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How to Gain Weight Safely – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 1:56 am

Often, when we talk about our health, we talk about losing weight. But sometimes, theres a need to actually put on weight. This might seem counterintuitive, but there are several scenarios where your doctor might ask for you to gain weight, no matter your age or sex.

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Besides the why, there is also the how. When you have to gain weight, you still want to use a healthy approach, not just add a bunch of high-sugar and high-fat items to your diet. While that will certainly add weight, that approach is not necessarily the best for your body.

We talked to pediatrician Ellen Rome, MD, and registered dietitian Devon Peart, MHSc, RD, about why your doctor might ask you to add weight and ways to do it safely both for children and adults.

Whether youre an adult or a child/adolescent, there are several reasons why your doctor might advise you to gain weight.

Peart says doctors will look for markers of healthy body weight and if, based on evidence, they decide youre underweight, they may advise you to gain weight. While body mass index (BMI) may have a lot of drawbacks, it can help a doctor see if someone is at a low weight thats unhealthy, she says. The concern would be whether you are getting enough vitamins, minerals and energy (calories) for your body and your immune system to function well.

Another reason, according to Dr. Rome, is that youre fighting an acute or chronic illness. This could be for an adult or child. It could be something like inflammatory bowel disease where the patient has lost a lot of weight, she says. Or it could be a cancer patient who needs to build some strength before beginning treatment.

Such a need can also be necessary after major surgery, whether thats a dental surgery that interferes with your ability to eat or another operation that resulted in weight loss. After something like that, where a person hasnt been able to maintain a normal diet, theyre not at their usual body weight and theyll need to gain it back, notes Peart.

Its also possible that various treatments can affect appetite or even the taste of food, she adds. Medication can cause food to taste metallic and so you dont eat as much because it just doesnt taste very good.

While food restrictive disorders like anorexia nervosa are among the reasons someone might need to add weight, a newly recognized disorder known as avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is a reason children may need to add weight, according to Dr. Rome.

These children fall into a few different groups, and they can be in more than one group, she continues.

These groups include:

Were learning more and more about how to help the children who are diagnosed with ARFID, she adds.

When gaining weight is your goal, its important to do so in a healthy, nutritious way that doesnt cause any harm to your body or long-term health. And thats not as difficult as you might think.

Proteins, fats and carbs are the fuel your body needs, especially in kids, and its important to get that balance right. The problem, says Dr. Rome, is the way fat is sometimes treated. A parent may be told to cut back on fats for their diet but you cant apply that to a kids diet, she says. From early adolescence through age 26, their fat intake should be about 50 to 90 grams of fat a day.

Food like avocados and hummus are great sources of these fats that can help kids gain that weight safely. Using avocados to make guacamole is a great way to make it more appealing for kids. Dr. Rome says its also OK to occasionally indulge in some ice cream in moderation.

Its similar for adults. Peart says to focus on finding that balance in consuming more calorie-dense foods that still hold some nutritional value. Its not just about calories. You might think that eating a lot of candy would add calories but it wouldnt be in a healthy way, she says. Nor do you want to fill up on lower-calorie foods like popcorn.

Instead, she also recommends the avocado as one go-to snack. Its heart-healthy and has healthy fat, she points out. Other suggestions include:

These foods help bring more calories to your meals or snacks, she notes. Even if youre having a salad, you can add in avocado and some dried fruit and layer in those extra calories in a more nutrient-rich, healthy way.

Various supplemental shakes are also suggested by both Dr. Rome for children and Peart for adults. For kids, Dr. Rome recommends steering clear of powders in favor of the pre-mixed shakes you can buy off the shelves. They pack a lot of calories into a container the size of a juice box and its perfect for a parent to prep the night before and give to a child in the morning for breakfast.

Peart suggests protein shakes or even smoothies for some people who have smaller appetites. For some, drinking may be more palatable (or easier to consume) than solid food, so thats one way to get those calories, she says. And you can add ingredients like honey, fruit and even dry oats.

Peart says one issue for some adults who want to add weight is that they have trouble eating large portions at every meal. Id recommend eating smaller, frequent meals and snacks throughout the day, about every two to three hours, she says. If you have a smaller appetite or something else that prevents you from eating as much from a traditional three-meal structure, this can help.

Whether its adding in snacks to supplement meals or just eating more, smaller meals throughout the day, this can help you consume enough to gain the weight you need without forcing yourself to eat when youre not hungry.

Avoiding drinking large amounts of liquids before a meal can help keep your stomach a bit emptier if feeling full is an issue. When you have something to drink before a meal, no matter what it is, its filling your stomach up so you may feel less hungry when you start eating, Peart explains. Instead, drink between meals, not right before.

Everyone is different, and our bodies react to food in different ways. So, its always essential that any plan to gain weight should be done under the supervision of a doctor or with the guidance of a registered dietitian. Anything to do with weight is a process that has to be done right, healthfully and safely.

With most outpatient kids, youre hoping for between a half-pound to two pounds a week, says Dr. Rome. But, she adds, it could differ depending on your child and their conditions. Partner with your pediatrician, a dietitian versed in weight gain not just weight loss and with an adolescent medicine doctor, she suggests. They can help make this journey more manageable.

Peart says by adding about 500 extra calories a day to your diet, most adults could see a gain of about a pound a week. The catch, though, is that some adults will add weight more easily than others for a variety of reasons. A dietician can individualize a plan for you, she emphasizes. They can work with you and your likes, dislikes and appetite size, and come up with a way for you to add weight in a healthy way.

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How to Gain Weight Safely - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

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What Is Ayurveda and Does It Work? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: June 16, 2022 at 1:54 am

Ayurvedic medicine is about much more than providing treatment. Ayurveda is one of the worlds oldest medical systems. Originating in India 5,000 years ago, it relies on a natural and holistic approach to physical, mental and emotional health.

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But how does it work? Where do you begin? And how do you know if its right for you? Integrative medicine specialist Yufang Lin, MD, yoga therapist Paula Brown, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500, and yoga therapist Renee Warren, C-IAYT, RYT 500, share what they know about the practice of Ayurveda.

The word Ayurveda is derived from Sanskrit and means science of life. In Ayurveda, theres an underlying belief that everything in life is connected. Because of this, general health and wellness rely on achieving balance and harmony.

When a person is imbalanced or stressed, theyre likely to develop disease. Ayurveda focuses on implementing lifestyle interventions and natural treatments, therapies and remedies to provide balance among your physical body, mind, spirit and the world around you.

Some ancient healing traditions, such as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda, suggest all individuals have energy, says Dr. Lin. Chinese medicine calls this energy system chi; Ayurveda calls this prana. Just like blood has to flow smoothly and in balance, Ayurveda suggests the energy system in the body also has to flow well and be in balance for us to be healthy.

Balance is achieved with the help of a healthy diet, restful sleep, regular exercise and stress management. If needed, botanicals, exercise, activities that promote mindfulness and other resources may offer additional support.

Every individual is unique, and Ayurveda defines a persons specific constitution, or prakriti. According to Ayurveda, these prakriti determine your physical, psychological, behavioral and immunological traits. Different constitutions respond to different treatments, so what works for you might not work for someone else.

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, each persons constitution is made up of three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. You can think of doshas as energy types: each of these doshas is believed to dictate your emotional strengths and weaknesses, the foods your body needs and wants, the exercises that might work the best for you and more. Ayurvedic practitioners seek to help you find a balance among all three doshas. When the doshas are out of balance, illness occurs. The Ayurvedic practitioner uses nutrition, stress management, exercise and sometimes herbs to help a person regain health and balance.

Like increases like, so if you have trouble getting up and getting moving, you probably dont want to do a restorative yoga practice in the morning if you need to build energy and get going, says Warren. Instead, you might want to do some sun salutations where youre not holding postures for very long.

Heres what you need to know about each dosha.

According to Ayurveda philosophy, vata controls the flow of movement in your body and mind. Vata determines your flexibility, the movement of your muscles and joints, your blood flow and the way you breathe.

If youre dominant in vata, youre creative, flexible and quick to action. As youre snappy, you also have the downside of worrying or feeling anxious when you have too much vata. For someone with excessive vata, an Ayurvedic practitioner may suggest grounding techniques like sticking to a regular sleep-eat schedule, meditation, rest and relaxation. A walking meditation is a lovely meditation for someone that feels like they cant sit still, especially if its in the morning as the sun is coming up, says Warren.

Pitta is loosely translated as fire, so think of this energy type as something that consumes other things. Pitta, in Ayurvedic theory, is responsible for controlling digestion, hormones and metabolism.

If youre dominant in pitta, you tend to be dominant in leadership, competitive, strong-willed, confident and focused. In Ayurveda, when your pitta is off balance, you might be quick to anger or excitement, make rash decisions or participate in self-destructive behavior. Pitta imbalance also presents itself in inflammation, rashes, skin conditions like eczema or acne, and digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea and more. To balance pitta, Ayurvedic practitioners might suggest participating in cool, calming activities. Eating cooler foods or a Mediterranean diet that helps with inflammation are also possible suggestions.

Kapha is the element that holds everything together, from your cells to your muscles, bones and ligaments. The densest of the three doshas, kapha is known for endurance and lubrication.

If youre dominant in kapha, you may be comfortable sticking to a routine. Emotionally, you like to set expectations and hold to them. Kapha-dominant individuals are loyal, nurturing and dependent on others. But when imbalanced, kapha can cause excessive fatigue, weight gain, swelling, disinterest in new activities and inability to let things go. To combat an imbalance of kapha, essential oils may be helpful. Individuals are steered away from comfort foods to lighter fare like fruits and vegetables in smaller portions throughout the day. Increasing physical activity to get blood flowing is also a good practice.

In India, Ayurveda is considered a formal medical care system equivalent to conventional Western medicine. Its estimated that 80% of Indias population of 1.2 billion people use some form of traditional Ayurvedic medicine. In India, there are many government and private Ayurvedic medical schools, clinics and hospitals.And Ayurvedic medicine is an important aspect of traditional Indian culture. Proponents of Ayurveda feel strongly in its effectiveness, citing its history of use over millennia.

However, very few rigorous studies that meet Western standards of scientific validity have been conducted. Even fewer have demonstrated effectiveness.

Of particular concern is that approximately 20% of Ayurvedic medicines fall into a class called Rasashastra. This category intentionally combines and processes minerals, metals and gems for therapeutic purposes. The resulting Bhasmas, depending upon their raw ingredients, may or may not be safe. Some Bhasmas are intentionally made with lead and mercury. These have been associated with hundreds of reported cases of lead poisoning. Some Ayurvedic proponents state these are safe based on their preparation, and those that cause toxicity werent prepared properly. However, there isnt any published scientific evidence to support these claims.

Studies by Cleveland Clinics Chair of Wellness & Preventive Medicine Robert Saper, MD, MPH, have shown approximately 20% of Ayurvedic medicines available in the marketplace and online contain potentially harmful levels of lead, mercury and arsenic. Because of this, Dr. Saper suggests avoiding any products that contain Bhasmas in their ingredients.

The source of heavy metals in Ayurvedic medicines can come from intentional addition, contamination from the environment and contamination during the manufacturing process, says Dr. Saper. Regardless of the cause, lead is toxic and there are no safe levels to consume it.

Although Ayurveda doesnt have a nationally recognized licensure program in the United States, some institutions offer Ayurvedic certifications. The National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) has also pushed for raising awareness about the Ayurvedic profession in the United States and an increase in scientific research to validate its existence.

If youre interested in pursuing Ayurveda, you should speak with your healthcare provider to ensure any herbal medicines have been tested by an independent laboratory such as for heavy metals and other contaminants. By working with an integrative medicine physician, you can receive a holistic evaluation that will help you bridge both traditional and complementary medicine techniques safely and effectively.

We evaluate the person holistically through mind, body and spirit perspective, says Dr. Lin. We dive into your lifestyle, how youre eating, how youre taking care of yourself, your thinking process, your spiritual beliefs, your stress management, your exercises and your environment. We take all these factors into consideration to understand what may have contributed to your imbalance, then make a plan to help you restore balance.

From there, you can work with your healthcare provider to find small lifestyle changes you can make each day that can benefit you and provide balance. Some lifestyle changes may include adjusting your bedtime, carving out a space for self-care and reflection, or even just increasing your physical activity.

There are all sorts of things you can do to create this routine to establish greater balance according to Ayurvedic principles, says Warren.

In Ayurveda, food is medicine, notes Dr. Lin. What you eat matters. You can change your diet to support your health.

Working with a specialist, you may incorporate specific safe herbs like ashwagandha, turmeric and ginger to help with stress, anxiety and inflammation.

But Dr. Lin warns that not all supplements available in the U.S., including Ayurvedic supplements, have gone through the rigorous safety, effectiveness and quality criteria used by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in drug testing.

I would caution people to be wary of supplements because some of the Ayurvedic medicines are contaminated with heavy metals, so safety can be an issue, she adds.

Speak with your healthcare provider before beginning any supplements to ensure theyre safe.

Many of these ancient healing traditions, such as traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine, are whole medical systems with much history and wisdom behind them, says Dr. Lin. Integrative medicine is about integrating those concepts with mainstream medicine in a safe and effective way by applying current modern scientific principles. Its not about one or the other.

Ayurvedic medicine has been around for thousands of years. But theres still a lot of research needed for Ayurveda to be considered for true integration into Western medical systems.

If you are interested in integrating Ayurveda into your lifestyle, you should see an integrative medicine specialist, advises Dr. Lin. An easy way to start would be exploring Ayurvedic recipes and cooking with Ayurvedic herbs and spices.

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What To Do if Youre Worried About Your Childs Safety at School or Youve Experienced a Crisis – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: June 8, 2022 at 1:42 am

As a parent, you want to make sure your children are healthy, safe and supported when you send them off to school in the morning. You also expect your kids will come home safely at the end of the day. Unfortunately, the increase in school violence over the last 20 years may bring up anxiety and concern over your childrens safety and youre not alone.

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The U.S. federal government doesnt track school shootings. But according to The Washington Post, since the Columbine High School shooting in 1999, 311,000 students have experienced gun violence at school. And in 2021, there were 42 shootings on K-12 campuses more than any other year since 1999.

When these traumatic events happen, its understandable why your anxiety might be high regarding your kids safety. How can you ensure theyll be safe? How should you address questions from your kids about these events? And how can you make sure youre strong enough to support them through these difficult moments?

Psychiatrist Molly Wimbiscus, MD, shares what you can do when youre concerned for your childs safety and how to approach the conversation with your kids about school violence.

Talking to your kids about traumatic events can be challenging. Where do you even begin? And how protective should you be about providing information? According to Dr. Wimbiscus, its all about making sure your child continues to feel safe.

You want to set the framework so your kids feel safe when they go to school, says Dr. Wimbiscus.

Heres how you can help steer the conversation.

Its easy to feel overwhelmed by the outpouring of news surrounding school shootings. Research suggests schools are actually much safer than they appear especially when interventions like school safety plans are put in place and followed. But more importantly, for your childs continued development and emotional and mental health, its important they continue to feel safe at school.

Its important to have them understand their school is a safe place because maintaining normalcy and maintaining your routine is so critical for stability, says Dr. Wimbiscus. When our routines change abruptly, our anxiety only grows and then we have a much harder time resetting and getting back into our routine.

Maintain strong relationships with your school educators and community members by getting involved with school activities and attending town halls and safety meetings. Then, reinforce that there are teams of adults in place who will do absolutely anything to protect your child should a tragic event happen.

Set the framework that they are surrounded by loving teachers and staff members within their schools who are educated and trained and who will do anything in their power to make sure they are safe, says Dr. Wimbiscus.

Avoiding any conversation about whats happened can be harmful. Your child may have questions of their own. They may also be experiencing feelings of fear, anxiousness or doubt that can be confusing and hard to process.

Its not uncommon for a child to say, Im scared, for a few weeks after a tragedy. Its a normal reaction and it normally lessens with time and distance from the event, notes Dr. Wimbiscus.

But having a conversation early on about whats happened and how theyre feeling could help simplify that process. Knowledge, after all, is power.

For older children in middle school or high school, youll want to ask them what they understand about the situation. Give them the space to explain how theyre processing the event and talk about how theyre feeling. If they have any specific questions, its good to let them know youre there to answer them and provide whatever they need.

Many kids are living in communities with violence and theyre quite aware of the traumas associated with gun violence and other types of violence. So, its important for them to be able to discuss that, says Dr. Wimbiscus.

For younger children in elementary school or preschool, its important to be direct. You may want to spare the details and try to avoid any images of the event of TV coverage. Instead, explain that something bad may have happened and reinforce the idea that youre there to protect them. If they have questions, make sure youre able to answer them the best you can while maintaining a positive attitude.

The best outcome for a child is to have at least one supportive adult they trust who will help filter the information of whats happening and provide reassurance, says Dr. Wimbiscus.

In this day and age, information travels fast. Kids will talk to each other about whats happening, and theres an excess of information online and on social media. For this reason, you should have the conversation about whats happened as early as possible to avoid disinformation and the buildup of fear and anxiety.

Setting the stage is so important, says Dr. Wimbiscus. Its far better for your child to hear from you that theyre safe and loved and that adults will do the very best to take care of them.

When you see something terrible happening in the news, its easy to want to pull your child out of school or check in with them immediately to make sure theyre safe.

Theres risk in over checking. Its a hard place to be as a parent because your anxiety is also normal. Its OK to respect your needs as an adult, to have that fear and that sense of urgency to make sure your child is safe, says Dr. Wimbiscus. The challenge is making sure it doesnt become a burden for your child by agitating or increasing your childs anxiety.

If you feel your school isnt being communicative enough about student events and its safety plans, you should connect with your principal or guidance office about ways to improve that communication.

When it comes to checking in with your child, maintain the normal relationship youve already established. Some parents drop their kids off at school and refrain from further communication until they pick them up at the end of the day. Other parents may text their children during the day and have them check in during lunch or study hall. As long as your child is respecting the schools use of electronics and youre maintaining that sense of normalcy youve established with them, youre doing the right thing.

Calling or removing the child from school and keeping them out for a while may not be in the best interest of your child, cautions Dr. Wimbiscus. Instead, you want to try to maintain the typical and normal communication style you already have.

Having a cellphone at school couldnt hurt, but you may want to consider a few guidelines before establishing that connection. The important thing is that your child follows school rules regarding using electronics while in class.

The other thing to consider (and something that may put you at ease) is that many kids have access to email while at school. These emails can sometimes be used in case of emergencies and they are often monitored by school officials for inappropriate behavior and high-risk assessment.

There are systems in place that will immediately alert school staff to assess the situation, says Dr. Wimbiscus.

All schools have safety plans in place in case of emergencies. These safety plans are followed during natural disasters, when a staff member or community member experiences a death or accident on a school campus, or when a tragic event involving school violence occurs. Often, a school district will have a service director or safety director in place to oversee the operations of a safety plan. School faculty and staff are then trained to follow the guidelines put in place in case of a crisis.

Kids are trained to respond differently to crisis situations in different districts, explains Dr. Wimbiscus. A really important part of training the kids is not increasing anxiety and trauma associated with the training.

If you want to know more about your schools safety plans, some important questions to ask your principal or guidance counselor might include:

If your child has experienced a crisis at school, there are a few things you can do to help them (and yourself) on a path to recovery.

When a crisis happens, its normal to experience heightened anxiety, nightmares, lack of sleep, feelings of illness and lack of appetite.

These are all normal biological responses to trauma, assures Dr. Wimbiscus. But if these go on for too long, you should talk to your doctor and make sure youre doing everything you can to maintain your natural biological rhythms.

Focusing on taking care of the simple, day-to-day needs of diet, sleep, exercise and social activities are important because it helps get you back to normal, healthy activities. Stay close to family and friends who love you. Try to keep up with healthy meals throughout the day. Or get involved with trauma-informed practices like yoga. Whatever you do, your basic health and the health of your child should be front and center.

If youve been in the midst of a crisis, theres typically a trauma response team that will come to the school and support students, staff and families, says Dr. Wimbiscus. These professionals will come in and are available for debriefing and for brief trauma-focused therapy. If someone is identified who needs more ongoing care, there are different trauma therapists who can be available.

A healthcare provider can help address ongoing PTSD and help manage your childs anxiety. You may also want to seek further medical attention if your child exhibits prolonged, extensive changes in their behavior such as:

Our greatest risk for our youth is not violence from others; its the risk of self-harm or suicide, stresses Dr. Wimbiscus.

According to a 2018 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide is the second leading cause of death among 10- to 24-year-olds.

One fact we do know is that asking your child about suicide does not increase their risk for suicide, says Dr. Wimbiscus. Its OK to say, Are you having any thoughts of not wanting to be alive? Are you having any thoughts of hurting yourself?

If youre concerned about your childs ability to self-harm or if theyre having suicidal thoughts, you should have them assessed by a healthcare professional as soon as possible.

You can do this by limiting access to news coverage or social media related to the traumatic event that happened. When doing this, its important to maintain open forms of communication with your child. But its important to note: Not everyone can talk about what happened.

Some people cant talk about it because its too traumatic and retriggering, says Dr. Wimbiscus. You cant force a conversation about trauma. You cant force an intervention for trauma response. But theres research that suggests the sooner interventions are put in place for someone whos had serious trauma, the more theyll experience improved long-term outcomes.

If your child wants to talk about what happened, enter into that conversation with compassion and reassure them that theyre safe and protected. But if your child isnt ready, thats OK. You can do a simple check-in by saying something as simple as:

I know something really scary happened. I just want you to know I love you and Im here for you. Sometimes, people dont want to talk about scary things and you dont have to talk about it. Im going to take care of you and Im here to answer any questions you have.

If you need additional support, Dr. Wimbiscus suggests the following resources:

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What To Do if Youre Worried About Your Childs Safety at School or Youve Experienced a Crisis - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

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6 Best Eating Habits for Rapid Weight Loss, Say Dietitians Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: June 8, 2022 at 1:42 am

When it comes to losing weight, watching your diet and adjusting how you eat can play a pivotal role. According to the Harvard Medical School, opting to eat more fruits and vegetables instead of processed foods has a significant result when it comes to burning fat, but past that point, many nutritionists can't agree on the quickest ways to lose weight. As a result of conflicting information and a variety of available options, 160 million Americans tackle specialized diets each year and collectively dole out $70 billion on weight loss supplements and other diet-oriented consumables advertised to burn off some excess flab.

While many folks might believe it takes a ton of work to successfully eat right and quickly lose weight, a few proven eating techniques and habits can do wonders. Eat This, Not That! caught up with a handful of registered dietitians who came to a consensus over which eating habits can quickly help you lose weight. With a few dietary tweaks, experts believe that these consistent techniques can help you rapidly drop some weight and keep you feeling good through the day.

If you want to supercharge your results, you don't have to stop at just adjusting your eating habits. Incorporate the 11 Healthiest Drinks for Weight Loss into your daily schedule and see even faster results.

Burning calories actively happens the moment you open your eyes in the morning, and choosing the right breakfast can ensure you don't end up overeating later in the day. One simple nutrient can make a major difference and adding it to your morning can do wonders.

"Eating whole-grain breakfast foods can help with weight loss because the fiber keeps us satiated and can actually keep us fuller longer, decreasing our overall calorie intake," Dana Ellis Hunnes, PhD, MPH, RD, senior dietitian at UCLA medical center, and author of Recipe for Survival said. "It also keeps our blood sugar levels stable which helps with satiety."

Just make sure you eat the right type of fiber and avoid the 17 Worst 'Fiber-Rich' Foods.

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Once you select your favorite fiber-packed breakfast, you then need to choose the right beverage pairing to unlock the maximum levels of calorie burning. Luckily, two early morning staple beverages can supercharge how you eat breakfast.

"Drinking black coffee or tea can help with weight loss because it's essentially a calorie-free beverage that is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory which can help promote weight loss," Hunnes continued. "When we consume coffee with a ton of added sweeteners and high-calorie creamers it's basically turned into a calorie bomb, which our bodies don't get satiated from (in the same way they do solid foods), so it's best to drink them black of very lightly sweetened with a teaspoon of sugar and/or plant-based milk."

Over the course of the day, keeping track of your hunger can prevent you from overeating, and eating meals slowly and mindfully can help you recognize when you actually are full.

"Mindfulness is a state of being that focuses on the present momentbeing aware and accepting of your thoughts, feelings, and messages from your body," Alyssa Burnison, MS, RD, LN explained. "When you practice mindful eating, it can have a positive impact on your emotional and physical health, your relationship with food, and possibly, your weight."

"You are more in tune with your body's cues," Burnison continued. "It takes nearly 20 minutes for your stomach to send a message to your brain that you are full. When you slow down and eat mindfully, you recognize when you feel satisfied and stop eating. You may consume fewer calories than if you hurried through your meal, possibly eating more than you need."

This practice encourages a healthy meal routine and discourages mealtime distractions, ensuring you don't end up packing on any unnecessary weight while you quickly slim down. This eating habit takes a bit of practice to master, but by following 11 Mindfulness Hacks to Eat Less, According to Experts, anyone can slow down and enjoy their food while losing a few pounds.

You have heard it a million times overby eating more fatty fish and vegetables, you can ensure you stay fit while shedding some pounds. While many might believe that this eating pattern's strength comes from fresh, healthy ingredients, its true fat-burning power stems from an essential nutrient.

"A Mediterranean-style eating pattern is often ranked the best for weight loss because it's easy to adopt and sustain long-term," Danielle McAvoy, MSPH, RD with Strong Home Gym said. "A key reason the Mediterranean Diet is so effective is that it's high in fiber from being largely plant-based. Fiber helps keep blood sugar levels stable, which can reduce hunger levels and cravings. Fiber also makes you feel full after eating, which can curb total calorie intake."

Calorie counting sounds attractive on paper, but the headache of closely monitoring every little thing you put in your mouth can quickly get tiresome. Luckily, intermittent fasting can keep your calorie count down while sparing you the hassle of monitoring your food intake as closely.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

"Intermittent fasting is also an effective eating pattern for losing weight," McAvoy continued. "A major review of the research found that the average weight loss from all intermittent fasting plans was 7-11 pounds over 10 weeks. IF is effective because it encourages the body to burn fat instead of carbs for energy, and limits eating to certain times of the day which limits calorie intake."

This eating habit can lead to some serious results, but just make sure you do it right and avoid The #1 Worst Intermittent Fasting Mistake.

If you do decide to start intermittent fasting, make sure you do it in a way where you don't end up skipping breakfast. "Eating breakfast allows the overnight fast to break and provides carbohydrates for energy to function and to perform exercises with energy," Blanca Garcia, RDN, a registered dietitian at Healthcanal said.

In addition to filling you up for the day and starting your metabolism, The Cleveland Clinic reports that regular breakfasts can improve your cardiac health, lower the risk of diabetes, and much more. If you love starting your day with a hearty meal but need to quickly reduce your weight, make sure you follow The #1 Best Breakfast Habit for Weight Loss for optimal results.

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6 Best Eating Habits for Rapid Weight Loss, Say Dietitians Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

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Longevity diet: More carbs, fasting, and less protein – Medical News Today

Posted: May 8, 2022 at 1:42 am

In around 440 B.C., the Greek physician Hippocrates said Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be food.

Although treating food as medicine is a highly debated concept, many recent studies have demonstrated the wisdom in this statement and how monitoring food quantity, type, and timing are crucial for good health.

However, what precisely makes up the optimal diet remains controversial. Growing evidence suggests optimal diets may depend on an interplay of health factors, including age, sex, and genetics.

Recently, researchers reviewed hundreds of nutrition studies from cellular to epidemiological perspectives to identify a common denominator nutrition pattern for healthy longevity.

They found that diets including mid-to-high levels of unrefined carbohydrates, a low but sufficient plant-based protein intake, and regular fish consumption were linked to an extended lifespan and healthspan.

Dr. Valter Longo, professor of gerontology and biological sciences at the University of Southern California, and one of the authors of the study, told Medical News Today:

First, diet here is intended as a nutritional lifestyle and not as a weight-loss strategy although maintaining a healthy weight is key. All aspects of the diet are linked to long-term health and longevity.

I am delighted to see this review, Dr. Pankaj Kapah, professor of gerontology at the University of Southern California, who was not involved in the study, told MNT.

Generally when one thinks of a longevity diet, the first thing that comes to mind is what we can add to our diet to live longer. This article is important to raise the awareness that the most striking benefits from studies across species have come from limiting the diet or fasting. Dr. Pankaj Kapah

The review was published in the journal Cell.

For the study, the researchers analyzed hundreds of studies examining nutrition and delayed aging in short-lived species, nutrient response pathways, caloric restriction, fasting, and diets with various macronutrient and composition levels, such as the keto diet.

The studies analyzed nutrition and diet from multiple angles, from cellular and animal studies to clinical and epidemiological research investigating the lifestyles of centenarians.

In the end, the researchers found that the longevity diet includes:

The researchers further noted that, rather than targeting a certain number of calories, diets should aim to keep BMI under 25 and maintain ideal sex and age-specific body fat and lean body mass levels.

Moreover, they wrote that diets should be adapted to individual needsespecially for those over 65to avoid malnourishment. Those over 65, for example, may become frail from a low protein diet.

For those without insulin resistance or obesity, high consumption of complex carbohydrates could reduce frailty in this age group and others, the researchers wrote, as it provides energy without increasing insulin and activating glucose signaling pathways.

The researchers also found that periodic fasting between the ages of 18 and 70 could reverse insulin resistance generated by a high calorie diet and regulate blood pressure, total cholesterol, and inflammation.

A recent study supports these findings. It found that changing from the typical Western diet to one rich in legumes, whole grains, and nuts with reduced red and processed meats is linked to an 8-year-longer life expectancy if started at age 60.

The researchers noted that diets involving calorie and protein restriction were consistently beneficial, whether in short-lived species or om epidemiological studies and large clinical trials.

They further noted that low but sufficient protein, or a recommended protein intake with high levels of legume consumption, could increase the health span by reducing the intake of amino acids including methionine. Methionine has been linked to increased activity in various pro-aging cellular pathways.

When asked how the longevity diet may benefit health from a clinical perspective, Kristin Kirkpatrick, a registered dietitian nutritionist at the Cleveland Clinic and advisor to Dr. Longos firm, Prolon, told MNT:

The diet is primarily plant-based which, based on other similar studies, may contribute to lower risk of chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Plant-based diets have also been associated with lower inflammation levels in multiple studies. As inflammation is the base of many diseases, this may contribute to the longevity factors as well, she explained.

The researchers conclude that their findings provide solid foundations for future research into nutritional recommendations for healthy longevity.

When asked about the studys limitations, Dr. Longo, Dr. Kapahi, and Kirkpatrick stressed that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The optimal diet, they say, may differ due to factors including sex, age, genetic makeup, and any sensitivities and intolerances, such as an intolerance to gluten.

Dr. Longo thus recommends people visit a dietician before undertaking a new diet.

Kirkpatrick added that many of her patients visit her when making dietary changes to ensure they are sustainable in the long term.

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Longevity diet: More carbs, fasting, and less protein - Medical News Today

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Will Lemon Coffee Help You Lose Weight? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: January 27, 2022 at 1:55 am

A magic potion that melts away pounds? Everyone wants one, right? Well, theres a touted miracle concoction making the rounds at the moment thanks to the armchair wellness experts on TikTok.

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Adding lemon juice to a cup of coffee is percolating as a weight-loss remedy. All you need to do is sip the mixture and watch those unwanted pounds disappear!

The concept is generating quite the buzz on the social media platform and not just from the caffeine in the cup of joe. Videos of the dieting remedy have received tens of millions of views (and counting).

So, is adding lemon to coffee the secret to slimming down? Lets find out from registered dietitian Beth Czerwony, RD.

The simple description of this drink coffee with lemon serves as the ingredient list, too. The most common mixture seems to be the juice from half a lemon squeezed into a standard cup of black coffee.

The taste falls somewhat short of yummy, which may explain why a steaming cup of lemon coffee isnt featured on menu boards at local cafes.

Dont try adding lemon juice to a latte, either, unless youre into curdled milk. (Blech!)

Sweetened iced coffee, however, does have a culinary connection with lemons in some cultures. For instance, a drink called mazagran originated in Algeria almost two centuries ago and remains popular in Portugal.

The answer to this is easy: No. Lemons do not have special fat-burning qualities, explains Czerwony. A squeeze of the fruits pucker-inducing juice wont help you squeeze into a smaller pair of jeans.

That mechanism of action is just not there, says Czerwony. There is nothing in lemon juice that is going to burn fat or a chemical connection to make that happen. Sorry to say, its not that easy.

So how did this lemon-in-coffee weight-loss hack come to be? Its most likely due to similar lemon-in-water claims.

Drinking a glass of H2O with a lemon slice is often cited as a helpful way to drop pounds. Its not because of any mystic properties possessed by lemons, though. Its more a product of the water filling your stomach without any calories.

The water keeps you fuller, which works to keep down hunger cues that make you want to eat, explains Czerwony.

Coffee brings a similar appetite-suppressing benefit, while also revving up your metabolism with a kick of caffeine. But healthy diet plans arent built around guzzling coffee with or without lemon, says Czerwony.

Lemons do have some nice nutritional qualities. Like many citrus fruits, lemons serve as a solid source of vitamin C. The citric acid in lemons may also help with digestion and decrease the likelihood of kidney stones. Plus, lemons offer a certain zing on the taste front.

Lemons are a perfectly fine fruit, notes Czerwony. Theyre just not magic when it comes to weight loss.

Lemon juice may sometimes cause heartburn, given its high levels of citric acid, especially if you have a history of acid reflux. That acid can also be rough on tooth enamel over time and with high enough volumes.

But the biggest risk to adding lemon to java? Youre probably going to ruin a good cup of coffee, says Czerwony.

People are always looking for that one thing thatll make a difference when it comes to the number on the scale, says Czerwony. Chai seeds grabbed attention for a bit. Ditto for apple cider vinegar and grapefruit.

I understand why these weight-loss fads become popular, says Czerwony. Theyre based on products that are natural and in our kitchens and have some health benefits. They seem like they could work.

But if these things were tried and true, everybody would have been doing them for a long time and been successful. The truth is there are no quick fixes when it comes to weight loss.

As for adding lemon to coffee to get a better figure? Its not be something Id recommend, says Czerwony. So unless you just like the taste for some reason, Id stay away from this TikTok trend.

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The 7 Best Weight Loss Tips Cleveland Clinic

Posted: January 14, 2022 at 1:55 am

Struggling to shedweight and keep it off? We askeda registered dietitian, Nicole Hopsecger, RD, LD, for the top weight loss tips she shares with patients.

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Whatever diet you choose and many different diets can help you lose weight dont give up because you get too hungry.

Hunger is a normal response to reducing calories. When you eat less, your fat cells release more hunger hormones, which increases your appetite, says Hopsecger. Higher-protein, high-fiber meal plans are best for controlling your hunger and appetite.

Replace processed carbs like white bread, bagels, muffins or donuts for breakfast with high-protein/high-fiber foods like eggs, or Greek yogurt mixed with chia seeds and berries. Youll find that you stay fuller, longer.

This reduces sugars and white flour (pastries, white bread, candy, juice, etc.) in your diet, and helps you to choose carbs that better support your appetite and nutrition needs says Hopsecger. The more fiber in your diet, the better!

Fiber helps improve blood sugar control, helps lower cholesterol and reduces your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, colorectal cancer and heart disease. When you have diabetes, a diet with fewer carbs (like bread, pasta, rice, desserts, sugary beverages, juice) is also important because youll need less insulin. And that can help prevent hunger, fat storage and weight gain.

Foods rich in fiber include legumes (dried beans, lentils), veggies (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach squash, sweet potatoes) and fruit (apples, berries, oranges, pears).

Its easy to get discouraged when you look only at your weight. Focus instead on making good food choices, watching portions and exercising regularly, Hopsecger says. If you lead with these behaviors, the weight loss will follow.

Replace a goal like lose two pounds a week with specific mini-goals, like eat 1 cup of veggies at dinner, walk 20 minutes a day or keep a daily food log. If youre disappointed with your weight progress at weeks end, reflect on how well you stuck to each goal.

If youve made healthy changes, congratulations! she says. If you fell short, ask yourself why. Were the goals too difficult? Do you need a stronger support system? Is a major barrier in your way? Then either tweak your goals or focus on the factors you can control.

Try tracking lifestyle changes, food, exercise and weight in a journal. At the end of each week, check off which new habits are going well and which need more work. Your health is a lifelong journey, she says.

Different weight loss approaches work for different people. But plant foods should be the foundation of any diet.

Research strongly supports the benefits of plant-based nutrition approaches for weight loss, disease prevention and overall health, says Hopsecger. Whether youre eating vegetarian, paleo, high-fat, vegan or pegan (a combination of paleo and vegan), your diet should include a variety of foods from the earth. Just remember that a plant-based diet still requires portion control!

That means enjoying lots of non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cucumbers and bok choy, and fruits like berries, apples and pears.

Plant-based foods contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that help support your cells and reduce inflammation, she says. They also provide fiber and water, both of which help you feel fuller.

When you label foods as good and bad, you naturally fixate on foods you shouldnt eat but typically still crave and likely will crave more when theyre totally off limits.

Focus instead on choosing the right portions of healthy foods 80 to 90%of the time, she says. That, paired with a healthy exercise routine, can lead to long-term weight loss success. And it leaves some wiggle room to enjoy fun foods occasionally without feeling guilt or resentment.

When working with children, she recommends teaching which choices are better and will fuel their bodies more effectively, rather than giving them lists of foods to eat and foods to completely avoid.

Feelings of guilt from eating forbidden foods can snowball into unhealthy emotions in childhood, adolescence and even adulthood, she says.

All calories are not created equal. If your diet consists mainly of sugar, saturated/trans fats and salt all of which can be very addictive you can develop consistent cravings for dense, high-calorie foods with little nutritional value, says Hopsecger.

This leads to excess calories and weight gain or inability to lose weight.

Eat foods that are high in lean protein and healthy fats and fiber, and youll feel satisfied throughout the day and will rarely get cravings. This will help you maintain a lower calorie level, which will lead to weight loss.

Planning ahead stops that grab what you see panic that sets in when you wait to plan dinner until youre starving at 6 p.m. Putting together dinner on the fly is likely to bring less nutritious, higher-calorie choices to your table.

When you sit down for dinner tonight, plan what youll eat for dinner tomorrow. Its so much easier to do when youre not hungry, Hopsecger says.

This also gives you time to take something out of the freezer, chop veggies tonight to put in the crockpot tomorrow morning and ask which family members will be home for dinner.

If youre unsure of how to start incorporating a healthier diet, visit our recipes page for inspiration!

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The 7 Best Weight Loss Tips Cleveland Clinic

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Embrace the best of meat and veggies with a ‘pegan’ diet plan – The New Indian Express

Posted: December 19, 2021 at 1:47 am

Express News Service

Food has acquireda new religionPeganism. The current buzzword in the wellness circuit is the pegan plan, which includes 75 percent vegetables and 25 percent high-quality meat. And it is for the inveterate weightwatchers. Most of us are familiar with either of the two surrogates of the pegan planpaleo and vegan. Presented to the world by the US-based Cleveland Clinic doctor and bestselling author Dr Mark Hyman in 2015, the pegan diet supports a novel practice of nourishment by integrating the cores of the paleo diet with veganism. Astonishingly at the start, paleo and vegan diets seem to be an erratic combo in nature as the former is meat-based and the latter excludes any kind of animal product. Pegan inherits the best of both worldsplant-rich, whole foods, healthy fats with minimum processed foods, and reduced sugar and starch intake.

Understanding the PlanDr Hyman advocates nutritious plant foods low in sugar and starch and those which promote HDL (high-density lipid) or good fat like nuts and seeds, olive oil and avocados. Nutritionist Ritu Gupta, the founder of Nutrique, a New Delhi-based weight and health management portal, explains, The pegan diet focuses strongly on whole foods that are plant-basedand discourages eating conventionally farmed meats or eggs.

Instead,it places emphasis on grass-fed, pasture-raised sources of poultry, and whole eggs. It does help reduce inflammation and maintain blood sugar levels naturally for a healthier you. Anisha Arora Chopra, a 37-year-old dentist from Raipur, who found it difficult to followit in the initial stages, testifies the beneficial effects of this regimen. After a month into the pegan diet, it felt amazing. I saw many changes, some of which were that I lost six kilos in two months. My anxiety attacks stopped occurring and I slept better, she states. Chopra says that her blood sugarlevels are in better control without any medicines,she can focus better on work and personal life, and is an overall happier person now.

The Nutritional GapThere is no definition of an ideal diet. Every eating habit we have comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Nutraceutical Formulation expert and the founder of supplement brand PRO2FIT, Saurabh Shah answers: Essentially, every diet choice we make needs to be supplemented well to avoid lack of nutrient deficiency. Vegans usually find it difficult to meet their daily protein, calcium, Vitamin B12 needs. It becomes necessary to complement it with the right kind of supplements so that the deficiency of these is met to avoid complications.

Starch is an essential part of our diet as they provide energy to the body. Avoiding any particular macro-nutrient from the diet is not advisable. Everything, when eatenin proportion, serves its purpose in the body and the same applies to starch and carbs. Carbs (starch, fibre, sugar) are a good source of energy, iron, Vitamin B, provided it is not processed, advises Shah.

Chefs TakeUnlike vegan, its not featured in restaurant menus yet but awareness among chefs is created by requests for preparations with specific ingredients. Ganesh Chandrakant Teli, the Executive Chef at The Leela Palace Jaipur, who innovated sweet potato burritos and shrimp with zucchini noodles on a guests request, says, It can be compared to the very popular Mediterranean dietfresh and organic ingredients, heart-friendly, obesity-controlled and aids inkeeping disorders at bay.

The pegan diet is trending as it allows vegans to have animal products in moderation.It broadens their dietary choices, and lowers the chance of developing deficiencies. This is something Indians have been following since long, concludes Dietician Rajat Jain, founder of Health Wealth Diet Clinic.

Pegan meal bowlRecipe by Balvinder Pal Singh Lubana, Executive Chef Marriott, Hyderabad

Ingredients French beans 50 gm Button mushroom 50 gm Broccoli 25 gm Cherry Tomatoes 6 pieces Bok Choy 50 gm Zucchini 3 pieces Brussels sprouts 4 gm Hald an Avocado Coconut oil (unrefined) 1 tsp Poached Eggs 2 Boiled chickpeas 1 cup Chopped garlic cloves 4 Chopped onions 1 Himalayan pink salt to taste A spring of basil

Method Wash and clean allvegetables thoroughly before processing In a deep pan, add water to boil chickpeas Cut the mushrooms into or . They need to be even-sized. Cut broccoli into florets. Peel the asparagus. Cut the French beans into batons, and zucchini into batons. Add salt, garlic to the mushrooms, and set aside. In a pan, add broccoli and a little water, salt and steam the broccoli. Repeat with the beans and zucchini. In a sauce pan, add the garlic, 1 tsp coconut oil and roast till the raw smell goes away Add the mushroom and saut till mushrooms are done. Remove and saut the bokchoy. Add 1 tsp oil, and add the rest of the garlic and the cooled chickpea and saut In a deep pot, bring water to a boil, add a little salt and vinegar, swirl the water with a perforated spoon and slowly add whole egg so it coagulates. Take out once the exterior is firmand transfer intocold water.

To assemble In a wide bowl, add the bokchoy, 1-2 tsp sauted chickpeas, 1 tsp mushrooms, the vegetables, and poached egg. Garnish with chopped basil, sliced avocado, and cherry tomatoes. Serve immediately

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Embrace the best of meat and veggies with a 'pegan' diet plan - The New Indian Express

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What Is the Glycemic Index? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: October 24, 2021 at 2:02 am

Growing up, you were probably told to limit sweets. That meant not overdoing it on Halloween candy, for example, or having that extra bowl of sugary breakfast cereal. While adult-you might be tempted to throw caution to the wind and eat whatever you want, maintaining a healthy diet is more important than ever.

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One way of looking at a healthy diet is considering where foods fall on the glycemic index.

The glycemic index is used to classify foods that contain carbohydrates, their potential for raising blood sugar and how quickly they raise your blood sugar, says endocrinologist Alexander Williams, MD.

The glycemic index is based on the understanding that not every carb is created equal. Say someone said that you could have 100 grams of carbs a day, says Dr. Williams. If you had that all in soda, intuitively you would understand thats not the optimal way to get your carbs when you can instead, eat whole grain rice, vegetables, fruits and other things.

The reason for these differences comes from how carbs react in your body. Simple carbohydrates say, the sugars found in soda and sweet desserts are broken down faster than the more complex carbohydrates found in some vegetables and whole-grain foods. As a result, your blood sugar spikes and then falls rapidly. Over time, doctors believe these constant surges and retreats play a part in people becoming insulin resistant.

To determine glycemic index numbers, doctors observe how healthy peoples blood sugar levels change after ingesting carb-containing foods. By measuring subsequent blood sugar levels and comparing it to a baseline they can determine where a food falls on a scale of zero to 100, where 100 represents pure glucose and zero is a food with no sugar at all.

Essentially, the glycemic index is trying to show that not everything that contains the exact same amount of grams of carbs will behave the same way in your body, says Dr. Williams. You actually measure how your body responds to a cup of orange juice versus how it reacts to other food items: a banana, 25 grams of candy or 25 grams of whole-grain bread.

Doctors have measured the glycemic index numbers only for certain foods or classes of foods. Not every single food item, not every vegetable or fruit or piece of bread, has been studied, says Dr. Williams. However, you can use existing data and make a good estimate for foods that arent studied.

A low glycemic index diet is one based on foods that wont cause wild swings in your blood sugar. Eating foods with a lower glycemic index means they will cause a slower and lower rise in your blood sugar, Dr. Williams says, noting this will help you absorb food more slowly and stay full for longer, and therefore eat less. Foods with a high glycemic index, or simple sugars, give you this quick burst of energy with a rise in blood sugar quickly.But then youll tend to feel pretty tired afterward and will get hungry quickly.

Certain kinds of foods fall into these categories for example, Dr. Williams notes that foods higher in fat and protein tend to be absorbed slower, and therefore have a lower glycemic index. But the glycemic index isnt necessarily a measure thats easy to use as a nutrition guide, the way that you can with calories. And foods with a low glycemic index arent necessarily packed with nutrients. Eating a balance of foods from all five food groups fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy is still a better rule to follow.

In fact, Dr. Williams agrees with the American Diabetes Associations assessment that the glycemic index numbers are not easily accessible for meal planning.

I dont know how important the numbers are if youre thinking about going to the store and deciding what to prepare for dinner, he says. Its more about thinking what kinds of foods have a lower glycemic index and trying to make sure that theres a good portion of these in each meal instead of other foods that have a high glycemic index.

A low glycemic index diet can improve your overall health and help prevent certain illnesses. There is increasing evidence that foods with a low glycemic index can reduce your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, says Dr. Williams. If you already have diabetes, it could potentially reduce the risk of long-term complications. Other studies show that its beneficial for certain cholesterol levels.

It stands to reason that a diet full of high glycemic index foods would (among other things) up your risk for Type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance. It can definitely contribute to weight gain, and then the complications that go along with that, such as stress on the cardiovascular system, Dr. Williams says. Its definitely going to make your cholesterol metabolism worse off.

Dr. Williams says there arent many downsides to a low glycemic index diet, save for a few exceptions. If youre already on insulin and drastically change the way you eat without changing insulin dosages, this could put you at increased risk for low blood sugar, he says. Additionally, if your cholesterol increases after going on a low-carb diet (for example, the keto diet), a low glycemic index diet also might not be the best choice.

Dr. Williams says low glycemic index foods are ones with a number thats 50 or less. Some of these include:

High glycemic index foods tend to have a number over 70 and include:

Going by the University of Sydneys glycemic index database, here is a sampling of the glycemic index numbers for certain foods:

Dr. Williams cautions that determining the glycemic index ratings for individual foods is an imperfect science. Its going to be different for each food, depending on how its processed or prepared, and then how each individual person responds, he notes.

For example, he says one study of instant oatmeal showed that it had a glycemic index of 79, which is the high range. Yet steel-cut rolled oats have a glycemic index of 55, which puts it in a medium glycemic index.

Different versions of the same food will also vary due to ingredients. Yogurt thats marketed for kids is going to taste delicious because it has a lot of sugar or artificial sweeteners, like high fructose corn syrup versus plain Greek, regular fat yogurt. They might have very similar amounts of carbs, but the glycemic index is very different because of the number of proteins and fats and the quality and quantity of the sugar thats in there.

How much you eat of a certain carb-heavy food can also have an effect. For example, a small sip or two of soda wont have as big an impact on your body as a large portion of whole-grain rice even though the latter is generally perceived as healthier.

As with many diets, Dr. Williams stresses that moderation is key, as is striking a balance between eating low and high glycemic index foods.Were all human, he says. Its very difficult for most of us to try to eliminate any one kind of food if we like it. So its all about having portions that are reasonable and not going overboard.

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What to Eat to Boost Your Immune System – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: October 24, 2021 at 2:02 am

Weve all heard that when youre sick, chicken soup and hot tea are the key to beating an illness into submission. But can food really make you better? And perhaps more importantly, can food keep you from getting sick in the first place?

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The right diet can help you prevent illness and recover faster. ImmunologistCassandra Calabrese, DO, explains how to use food to your advantage duringflu seasonand all year round.

No single food is a magic cure when youre sick but eating a healthy diet boosts your immune system, which can prevent illness and help you bounce back sooner when you do get sick.

Theres no doubt that a healthy diet improves your immunity to illness, Dr. Calabrese says. What you put in your body is important for your overall health, including your immune system.

Since your immune system is your bodys defense against invaders like theflu, it pays to feed it well. Heres a plus: The best immune-boosting foods are available at the grocery store, and theres noextreme fad dietingrequired.

The typical American diet is full of foods that produce inflammation. And when your body has too much inflammation, your immune system struggles.Lower inflammationand help your immune system by changing the type of fats you eat.

Saturated fats cause inflammation, so reduce your intake now beforeyou get sick. Theyre found in:

Trans fats are bad for your heart and cause inflammation. Try to eliminate them from your diet altogether by avoiding foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils, even if the label says zero grams of trans fat per serving. Food manufacturers can make this claim if the product has up to 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving.

Many food manufacturers have eliminated trans fats from their products, but some packaged foods and baked goods still contain them, such as:

Eat more omega-3 fats to keep your immune system in good shape. Fatty fish are a good source of this anti-inflammatory fat, so consider eating:

Some fish contain mercury and other contaminants that can be harmful to babies before birth or children. Pregnant or nursing women and parents of small children should check with a doctor about eating fish.

Some plant foods also contain omega-3s:

One diet stands out as an immune booster. Im a big fan of the Mediterranean diet, says Dr. Calabrese. Its a great diet for immune health.

TheMediterranean dietrefers to the traditional eating patterns of people who live near the Mediterranean sea. Eating a Mediterranean diet means having lots of:

And limit or skip these foods:

It might seem overwhelming to make big changes to your diet, but you dont have to overhaul everything right away. Start making changes in your diet gradually.

Switch to whole-grain bread and have fruit for dessert. Once youre comfortable with those changes, take another step. You might replace red and processed meat with fish and lean chicken. Instead offull-fat milk, try fat-free.

Changing your diet changes isnt a guarantee that youll never get sick. But its a good way to help your immune system fight off viruses and other illnesses.

And dont forget about the biggest step you can take to prevent the flu this year. Theflu shotis the most important thing you can do, says Dr. Calabrese. Wash your hands regularly and eat a healthy diet. If you do all of these things, youve got a good chance of staying healthy during flu season and beyond.

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