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Weightloss Rules to Break or Follow

Posted: June 12, 2012 at 1:19 pm

The 6 Meals A Day Rule pushers claim you'll speed up metabolism and prevent binges, cravings and overeating but the study this rule was based on is not accurate. This rule works well for some people but can cause major calorie issues for others so feel free to break this rule if eating 6 meals a day is messing with your calorie intake.

The No Carbs After 2 Rule is a very specific rule followed mainly by personal trainers and bodybuilders who prefer to look ripped year round. There is no proof that avoiding carbs after 2 p.m. boosts weight loss or fatloss so feel free to break this rule. Only follow this rule if it helps you control calories.

The No Eating After 5 or 7 Rule is a recommended by many weight loss experts who believe that setting a cut off time is key to calorie control. Feel free to break this rule. When you eat has nothing to do with how much you lose unless you're eating more calories than you need.

The Eat Like A Pauper At Night Rule is a silly rule created by people who think breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The truth is every meal is the most important meal of the day when you're trying to lose weight so no need to eat like a king for breakfast, like a princess for lunch and like a pauper for dinner. Break this silly rule and eat adequate calories for your level of activity and your preferences.

The Eat Protein At Every Meal Rule is a rule that trainers, athletes, and bodybuilders follow to pack on lean muscle or maintain lean muscle. It is also a rule low carbers follow since they don't eat many carbs. Feel free to break this rule if you prefer less protein but follow it if you like a more balanced approach to weight loss and healthy eating. Do keep in mind that a little goes a long way; 1 egg, 3 oz meat, chicken or fish or 1/4 cup cottage cheese is more than enough.

Learn how to set sensible weight loss rules with help from The Rules of "Normal" Eating: A Commonsense Approach for Dieters, Overeaters, Undereaters, Emotional Eaters, and Everyone in Between!

See the original post here:
Weightloss Rules to Break or Follow

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