with hummus.

Fad diets promise quick weight loss, but they can actually be harmful for you. Studies show that women who cut out certain foods from their diets increased overeating and cravings.

Fad diets promote unhealthy eating habits that can prevent long-term weight loss.

If you dont have the time for a full workout, squeeze more steps into your day to burn extra calories and boost weight loss. Take the stairs rather than the elevator, park far from the door, or take a walk at lunch.

Set smart goals so you can more easily reach your weight loss goals. These goals must be specific, achievable, measurable, relevant, and timely, holding you accountable over the long term.

Dont just vow to lose 10 pounds. Vow to lose 10 pounds in three months by writing in a food journal, hitting the gym a few times per week, and including one serving of vegetables in every meal.

High stress levels can lead to higher risk of weight gain.

It can also alter eating patterns and result in binging and overeating.

Instead, wind down by exercising, listening to some tunes, doing yoga, writing in your journal, and talking to friends.

Switch to a smaller plate size to help you maintain portion control. People who use smaller plates for their meals tend to eat less and feel more satisfied than people who use a large plate

Probiotics are beneficial forms of bacteria that have been known to promote weight loss. They do this by increasing the fat excretion and altering hormone levels so your appetite is reduced.

This can help prevent weight gain while you increase fat burning.

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How to Lose Weight Fast: The Fastest Ways for Real Weight Loss Results - Mercer Island Reporter

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Lunaire Keto United Kingdom [UK]: Reviews 2022 (Ketogenic Diet Farm), Flat Belly Diet, Is It Really Work? – Inter Press Service

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 2:04 am

Only the products that have been medically proven should be used by the people and this fact is all the more true when you are surrounded by the question of losing weight. You shall see that most obese people are at increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. That is why you hear even more cases of heart attacks from most fat people who are at the peak of their obesity. But just identifying the problem is not the right thing and we should focus on the solution you need to use.

Explore Here: Know More Lunaire Keto UK On Official Website

Lunaire Keto United Kingdom is the magic wand and the weight loss supplement that you would need to get off the hook of obesity and the results got through it also will last for a longer period of time. This food supplement has an inherent capability to eliminate fats and does that without further complicating anyhow the obesity problem as well. This product presents you with the best of time solutions and is advanced to lose weight in the low time. It is the solution that will be of real and paramount importance for you.

Lunaire Keto what is this weight loss supplement all about? :

The organic product we present to users is the real treasure you shall find among many and the advantages that you are going to feel through it are also undoubtedly numerous. Their impact on you will be huge and beneficial and shall help users in the right way that should be. Lunaire Keto United Kingdom is the herbal product of the decade and this is because it does eliminate the calories in a few days, what other products shall do after months of proper daily use. While other such supplements make you be strict and very committed to dosing, with this new supplement you have a choice of dosage flexibility at your discretion. The approach of making this with herbs has been balanced.

How does the weight loss supplement function for fat loss? :

Surely the population till now was not satisfied with the weight loss products available to them and they do not even remember the name of one keto pill which satisfied them wholly. People have failed many times to lose weight but to no avail. But today, this dietary supplement made with the finest quality that is known as Lunaire Keto United Kingdom has become the part and parcel of their life. It is the one everyone who is in obesity has been looking for and gives a great level of weight loss. This solution is here for you to drop your excess fat and this well-made keto supplement is also critically acclaimed. The use of citric acid is going to ensure that your bodys toxins are removed.

Check Here: Here Some Offers Available On Lunaire Keto UK

Ingredients that have been used in the preparation of this:

BHB Ketones these are some activated ketones that will begin the process of you losing weight again and provides higher enduranceVitamins you will find an ample amount of vitamins in this fat loss product and they help a great deal for the better immune systemMagnesium Stearate the presence of the minerals gives you an utmost feeling of fully at brim in appetite so as to reduce the amount of intakeCitric Acid this acid is a blend of several high quality as well as citric acids that will help you dissolve the fats around the vital body organsLecithin it goes a long way in ensuring that your body gets the trimmed and desirable look by beginning to make you lose weight very fast

What are the advantages this keto supplement gives you? :

Visit Here Know More: Go to Official Website Now Lunaire Keto UK

Are there any side effects present in the keto supplement? :

The efficacy of this keto supplement called Lunaire Keto United Kingdom is very high and will get slim in a matter of time. The weight loss journey you are going to start for your body will be with no side effects at all and this claim is purely backed up with medical evidence after conducting a large number of studies. You can also personally make a contact with the team or talk to doctors about the side effects of the same. The other users and the experiences shared have been great and they said that the product has helped all of them immensely. It is therefore sure that no negative external effects will be there from it.

What are the instructions for use of the pills for all users? :

Taking this product is going to be easy for those who are so much soaked up in work that they hardly have time for their own weight loss! Consuming it will take just seconds and this product being in a tablet form helps you even better. You can properly consume the supplement with water or any fluid that you like and when you want. Therefore, Lunaire Keto United Kingdom has made life much easier for all people. This supplement will keep you away from the cage of obesity and shall be the real health boon for you. For extreme cases, two such tablets in each dosage are the accepted guideline.

Customer feedback and reviews got for the keto supplement:

The customer reviews that have flown in for this dietary supplement have got everyone mesmerized. The results got from this new product seem to be what each one has been talking about these days. This is behaving in a positive way for the people and they all feel that they are in a better space. The feedback now has shown that after getting the results from the pill people are even more mentally happy and delighted with the weight they have. Lunaire Keto United Kingdom said the consumers have broken all the barriers and improved peoples condition to the best they could ever have.

How to buy the supplement and the effective discount on it? :

This healthy and wonderful keto supplement will offer you a lifetime of weight-loss opportunities and ensure that the lost weight stays as it is and does not come back. By applying the codes, discounts, and other many offers you will reach effective or discounted prices that are lesser than what you would be expecting. Buy Lunaire Keto United Kingdom now and let the weight loss regime begin with superb speed. This slimming journey will equip you with confidence in all health aspects. Note that however obese you are at the present time, weight loss is bound to happen. Buy on this day as offers are limited.

ALSO SEE: Shocking New Lunaire Keto UK Report What Theyll Never Tell You


What the modern users of today want are advanced and fast working supplement and Lunaire Keto United Kingdom totally stands true in these wishes. This is high time by now that you do not remain ignorant of your own health issues and the right products. You always must go forth and choose organic food supplements. The major drawback here is the lack of supply as per need in the market and this has pushed people to book it in advance. This product could give the users a glimmer of hope and is the one must-use thing for obese people. Buy it soon or else you may have to regret it forever. Use with sincerity for a month and a slim body shall be what you possess!

Lunaire Keto United Kingdom is the naturally created weight loss product that has been made with balanced and organic herbs and apple cedar to give you proper and speedy weight loss without any ill reaction in the body.


Apple Keto Gummies Australia: (2022 Ketogenic Diet) Legit Elements, Does Work Or Not?

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Lunaire Keto United Kingdom [UK]: Reviews 2022 (Ketogenic Diet Farm), Flat Belly Diet, Is It Really Work? - Inter Press Service

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20 Ways to Lose Weight and Keep It Off – Fatherly

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 2:04 am

More than 40 percent of Americans have gained weight in the past two years, with the average weight gain for men equaling 37 pounds, according to a2021 survey by the American Psychological Association. Blame the pandemic. With the increase of booze consumption, decrease in sleep, and piled on stress so much stress many of us gained a bit of weight. For those of us who have let a bit become quite a bit, a noticeable amount, a spare tire, or a double digit increase, its time to face the facts: Your life may be on the line. Forget about halcyon dreams of beach bodies, you need to worry about your heart.

Too much weight gain is strongly correlated with higher troponin levels in the blood basically, little pieces of your heart muscle floating around, telling us that damage is being done. Meaning? A six-foot, 225-pound man is 32 percent more likely to develop heart failure than a 6-foot, 188-pound, according to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. No wonder the No. 1 killer of men in the U.S. is heart disease. As such, weight gain, especially for men, is the No. 1 thing health-seekers will want to nip in the bud.

This leads us to some good news: Your pandemic weight gain is different than long-term weight gain. The weight youve gained during the past 18 months or so is more a consequence of circumstances than lifelong habits or metabolic shifts. With the right moves, it will come off faster and is more likely to stay off. You just need a little discipline in diet, effort in exercise, and to prioritize mind over matter. Lets do this.

Weight loss starts with diet. Period, end of story (sorry, fitness nuts!). This means we need to focus on what we eat and when we eat it. Intermittent fasting might sound crazy, but dont get too caught up in the extremes of the trend. Fasting is something we all do and studies show it can be used for good. One study of guys with pre-diabetes found that those who moved their dinner an hour earlier, so they ate all their meals in a six-hour window, had lower blood pressure, better insulin sensitivity, and decreased inflammation in their bodies (and yes, they lost weight). So look to space out your dinner-to-breakfast time and you should see benefits. Sometimes, its not about changing what you eat, but when you eat it.

Skipping a workout now and then is no big deal. But if the kid got sick or your partner is traveling or work is overwhelming or the pandemic is pandemic-ing again, you might have missed more than you were planning. Thats going to happen. But when you do get back into it, dont pick up where you left off or youll get injured, says Shaun Jenkins, senior trainer manager at Tone House in New York City. Scale back to a week in your program that would have been 60 to 65 percent max, he says. If you got up to 100 pounds on a certain machine, swipe back to where you were doing at 60 pounds and use that as your benchmark to restart.

If weight loss is your No. 1 goal, cardio has to be in the mix. Strength training is key for overall fitness, but its the minutes spent with your heart rate elevated at 85 percent max or more that really matter. These 15-minute HIIT sessions can get you there.

Reminder: A diet high in sugar, salt, and saturated fat will undermine a good workout routine any day of the week. This is often a pitfall of anyone who increases their workout intensity or time only to undo it by feeding increased need for calories with, say, fries, burgers, and shakes. And while there are no shortcuts to weight loss, cutting calories is probably necessary. In a review of the activity patterns of more than 1,700 people, scientists found that the energy expenditure from exercise was significantly less than people anticipated, making it harder to drop weight by exercise.

When you drastically cut the number of calories you eat in a day, your body flips out and says, OK, Im going to drastically cut the number of calories I burn in a day, too. Thats because it views this sudden drop in energy as a sign theres a famine on the horizon, and it goes into a mega-energy-saving pattern so it wont run out of fuel. (Picture your smartphone in battery-saving mode.) The better way: Aim to consume 300 to 500 fewer calories each day than usual and burn 300 to 500 more, for a reasonable two pounds of weight loss a week. Slow and steady wins this race.

Fact: You cant lose your gut without also changing your diet, but moves that target all five of your core muscles (thats your rectus abdominis, erector spinae, transverse abdominis, obliques, and multifidi) will improve midsection tone and give you better posture to boot. Start with the following three moves and add to it with more here.

Its fairly obvious what foods you should avoid salt, sugar, saturated fat, yall but what about portions? To figure these out, picture your dinner plate like the face of a clock. From 12 to 3 oclock should be your protein (chicken, fish, beans, or red meat); 3 to 6 oclock is where the rice, potatoes, and pasta go. The other half of your plate (say, 6 to 12 oclock) should be filled with fruits and veggies: salad, broccoli, green beans, an apple, you get the picture.

Tending to your mind is critical to keeping your stress in check, andstress contributes to your expanding waistline in more ways than one. For starters, stress causes your body to release the hormone cortisol. Cortisol increases appetite, and if this is chronic, it will affect your microbiota and change your body into craving more sugar-rich food, says Su-Nui Escobar, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Set aside 10 to 20 minutes each night (or morning) to simply sit and breathe.

Cortisol plays a role in regulating your metabolism, meaning the more of it pumping through your body, the slower your body uses food for fuel. Increased cortisol levels make it very difficult for the body to lose weight and promote belly fat, says Michael Robinson, a naturopathic physician and certified nutrition specialist. Robinson suggests keeping a journal where you can do a brain dump every night before bed writing down the stuff stressing you out and things on tomorrows to-do list, so you can sleep a little better (give or take a crying baby).

Want to get more bang for your buck at the gym? Superset workouts are for people who dont want to sit around at the gym all day, says Jenkins. Im a big proponent of getting the work done and thats one of the points of supersets. Pair one set of exercises with moves that working opposing muscle groups for best results.

Yep, those yellow slivers of sweetness can play a key role in your weight loss journey. Namely, they boost energy levels during exercise just as well as a sports drink, according to recent research. Why does that matter? Because low energy is the No. 1 reason people quit on hard workouts, and hard workouts are essential for shedding unwanted pounds. So eat your bananas.

While all the stats suggest that working from home is contributing to the rising numbers on the scale, you can turn it into a major fitness perk, says Damien Joyner, an ACE-certified personal trainer in San Diego. The only commute when youre working out at home is getting out of bed and walking to the room where you want to exercise, he says. Moreover, you have music that you enjoy, as well as a shower and bathroom steps away from your workout. In other words, no effing excuses. Get after it.

This variation on the traditional move has you parking your feet high up a wall and doing pushups at an incline. The reason you should: Just 11 minutes of bodyweight exercise, three times a week for six weeks, can significantly improve your cardiovascular fitness, according to a study in the International Journal of Exercise Science. Try these other bodyweight moves, too.

To successfully change your eating habits, dont just skip the chips swap them for crunchy fresh carrots and cucumbers instead. The No. 1 mistake resolution-makers make is avoiding their bad habit rather than replacing it with another behavior, research shows.

With the right moves, says Jayson Lee, a personal trainer in New York City, you can burn more calories in 20 minutes than a lot of guys do in a full hour at the gym. What might those moves be? Box jumps, burpees, mountain climbers, and more. Hard, yes. But quick, too.

No, stretching will not directly cause you to lose weight. But a tight body from hunkering down in front of your computer all day is a body prime for injury when you do go to exercise and an injured body is one that wont burn calories the way you need in order to shed the spare tire. By that logic, you should try these moves, including the cobra pose, borrowed from yoga, to keep your muscles and ligaments limber.

These 10 CrossFit-inspired workouts are super-short, extra-hard, and you can do them at home with no fancy equipment. Moves like mountain climbers, wall-sits, and squat jumps will torch calories while building major muscle.

Functional fitness is a trend that shows no signs of slowing down and why would it, given how easily it incinerates calories while reinforcing movements that help you get through your day? Two that get the job done: push-ups and weighted squats. No dumbbells at home? Performing squats while holding a full gallon of water at sternum height can be a good option, says Joyner. (To make it harder, hold a gallon jug in each hand, bend elbows, and keep hands at chest height throughout the move.)

A family that sweats together, stays together. If pandemic idleness has crept into your kids lives, too, get them involved in your next sweat session. A funny thing with my kids and all kids is that theyre always watching, says Rich Froning Jr., winner of multiple CrossFit Games championships. They see me work out and want to try it, too. If I do a handstand walk or push-up, they try to do handstands or push-ups. My daughter hops on the rowing machine and the pull-up bar. Just by observing me, they understand the importance of it.

Nuts are a great snack, especially in place of sugar and carb-heavy bars. So if youre looking for a snack, reach for nuts. Conveniently, that amount also provides 50 percent of your recommended daily allotment of the mineral magnesium, which plays a key role in stabilizing your energy via blood sugar levels while supporting your metabolism, making it easier to lose weight without the (literal) highs and lows of dieting. Just aim for one handful a day, or roughly an ounce like all nuts, almonds are calorie-dense and you want to give your stomach a moment to register its full.

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20 Ways to Lose Weight and Keep It Off - Fatherly

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How to Lose Weight Top 18 Simple Tips Diet Doctor

Posted: December 30, 2021 at 1:47 am

By , medical review by Updated December 5, 2021 Do you have trouble losing weight? Or would you like to lose faster? Youve come to the right place. Get ready for weight loss without hunger.

Our conventional ideas about weight loss eat less, move more require a lot of willpower. Counting calories, exercising for hours every day and trying to ignore your hunger? At DietDoctor, we believe thats needless suffering, and likely a waste of your time and precious energy.

Eventually people often give up. An excessive focus on counting calories has certainly not done much to reverse our current obesity epidemic. Fortunately there may be a better way.

The bottom line? Calories are not the only things that count in weight loss. Your weight is also hormonally regulated. If you reduce your hunger and the levels of your fat-storing hormone, insulin, youll likely have an easier time losing excess weight.

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Are you ready? Here we go. Start at the top of the list (most important) and go down as far as you need. Click on any tip to read all about it. Perhaps you only need the first piece of advice?

For extra support on your weight-loss journey, join our Connect community.

Eighteen tips too many for you? Check out our popular video course with the five most important ones. Sign up for free updates and youll get instant access to it:

This guide is written for adults with health issues, including obesity, that could benefit from losing weight.

We dont recommend counting calories, which is controversial. To learn more about the rationale for this, see our guide on restricting calories for weight loss.

Controversial topics related to a low-carb diet, and our take on them, include saturated fats, cholesterol, whole grains, red meat and whether the brain needs carbohydrates.

If you want to lose weight, consider starting by avoiding sugar and starch (like bread, pasta and potatoes). This is an old idea: for 150 years or more there have been a huge number of weight-loss diets based on eating fewer carbs. Whats new is that reviews of modern scientific studies have repeatedly shown that low carb is at least as good, if not better, than other approaches to diet.

Obviously, its still possible to lose weight on any diet just eat fewer calories than you burn, right? The problem with this simplistic advice is that it ignores the elephant in the room: hunger. Most people dont like to just eat less, as it may result in having to go hungry forever. Sooner or later, many will likely give up and eat without restriction, hence the prevalence of yo-yo dieting. While it should be possible to lose weight on any diet, some appear to make it easier and some to make it much harder.

The main advantage of the low-carb diet is that it may cause you to want to eat less. Even without counting calories, overweight people tend to eat fewer calories on low carb. Thus, calories count, but you dont need to count them.

A 2012 study also showed that people who had lost weight experienced far less reduction in total energy expenditure (the number of calories burned within a 24-hour period) when they followed a low-carb diet compared to a low-fat diet during weight maintenance a 300-calorie difference, in fact.

According to one of the Harvard professors behind the study, this advantagewould equal the number of calories typically burned in an hour of moderate-intensity physical activity. Imagine that: an entire bonus hour of exercise every day, without actually exercising.

Recently, an even larger and more carefully conducted study confirmed this metabolism-sparing effect, with different groups of people who had lost weight burning an average of between 200 and almost 500 extra calories per day on a low-carb maintenance diet compared to a high-carb or moderate-carb diet.

Bottom line: A low-carb diet can reduce your hunger, making it easier to eat less. And it might even increase your fat burning at rest. Study after study shows that low carb works for weight loss and that on average itimproves important health markers.

Why low carb can help you lose weight

How to lose weight with a low-carb diet

Do you want to know more about exactly what to eat on low carb, how to do it, potential problems and solutions and find lots of great recipes? Check out our keto for beginners guide. Alternatively, you can make low carb even simpler by signing up for our free two-week keto challenge.

Eating when hungry sounds simple:if youre not hungry, you probably dont need to eat yet.

When on a low-carb or keto diet you can trust your feelings of hunger and satiety again something many people following a low-fat or standard American diet cannot do. Feel free to eat as many or as few times per day as you feel is right for you.

Some people eat three times a day and occasionallysnackin between (note that frequent snacking could mean that youd benefit from adding protein, fibrous veggies, or extra fat calories to your meals, to increase satiety). However, theres some evidence that frequent snacking may not be wise when trying to lose weight.Some people only eat once or twice a day and never snack. Whatever works for you. Just eat when youre hungry, and dont eat when you arent.

It also helps that low-carb diets and higher protein diets tend to reduce hunger.

Studies demonstrate that people eating a very low-carb, ketogenic diet reduce their feelings of hunger and the amount of food they eat.

Multiple other studies demonstrate that adding protein to your diet markedly reduces hunger and food intake.

Our suggestion? Try a low-carb, higher protein approach and see what happens to your hunger levels.

Read more about why eating when hungry is smarter than counting calories

What's your main health goal?

Remember: an effective low-carb diet for weight loss should be based primarily onwhole food.

Prioritize what humans have been eating for thousands or likely millions of years, e.g. meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, butter, olives, nuts etc.

If you want to lose weight, avoid special low-carb products that are full of carbs.This should be obvious, but creative marketers are doing all they can to fool you (and get your money). They will tell you that you can eat cookies, pasta, ice cream, bread and plenty of chocolate on a low-carb diet, as long as you buy their brand. Theyre often full of carbohydrates. Dont be fooled.

How about low-carb bread? Be careful: if its baked with grains its certainlynot low carb. But some companies still try to sell it to you as a low-carb option.

Low-carb chocolate is usually full of a kind of sugar alcohol maltitol that may actually be partially absorbed by the body, but which the manufacturer does not count as carbs. If the maltitol is absorbed, it is likely to raise blood sugar and insulin levels. The remaining carbs end up in the colon, potentially causing gas and diarrhea.

While low-carb chocolate made with erythritol or stevia is likely to be okay, you still have to consider that any sweeteners can maintain sugar cravings.

Two simple rules to avoid being tricked into purchasing unhealthy low carb products:

Focus on eating good quality, minimally processed real food. Ideally the food you buy shouldnt evenhave a list of ingredients (or it should be very short).

Read more about fake low-carb products

Read more about sweeteners

Finally you may want to forget about the old everything in moderation diet motto.It isnt necessarily helpful advice for people who struggle with weight in fact, it may be exactly the opposite.

Dont eat everything in moderation. Eat as much healthy food as you can, whenever you are hungry. Eat as little unhealthy food as you can if possible, none at all.

Unnecessary snacking can be a problem on a low-carb diet too. Some things are easy to eat just because theyre tasty and readily available. Here are three common traps to watch out for on a low-carb or keto diet:

Do you have to eat breakfast? Research has confirmed that the answer is no. Dont eat if youre not hungry. And this goes for any meal.

On a strict low-carb diet the hunger and urge to eat tend to decrease significantly. If this happens, be happy! Dont fight it by eating food you dont want. Instead, wait for the hunger to return before you eat again. This will save you both time and money, while speeding up your weight loss.

Some people fear that they will lose control if they dont eat every three hours. The concern that this urge to binge will blow their diets completely leads them to obsessively snack all the time.

This constant snacking may be necessary in order to control the hunger and craving that may arise during a diet high in sugar and starchy carbs, but itsusually unnecessary on a low-carb diet. Hunger will only slowly return and you should have plenty of time to prepare food or grab a snack.

Bottom line: To lose weight in a sustainable way, eat when youre hungry but only when youre hungry.Forget the clock and listen to your body instead.


5. Measure your progress wisely

Tracking successful weight loss is sometimes trickier than youd think. Focusing primarily on weight and stepping on the scale every day might be misleading, cause unnecessary anxiety, and undermine your motivation for no good reason.

The scale is not necessarily your friend. You may want to lose fat but the scale measures muscles, bone and internal organs as well. Gaining muscle is a good thing. Thus weight orBMIare imperfect ways to measure your progress. This is especially trueif youre just coming off a long period of semi-starvation (which may accompany calorie-counting), as your body may want to restore lost muscle. Starting weight training and gaining muscle can also hide your fat loss.

Losing fat and gaining muscle means great progress, but you may miss this if you only measure your weight. Thus its best to quantify body composition as you lose weight. You can do this with a DEXA scan, hydrostatic weights, plethysmography scales and others. But if these are not available, it is smart to also track the disappearance of your belly fat, by measuring yourwaist circumference.

I recommend aiming for good but its not always realistic. Young people can usually achieve this, but for some middle-aged or older people, it may be a major victory to get all the way to decent.

I suggest measuring your waist circumference and weight before starting your weight-loss journey and then perhaps once a week or once a month. Write the results down so that you can track your progress.If you want, you can measure more areas: around the buttocks, the chest, the arms, legs, etc.

Please note that your weight can fluctuate up and down several pounds from day to day, depending on fluid balance and digestive system contents. Dont worry about short-term changes, follow the long-term trend instead.

These markers are frequently improved on a low-carb diet, even before major weight loss. Re-checking these health markers after a few months can be great for your motivation astheyll usually showthat youre not just losing weight, youre gaining health too.

PS:Dont have a measuring tape at home? Try these options:

200+ meal plans designed for results

With our low-carb and keto meal plans, we do the planning for you. All you have to focus on is cooking, eating, and enjoying healthy, delicious food.

It usually takes years or decades to gain a lot of weight. Trying to lose it all as quickly as possible by starving yourself does not necessarily work well in the long term; instead it may be a recipe for yo-yo dieting.

In addition, you need to set realistic expectations for health and weight loss goals. You can read more in our detailed guide on realistic expectations.

Its common to lose2-6 pounds (1-3 kg) within the first weekon a strict low-carb diet, and then on average aboutone pound (0.5 kg) per week as long as you have a lot of weight remaining to lose. This translates into about 50 pounds (23 kilos) per year. However, weight loss doesnt occur at this rate in everyone.

Every 5 pounds of fat loss roughly equals 1 inch lost around the waist (1 kilo = 1 cm).

Young males sometimes lose weight faster than this, perhaps twice as fast. Post-menopausal women may lose at a slower pace. People on a very strict low-carb diet may lose weight quicker, as well as those who exercise a lot (a bonus). And if you have an enormous amount of excess weight to lose, you could start out much faster although initially, some of the weight you lose will be due to water loss.

As you get closer to your ideal weight, the loss may slow down until you stabilize at a weight that your body feels is right. Very few people become underweight on a low-carb diet as long as they eat when hungry.

Are you coming off a period of semi-starvation (which can occur with calorie-counting)? Focus on your waist circumference and health markers (see tip #4) at first, as it sometimes takes several weeks before weight loss is apparent.

Expect weight-loss plateaus: months where nothing seems to happen on the scale. Everybody hits them. Stay calm. Keep doing what youre doing and eventually things should start happening again (if not, check out the other 17 tips).

More: Top 10 tips top break a weight loss stall

Losing a lot of weight long term and keeping it off will likely not happen unless youchange your habits forever. If you lose weight and then return to living exactly the way you did when you gained weight, dont be surprised when the excess weight returns. It normally will.

Maintaining weight loss usually requires long-term change and patience. As tempting as it may be, dont fall forone of these magical diet scams.

Forget quick fixes:If you lose some weight every month, eventually you may get rid of all your excess weight.Thats inevitable progress. Thats what you want.

PS: Long-term change is hardest in the beginning, especially during the first couple of weeks. Its like quitting smoking. Once you develop new habits it becomes easier and easier every week. Eventually it may come naturally.

For inspiration and tips, check out some of our long-term weight maintenance success stories:

Keep reading!

7. Avoid overeating fruit

This piece of advice is controversial, as fruit has an almost magical health aura today. While fruit does contain fiber, antioxidants, and important vitamins, it also contains a fair amount of sugar around 10% by weight (the rest is mostly water). Just taste an orange or a grape. Sweet, right?

Eating whole fruits in moderation especially ones that are low in sugar, like berries can absolutely be part of a healthy diet. The soluble fiber in fruit can help with short-term satiety; it also reacts with water in your gut to form a thick gel that helps delay and reduce the amount of sugar absorbed from that fruit. In fact, up to 30% of the sugar from fruit may not be absorbed.

Larger quantities of fruit, however, will deliver a significant sugar load to your intestines. Even if only 70% of that sugar is absorbed, 70% of a big number is still a big number. For example, five servings of fruit per day can be equivalent to the amount of sugar in 16 ounces (500 ml) of soda 52 grams of sugar!

Most people believe that fruit is natural, but todays fruits in the grocery store have very little in common with what fruits looked like before they were cultured. Modern domesticated fruits are larger, less bitter, and have thinner peels and smaller seeds. This makes them tastier and easier to eat and because of their increased size, they may provide more sugar per piece of fruit than their earlier counterparts.

What fruits and vegetables looked like before

Beer contains rapidly digested carbsthat shut down fat burning. That may be why beer is sometimes referred to as liquid bread. Theres a good reason for the term beer belly.

Here aresmarter (lower-carb) alcoholic optionswhen trying to lose weight:

These drinks hardly contain any sugar or digestible carbohydrates so theyre better than beer. However, large amounts of alcohol might slow weight loss, so moderation is still a good idea.

Lowcarbalcoholthebest and the worst

9. Avoid non-caloric sweeteners

According to scientific studies,non-caloric sweeteners mayincrease appetite and maintain cravings for sweet food. And one recent independent study showed that switching drinks with non-caloric sweeteners to water helped women lose weight.

Study: Avoiding diet beverages helps women lose weight

This may be related to the increased insulin secretion seen with some non-caloric sweeteners. Maybe that is why something odd happened when I tested Pepsi Max.

If youre having trouble losing weight, I suggest that you avoid sweeteners. As a bonus, youll likely find it easier to enjoy the natural sweetness of real food, once youre no longer adapted to the overpowering sweetness of processed low-carb food products and diet sodas.

Read more:
How to Lose Weight Top 18 Simple Tips Diet Doctor

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This is one key to significant weight loss and you can …

Posted: December 30, 2021 at 1:47 am

If you want to lose weight, a simple bathroom scale may be key, research shows. Indeed, this study published in the journal Obesity found that daily self-weighing can produce clinically significant weight loss, while another published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics concluded that: Weighing every day matters: daily weighing improves weight loss and adoption of weight control behaviors. And a recent study of more than 1,000 people over the course of a year from the American Heart Association found that people who never weighed themselves or only weighed once a week did not lose weight, while those that did it six to seven times a week had a significant weight loss. With that in mind, we asked doctors and nutritionists which bathroom scales they recommend.

Affordable and effective


All the bells and whistles


Accurate and affordable

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For tracking weight and health data

$59.95 on Walmart

Not sure which scale to pick? The key is not necessarily the exact number [on the scale] but being able to track the change, says Young, about monitoring weight loss and weight gain. Ask yourself do you care if it connects to your phone or not? Everyone has different needs also depending on how tech savvy they are, she says, adding that this non-wifi option is one of the best. Its cheap, reliable, and accurate.

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The Chases Mark Labbett spills the secrets of his staggering 63kg weight loss, crediting small but important things –

Posted: December 6, 2021 at 1:53 am

The Chases Mark The Beast Labbett has shared the secrets behind his dramatic weight loss, and the answers are simpler than you think.

Mark has not been shy in sharing his weight loss journey, explaining to Loose Women that as a full-time teacher back in 2003, he weighed over 184kg and was in danger of high blood pressure.

The 56-year-old recently accreted his dramatic weight loss to his Golden Retriever named Baloo, calling him his personal trainer.

On The Pet Show in the UK, The Chases host gushed about his furry friend, explaining how he helped him to fall into a regular exercise routine.

My wife promised me that when we first got him she would take care of everything feeding him, walking him, and so on, he began.

That lasted about two weeks before she decided Actually Mark, look at your belly you need the exercise!

I was walking him around the fields, taking me places I think hes helped a lot, simply because Im doing more activity, Mark explained.

While on Loose Women, Mark explained his diet and the effects of changing his habits.

Im on a high protein diet... so eating an awful lot of meat and lean meat, and as much as I love chips and other carbs, Im having quite a bit less than I used to.

And its sort of became a virtuous cycle, Im not feeling that hungry, so you eat less, so you lose weight, so youre not as hungry, the 200cm tall giant said.

Ive gradually dropped Xs off my size, from 5XL to 4XL and it looks like the next time I go shopping Ill be able to squeeze into XL pants - small things but important things.

The Beast also explains how looking after a toddler during lockdown has contributed to his weight-loss progress.

The principal thing has been running around after a hyperactive three-year-old in lockdown when the nursery was shut.

I found at the end of the evening instead of going to the fridge for late-night snacking, all I could do was collapse on the bed, he said.

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The Chases Mark Labbett spills the secrets of his staggering 63kg weight loss, crediting small but important things -

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15 Best Juices For Weight Loss Plus Recipes, According to RDs – Women’s Health

Posted: December 6, 2021 at 1:53 am

If youre trying to lose weight, youve likely done an overhaul of your diet. Whether youre doing a keto diet or intermittent fasting or made other changes, what you eat and drink plays a huge role in getting you to your goals. One drink thats become especially popular among people who want to lose weight is juice. But, whats the best way to use juices for weight loss? We've got answers for ya.

The main way I'd use juice with a client is to boost hydration, vitamins, and minerals in their diet, says Seattle-based registered nutritionist Ginger Hultin, RDN, owner of ChampagneNutrition and author of Anti-Inflammatory Diet Meal Prep and How to Eat to Beat Disease Cookbook. Juices can also be a great source of hydration and fiber, which makes it super filling, adds Amber Pankonin, RD, the owner of the food blog the Stirlist.

A juice fast is not be the best way to go, though. If youre only consuming juice, the initial weight loss you might see on the scale is due to water loss and you will quickly gain this back if you go back to eating the way you did before, says Pankonin. Instead, she recommends including juice within your calorie goal or diet and aim to lose one to two pounds per week.

Unfortunately, they don't. The body burns fat by using it for fuel, which often occurs when you work out more or eat the right kinds of foods on a regular, balanced schedule, Hultin says. So, simply drinking juice isn't going to burn fat.

However, she points out that drinking juices does have other perks like improving nutrition and blood pressure or other markers of health.

If youre buying a juice off the shelf, there are a few things you need to look out for. Store-bought juices can often be high in sugar and stripped of valuable nutrients like fiber and other phytochemicals, says Pankonin. Juices made at home are often higher in fiber and you can control the amount of any added sugars or alternative sweeteners that you use, she adds.

If you don't have time to make them yourself, Hutlin recommends looking for juices that are vegetable-basedthink green juices, tomato, and other veggie juices. These will generally be lower in calories, but still contain a lot of nutrients and hydration, she says.

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Here are some nutritious juices, selected by the experts above, that can help with satiety and are hydrating and delicious on the go.

Erin Kunkel for Ten Speed Press

This juice is full of water, veggies, and low-glycemic fruits like grapefruit, says Hultin. I love that it has avocado in it because that's a heart-healthy fat source that will be very satiating, keeping you full much longer than a typical juice would.

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Pomegranates and oranges are high in fiber, making this juice nutritious and filling, says Pankonin.

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Blackberries are the star of this juice, which are packed with vitamin C and anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that give them their gorgeous purple color. This yummy juice also gets a fiber boost thanks to the almond or soy milk, mixed greens, banana, and pineapple.

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This juice contains radishes and lemon to help boost nutrients without relying on sweeter fruit-based ingredients, says Hultin. It is palatable and delicious because of the grapefruit and apple, but generally this is a low-glycemic, hydrating, and refreshing juice to include in a balanced diet, she adds.

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Ginger is good for digestive health and the apple adds the right amount of sweetness, says Pankonin.

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This sweet, fruity juice combines beets, strawberries, and raspberries with a bit of ice and water for a cold, fiber-packed juice that will help you stay hydrated.

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Definitely leave out the alcohol and enjoy this savory juice drink as a mocktail rather than a cocktail, says Hultin. Alcohol can impede weight loss and without it in this Bloody Mary, you have a simple, vitamin-rich, savory juice made of tomatoes and other veggies, she adds. This juice is an easy way to drink your vegetables to maximize intake while reducing carbohydrates and sugar.

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With just three ingredients, this juice is the easiest one to make and possibly the most refreshing thanks to the lime juice and watermelon, plus fiber from each fruit.

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Roman Larin / EyeEmGetty Images

Spinach and apples are high in fiber, which can be both nutritious and super filling, says Pankonin.

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Erin Kunkel for Ten Speed Press

When you're on a weight loss journey, it's important to get creative with maximizing fruits and veggies because they're filling, high in fiber, and can even help reduce inflammation in the body, says Hultin. She loves this juice because it's a very creative way to maximize vitamin C-rich bell peppers and cruciferous green leafy veggie arugula (which belong to the cabbage family) in a non-green juice way.

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This green juice has six ingredients that are all filled with fiber and flavor to help keep you full: celery, spinach, cucumber, green apple, mint leaves, and a tiny bit of fresh ginger.

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Vladislav Nosick / 500pxGetty Images

These vegetables contain a lot of fluid and fiber, which can be both hydrating and keep you satiated, says Pankonin.

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Boosting fiber intake is tied in many studies to positive outcomes with long-term weight management, so adding foods like chia seeds is a great way to make sure you're getting your anti-inflammatory omega 3s, filling fiber, and satiating protein all in a delicious, low-sugar juice, says Hultin. The blueberries and fresh lime brighten up this antioxidant-rich juice.

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Antonina Vlasova / 500pxGetty Images

Besides the strawberries and cucumber, this juice gets an extra punch of fiber thanks to carrots and apples.

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Kiwi is low in calories and when combined with mint and lemon can be refreshing and filling, says Pankonin.

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15 Best Juices For Weight Loss Plus Recipes, According to RDs - Women's Health

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Will Raiders Crack Under the Weight of Tragedy? Derek Carr Wont Let It Happen –

Posted: November 6, 2021 at 1:57 am

Life has thrown a lot at the Las Vegas Raiders and my younger brother Derek this season.

David Carr

On Football

As the face of the franchise, hes had to answer questions about the forced resignation of coach Jon Gruden. Now hes facing even tougher questions about Henry Ruggs III, who is accused of causing the burning death of a 23-year-old Las Vegas woman by driving his Corvette, while drunk, into her car at 127 mph.

Im confident that Derek is up to the challenge. His strong Christian faith and life experiences have prepared him for these moments. We saw his faith displayed when he said, I love the man, I hate the sin, after Grudens racist, homophobic, sexist emails surfaced.

This week, while acknowledging the tragic death of Tina O. Tinto and the terrible loss to her family, he said of his now-former teammate Ruggs, He needs people to love him right now. If no one else will do it, Ill do it.

I didnt expect him to say anything different.

This situation has hit my brother harder than you can imagine. Thats because he and Ruggs, in his second season with the Raiders, were becoming closer on and off the field. They had been texting Monday evening before the crash and Derek told me that Ruggs said he was having a good time at TopGolf, a Las Vegas sports entertainment venue. He even asked Derek for tips on his golf swing. Nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary.

But, from there, Ruggs made deadly and life-altering decisions that are inexcusable. I think back to my time in NFL locker rooms. The coaches are always warning you about drinking and driving. They almost plead with you to be responsible. And, even if youve had too much to drink, the NFL will get you home safely. All you have to do is text or call.

As compassionate as Derek is, hes also geared for leadership, and that means getting himself and his teammates focused on the Raiders game at the New York Giants on Sunday. Thats how it is in the NFL. You have to compartmentalize because youre constantly switching between real life and your football life.

Im sure people are waiting for the Raiders to crumble under the weight of what theyve already endured seven games into their schedule. I dont see that happening because I know what my brother is made of.

(You can listen to David Carrs podcast with his former New York Giants teammate Mark Herzlich titled The Super Hero Dads at this link.)

Former Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Henry Ruggs III makes an initial appearance in Las Vegas Justice Court in Las Vegas, Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021. The team released Ruggs just hours after the crash. (Steve Marcus/Las Vegas Sun via AP, Pool)

Last Sundays results shined a bright light on four clipboard holders who led their teams to victory.

Trevor Siemian, who hadnt started a game in four years and is third on New Orleans depth chart, came in for the injured Jameis Winston and helped the Saints take down Tom Brady and defending Super Super Bowl champion Tampa Bay. Siemian is a cerebral quarterback and he knows exactly what coach Sean Payton wants to do with the football.

Mike White of the New York Jets has been waiting for a chance to show what he can do since Dallas drafted him in 2018. Since joining the Jets, hes been waived and assigned to the practice squad too many times to count.

With first-round pick Zach Wilson injured, White took one look at Cincinnatis vanilla defense and carved it to pieces, completing 37 of 45 passes for 405 yards and three TDs. Coach Robert Saleh instantly made White the starter for the Thursday night game against Indianapolis. That could be a good thing for the Jets and for Wilsons future as he learns by watching White have success by taking what the defense gives him.

You didnt have to be a Dallas fan to love watching Cooper Rush fill in for Dak Prescott and lead the Cowboys past a good Minnesota team. With few people expecting much from him, Rush made some big-time throws with his parents watching in the stands. Rushs performance will raise the Cowboys confidence in him and it might lead to a 10-year career in the league.

Geno Smith has played pretty well for Seattle while filling in for Russell Wilson. Against Jacksonville, he finished 20 of 24 for 195 yards after completing his first 14 passes. The result: a 31-7 victory and a game ball from my NFL Network colleague Nate Burleson, a former Seahawks wide receiver.

Dallas quarterback Cooper Rush (10) was one of four backup QBs leading their teams to victory last Sunday. (AP Photo/Bruce Kluckhohn)

Von Miller isnt as good as he once was, but hes still a guy that can do pretty well against a majority of offensive tackles. For the Los Angeles Rams, the beauty of getting Miller in the trade with Denver, is pairing him up with Aaron Donald and forcing teams to go to great lengths to protect their quarterback.

You put Miller and Donald on the same side in third-and-long and the Rams could drop eight defenders into coverage one of them Jalen Ramsey. Thats a scary prospect for any offense.

Obviously, Millers not the force he once was, but he can still wreck a game.

1. Dallas (6-1) The Cowboys are playing so well they could afford to rest Dak Prescott and still get a win at Minnesota, a tough place to play. This week, they return home to face Denver and figure to make it seven wins in a row. (Last week: No. 4)

2. Green Bay (7-1) The Packers were on cruise control until Aaron Rodgers tested positive for COVID and will miss Sundays game at Kansas City. Now Green Bays front office gets to see if Jordan Love is ready to be a winning quarterback. (Not ranked.)

3. Arizona (7-1) The Cardinals all-in strategy took a hit when they lost J.J. Watt to a shoulder injury. Coming off a 3-point home-field loss to the Packers, theyve got another tough assignment Sunday at San Francisco. (Last week: No. 1)

4. Los Angeles Rams (7-1) Not only did the Rams acquire future Hall of Famer Von Miller, but they host a Tennessee squad that lost running back Derrick Henry to injury. After that, the Rams face SF and Green Bay back-to-back on the road. (Last week: No. 5)

5. Buffalo (5-2) The Bills arent especially sharp right now, but their easy schedule offers them opportunities to clean things up without losing. (Last week: No. 2)

Fell out: Tampa Bay (6-2)

28. New York Jets/Giants (4-11) Thanks to Mike Whites heroics, the Jets actually have a winning record at home (2-1). Question is, can they carry the momentum of their upset win over Cincinnati into the Thursday night matchup against disappointing but talented Indianapolis? The Giants, meanwhile, continue to battle injuries and QB Daniel Jones inability to win games that are there for the taking.(Last week: Jets/Giants No. 28)

29. Jacksonville (1-6) The Jaguars got picked apart last week by Geno Smith. Imagine what Josh Allen will do to them this Sunday. (Last week: No. 29)

30. Miami (1-7) The Dolphins began the season bragging about their defense. After eight games, only the Texans and Lions have surrendered more points. (Last week: 30)

31. Houston (1-7) The Texans have lost seven straight since their opener. But, theres good news heading into their game against Miami. Tyrod Taylor, who completed 71% of his passes before getting hurt, will start at QB. (Last week: No. 31)

32. Detroit (0-8) The 2001 Lions lost their first 12 games under first-year coach Marty Marty Mornhinweg. Could they finish 0-17 under first-year coach Dan Campbell? With this bunch, its possible. (Last week: No. 32)

Escaped the Bottom: None

About the Author

David Carr is a former Fresno State quarterback, NFL No. 1 overall draft pick, and Super Bowl champion. Now hes an analyst for the NFL Network and writing a weekly column in collaboration with GV Wires Bill McEwen. The column is sponsored by Valley Childrens Healthcare.

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Will Raiders Crack Under the Weight of Tragedy? Derek Carr Wont Let It Happen -

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