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'Skinny' Starts A Conversation For Overweight Teens

Posted: October 10, 2012 at 7:14 pm

Young Ever Williams hears a negative voice every day in her head, telling her just how fat and disgusting she is. Ever is the heroine of Skinny, Donna Cooner's new novel for young adults and "Skinny" is the name she gives that awful voice. Navigating high school is difficult for most kids, but Ever has an additional challenge: She weighs 300 pounds. Her classmates taunt her cruelly, and the boy she likes ignores her.

Even members of Ever's family don't appear to be all that interested in her and her struggles. They don't provide much comfort and support for her. Ever apologizes for the very space she occupies because of her weight, and like many who struggle with obesity, she tries every possible diet in an effort to be thin, so sure that being smaller is the only real way to happiness.

Ever reaches a crisis point at a school ceremony she's there to receive an award, and onstage, in front of her entire class, her chair breaks under her, and she crashes to the ground. Full disclosure: I've been there. I felt for Ever when that happened, because I too have broken furniture publicly, and I know all too well the horrible feeling of shame and the nasty comments people make.

This humiliating moment spurs Ever to look into weight loss surgery, which I have some perspective on: Like Ever, and her creator, Cooner, I am also a weight loss surgery patient. And I understood Ever's decision to have the operation. But I was uncomfortable with how quickly she made it.

Skinny is Donna Cooner's first novel for young adults.

Skinny is Donna Cooner's first novel for young adults.

Ever's story is aimed at a young adult audience, and with the increase in childhood and young adult obesity, weight loss surgery patients seem to be getting younger and younger. But surgery shouldn't be the first option offered to young people, nor is it for everyone. Why? This surgery is emphatically not the easy way out. In fact, it's one of the hardest things an overweight person can do. I just don't think I would have been prepared to deal with it when I was Ever's age, or really have understood what I was getting into.

Ever's transition to surgery seemed to go far too fast she went from the initial doctor visit to a group support meeting, and then she had a surgery date within what seemed like mere weeks. It took me over seven years to arrive at my decision, and insurance approval for my surgery was granted through a program that took an additional six months. And what about ongoing nutritional, pre- and post-surgery, and mental health counseling? Ever didn't seem to get any. I'd have loved to see more pushback in the book from her medical team, and more of what's really needed to prepare for surgery and to maintain the weight loss afterward. And I'd really have loved to see Ever's parents step up to form a support network for their daughter.

Jennifer Longmire-Wright is an assistant editor at All Things Considered.

Jennifer Longmire-Wright is an assistant editor at All Things Considered.

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'Skinny' Starts A Conversation For Overweight Teens

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