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Do Brain Supplements Actually Work? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: October 12, 2021 at 1:54 am

Better memory. Improved focus. Lower odds of developing dementia. Brain health is big business. A 2019 report by the Global Counsel on Brain Health projected that by 2023, people will spend more than $5 billion a year globally on brain health supplements.

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But can popping a pill really boost your brainpower? The research in this area is in its infancy, says dietitian Maxine Smith, RDN, LD. We dont yet have the data we need to make a recommendation about whether brain supplements work. And there are some safety concerns.

Heres what you should know before you buy supplements for your brain.

Many of the ingredients in brain health supplements have been tied to brain health in some way. But much of the evidence comes from research on food and diet, not supplements, Smith says.

There are more than 25,000 bioactive substances in food, which work together to protect your body including your brain and processes that affect your brain, Smith says. Taking just one or two of those vitamins or chemicals isnt going to be a cure-all.

Still, you might be wondering about the link between common brain booster ingredients and brain health. Heres what the science says.

Omega-3s are a type of healthy fats that are important for several body functions. Theyre found in fatty fish, shellfish and plant sources like walnuts and flaxseed. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for heart health, and scientists are studying whether they may also benefit the brain.

But theres not enough research to say that a supplement has the same benefits as omega-3 fatty acids from foods, Smith says. Its probably a better bet to just order the salmon.

Researchers have explored the link between cognition and vitamins B6, B9 and B12. But so far, there isnt evidence that B vitamins improve cognition or prevent dementia. Most people get plenty of B vitamins from their diet, Smith says.

Some older adults are deficient in B12, however. In that case, a supplement could benefit overall health, including brain health. If you are taking a daily multivitamin, its likely providing enough B-12, but its always best to discuss supplements with your physician before taking, she says.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects your cells from damage. In people who already have dementia, a daily supplement of vitamin E may slow the rate of decline.

And theres some evidence that people who eat a diet rich in vitamin E may be less likely to develop dementia. But its not clear whether supplements would have the same benefit.

Whats more, too much vitamin E can be harmful. High doses of vitamin E supplements are associated with an increased risk of death, Smith says. Instead of supplements, she recommends a vitamin E-rich diet, with foods like nuts, seeds, dark green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils like sunflower and corn oil.

Vitamins A, C and D are often included in products that claim to benefit the brain. But while these vitamins are important for overall health, theres no evidence that they boost memory, cognition or brain health. That being said, vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin and many of us arent getting enough. Vitamin D is a good one to discuss with your physician.

Ginkgo is an herb thats long been popular as a supplement for cognitive health. But a large study of more than 3,000 participants found that ginkgo was no better than a placebo at preventing dementia in older adults. And in people who already had dementia, ginkgo didnt do anything to slow the rate of cognitive decline.

Plus, ginkgo could interact negatively with other medications. In other words, you should probably skip this herb.

What about all those over-the-counter brain supplements that claim theyre proven to benefit your brain? Take those claims with a grain of salt, Smith says.

Supplements are loosely regulated in the U.S., so theres no guarantee they do what they claim to do. The studies done by manufacturers arent always well-designed, Smith says. And some supplements might contain ingredients at doses that could be harmful. They might even be tainted with contaminants like heavy metals that can be dangerous, she adds.

Someday researchers might identify a blend of ingredients that does wonders for your gray matter. But in the meantime, there are more effective ways to keep your brain healthy:

As were living longer and our population is aging, more people are concerned with protecting cognition, Smith says. Theres no magic pill, but healthy lifestyle choices can do a lot to benefit your brain.

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Is It Bad to Lose Weight Too Quickly? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: October 5, 2021 at 3:24 pm

When youre ready to slim down, you want to make it happen now. But most health experts say rapid weight loss isnt the way to go. It can sabotage your long-term weight loss goals and may hurt your health, too.

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Why is it bad to lose weight quickly? Endocrinologist and obesity specialist Marcio Griebeler, MD, explains why slow and steady wins the weight-loss race and how to do it.

Theres no magic number that qualifies as rapid weight loss. Your weight, age and activity level determine what that term means for you.

Dont worry too much about the number of pounds you should (or shouldnt) lose. Instead, look at the diet plan youre following to lose weight. Extreme diets with lofty promises usually fall under the rapid weight loss category.

Avoid super restrictive diet plans because theyre difficult if not impossible to keep up over the long term, says Dr. Griebeler. If the diet plan isnt something you can stick to for months or years, its probably a fast weight loss plan. And those plans and gimmicks arent a healthy, sustainable way to lose weight.

A more moderate goal of losing 1 to 2 pounds per week tends to be more successful over the long haul.

Its hard to resist the lure of rapid weight loss. Be 10 pounds lighter by next week? Yes, please. But dont give in to the flashy ads. Most of the time, those diet plans are bad news for your health.

Your metabolism is your bodys calorie-burning process. And a metabolism thats out of whack can damage your bodys ability to keep the weight off.

When you lose weight too quickly, your body slows down its calorie-burning process, explains Dr. Griebeler. That is your bodys way of trying to ensure you dont starve. You might lose a good amount of weight right away, but your metabolism quickly goes into survival mode.

The change in your metabolism is a key reason why people regain weight after trying rapid weight loss plans. When you go back to eating a regular diet, your metabolism isnt used to that many calories and the pounds come back.

When you cut way back on calories, you might see that number on the scale drop like a rock. But its not just fat youre losing. Youre also losing muscle.

Sudden and severe calorie restriction will make you lose muscle mass as well as fat, says Dr. Griebeler. Its harder to lose weight when you dont have enough muscle mass because muscles burn lots of calories.

Slower weight loss combined with exercise, on the other hand, gives your body time to lose fat while keeping your muscle mass. And bonus: You keep your muscles calorie-burning power intact.

Your body needs a certain amount of fat, protein and carbs to function. It also needs a whole range of vitamins and minerals. When you slash calories or cut out entire food groups like carbs or dairy, you risk:

Theres nothing wrong with cutting calories if youre eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods, says Dr. Griebeler. Your diet should contain a wide variety of healthy, whole foods. Dont try to cut more than 500 calories a day.

When you go for fast weight loss, you may find that it gets harder not easier to keep losing weight. A couple of weeks in, youll likely feel famished all the time. The temptation to crawl into bed with a box of cookies is real.

Dont blame a lack of willpower. Its your hormones, and theyre doing exactly what they were designed to do.

Cutting too many calories too quickly triggers hormonal changes that make you want to eat, says Dr. Griebeler. Even a very determined person will find it difficult to overpower those hunger hormones. These fast hormonal changes make you so hungry that they set you up for diet failure.

Theres no single diet that works for everyone. But these general guidelines can help you lose weight and keep it off in a healthy way.

Healthy weight loss isnt just about what you eat. You need physical activity if you want maximum results.

Cardiovascular exercise like walking burns calories, but strength training is just as important. When you lift weights or do resistance training, you increase muscle mass. And when you have more muscle mass, you:

Ever notice that when youre exhausted you want to eat more? When youre tired, your hunger hormones barge in and ruin your chances of bypassing that donut. If youre regularly missing out on sleep, even the best weight loss plan is going to feel impossible.

Aim for at least seven hours of quality sleep each night, says Dr. Griebeler. If you consistently have trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor. Many people who have sleep disorders dont know it and sleep disorders are treatable.

Think about your diet plan and whether you could do it for the rest of your life. Cutting a couple of hundred calories a day? Doable. Never having a bowl of ice cream again? Probably not.

The best diet is one you will stick to, says Dr. Griebeler. Changing our habits is hard, but it can be done. Choose a diet plan that allows you to have an occasional piece of chocolate or slice of pizza. Its much easier to keep doing these types of plans for months and even years.

Fast results are fun for a while, instant gratification isnt best when it comes to weight loss. Go slow with dropping pounds so you can be healthier today and stay that way for years to come.

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Is It Safe To Use Herbal Weight Loss Supplements? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:44 am

When youre struggling to lose weight, it might be tempting to want to try every pill and potion on the internet that promises to blast, burn or melt the pounds away in a matter of weeks. The thing is, those concoctions could make things worse instead of better. So whats the skinny on herbal weight loss supplements? Obesity medicine physician Shweta Diwakar, MD, helps us understand how they work and why its better to stick with a supervised weight loss program.

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According to Dr. Diwakar, there is a lack of high-quality evidence to suggest how herbal weight loss supplements work.

Herbal supplements claim to cause weight loss through:

Most herbal supplements have limited or no consistent data to support long-term weight loss efficacy and safety. They also have the potential for adverse interactions between supplements and prescription medications. Supplements are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure diseases, and therefore claims such as reduces pain or treats heart disease arent substantiated. Claims like these can only legitimately be made for drugs that go through scientific rigor, a process thats not routinely followed for dietary supplements, says Dr. Diwakar.

One mistake that people make is thinking that herbal supplements are good for them because the ingredients arent synthetic. Dr. Diwakar points out that herbs are not always safe just because theyre natural. In fact, increased herbal and dietary supplement (HDS) use is directly proportional to increased HDS-induced liver injuries.

HDS-induced liver injuries account for about 20% of the cases of liver damage in the U.S. The major implicated ingredients for these cases include anabolic steroids and green tea extract. Many weight loss supplements that are considered unsafe can be found online. Its important to recognize that these products can come with associated risks.

If youre getting an herbal product from a retail chain, keep in mind that the salesperson might have limited knowledge about how the product works. They also might not be aware of reported problems or how the herbs might interact with medications that you may be taking. Many herbal manufacturers also make false claims about the health benefits of these products. For all of these reasons and the lack of proven health benefits, its best to avoid herbal weight loss supplements or to talk to your healthcare provider about other options.

Other things to keep in mind should you still decide to try an herbal weight loss supplement:

Here are some key points about common herbal weight loss products and some insights as to their effectiveness as weight loss agents.

Ephedrine: Ephedrine is a common ingredient in herbal dietary supplements used for weight loss. Its also an ingredient found in asthma medicine. In addition, ephedrine is used to make methamphetamine or speed.

Ephedrine can slightly decrease your appetite, but no studies have shown it to be effective in weight loss. Ephedrine can be dangerous. It can cause high blood pressure, changes in heart rate, trouble sleeping, nervousness, tremors, seizures, heart attacks, strokes and even death. Ephedrine can also interact with many prescription and over-the-counter medications. In the US, ephedra-containing dietary supplements are no longer available.

St. Johns wort: St. Johns wort, also called hypericum, is a plant that has been used for centuries to treat mental disorders, nerve pain, malaria, insect bites, wounds, burns and other conditions. More recently, St. Johns wort has been studied to treat depression, but studies have shown that it was no more effective than a placebo.

There arent too many studies that examine the use of St. Johns wort as a weight-loss agent. However, keep in mind that it shouldnt be combined with anything that contains tyramine aged cheeses, cured or processed meats, wine, pickled or fermented vegetables and citrus or tropical fruit to name a few.

It also shouldnt be combined with:

Overall, using St. Johns wort for weight loss isnt a good idea because its potentially very dangerous.

5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP). 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is found in some over-the-counter weight loss formulas. This extract from a West African plant seed contains an ingredient that is linked to a rare and potentially deadly blood disorder. It has not been proven to be an effective weight-loss agent. Until more is known, 5-HTP products should be avoided.

Chitosan: This dietary supplement is made from chitin, a starch found in the skeleton of shrimp, crab, and other shellfish. Chitosan binds with fat in fatty food, moves it through the digestive tract and then, the fat is passed out of the body in bowel movements. Some research suggests that combining chitosan with a calorie-restricted diet might result in a small amount of weight loss. But taking chitosan without reducing caloric intake doesnt appear to cause weight loss. People with shellfish allergies might be allergic to chitosan as well.

Pyruvate: Pyruvate is formed when the body digests carbohydrates and proteins. Some research suggests that it may promote slight weight loss. Found in the form of pyruvic acid, pyruvate is in many different types of foods, including red apples, cheese, and red wine. Pyruvate appears to be safe, but its claims of boosting metabolism, decreasing appetite and aiding in weight loss need further study.

Aloe: Aloe, or aloe vera, is a plant that is related to cacti. Oral forms of aloe are added to herbal weight-loss products. Oral aloe causes bowel movements and many aloe weight-loss products are marketed as internal cleansers. Aloe supplements have not been proven to promote permanent weight loss. Taking oral aloe can lead to side effects such as abdominal cramping, diarrhea, electrolyte disturbances, and decreases in potassium. Therefore, taking oral aloe is likely unsafe, especially at high doses.

Cascara: Cascara is only marketed as a dietary supplement. It is a common ingredient in weight loss products and is mostly used as a laxative for constipation. Misuse of this herb can cause disturbances in electrolytes (such as potassium and sodium). Electrolytes help your body maintain normal functioning. Do not take if you are pregnant or lactating (can be passed into breast milk). Cascara may interact with medications such as digoxin and diuretics.

Dandelion: Dandelion is a natural diuretic (a substance that makes you urinate more often). This is how it causes weight loss. Dandelion has been known to cause allergic reactions. People who are allergic to ragweed and related plants (daisies, chrysanthemums, marigolds) are likely to be allergic to dandelion.

Glucomannan: Glucomannan is a sugar made from the root of the konjac plant (Amorphophallus konjac). It is available in powder, capsules, and tablet forms. Glucomannan might work in the stomach and intestines by absorbing water to form a bulky fiber that treats constipation. It may also slow the absorption of sugar and cholesterol from the gut. Glucomannan tablets are not considered safe as they can sometimes cause blockages of the throat or intestines. Glucomannan may interfere with blood sugar control. Blood sugar should be closely monitored if you have diabetes and use glucomannan.

Guarana: Made from the seeds of a plant native to Brazil, guarana is an effective central nervous system stimulant. It is used as a weight loss product due to its stimulant and diuretic effects. Guarana contains caffeine and may cause high blood pressure. Some of the extracts have been known to interact with anticoagulants (e.g., warfarin [Coumadin]) and lengthen the bleeding time in the event of a health emergency. Many advertisements state that guarana is free from side effects; however, this statement is not true. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, and anxiety.

Yerba mate: Also known as Paraguay tea, yerba mate is a strong central nervous system stimulant (the doses typically used mimic that of 100 to 200 milligrams of caffeine). The main reported side effects excessive central nervous system stimulation (speeding up the bodys mental and physical activity) and high blood pressure. Yerba mate has not been proven as a weight-loss aid. A few cases of poisoning, which led to hospitalization, have been reported with the use of this product. When taken in large amounts or for long periods, yerba mate increases the risk of mouth, esophageal, laryngeal, kidney, bladder and lung cancers. This risk is especially high for people who smoke or drink alcohol.

Guar gum: Also known as guar, guar flour, and jaguar gum, guar gum is a dietary fiber obtained from the Indian cluster bean. Guar gum is often used as a thickening agent for foods and drugs. It has been studied for decreasing cholesterol, managing diabetes and weight loss. As a weight-loss product, it helps move foods through the digestive tract and firms up stool. It can decrease appetite by providing a feeling of fullness. However, like glucomannan, guar gum and guar gum preparations have been linked to causing blockages in the esophagus. The water-retaining ability of the gum permits it to swell to 10- to 20-fold and has led to gastrointestinal blockages. Guar gum can also cause large swings in blood glucose (sugar) levels. Diabetic patients should avoid this ingredient.

Herbal diuretics: Many herbal diuretics are commonly found in over-the-counter (OTC) weight-loss products and herbal weight-loss products. Most of the diuretics used OTC come from xanthine alkaloids (like caffeine or theobromine). Avoid anything that contains juniper seeds (capable of causing renal damage), equistine (neurotoxic and can cause brain damage) and horsetail/shave grass (contain several dangerous ingredients that can lead to convulsions or hyperactivity).

Herbal diuretics can interact with certain drugs like lithium, digoxin, or conventional diuretics such as furosemide or hydrochlorothiazide. They also do not provide enough water loss to be considered effective weight loss aids.

While many products out there suggest that they can help you lose weight fast, they can also come with a slew of health concerns. If you need help with starting your weight loss journey, talk to your provider. They can steer you in the right direction and help you find a program that is safe and effective.

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Patients Report Long-Term Favorable Effects of Weight Loss Surgery in Their Daily Lives – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: July 29, 2021 at 1:54 am

A new analysis from the STAMPEDE trial shows that over the course of five years, patients who had bariatric and metabolic surgery to treat uncontrolled type 2 diabetes reported greater physical health, more energy, less body pain, and less negative effects of diabetes in their daily lives, compared with patients who had medical therapy alone for their diabetes.

Long-term changes in psychosocial and emotional quality of life measures were not significantly different between the surgical and medical groups. The research was published in the Annals of Surgery.

Chronic diseases, such as severe obesity and diabetes, can negatively affect quality of life, said Ali Aminian, M.D., director of Cleveland Clinics Bariatric & Metabolic Institute and lead author of the study. It is important to study the effects of different treatments on the well-being of patients in their daily lives.

Ali Aminian, M.D.

The Cleveland Clinic-led STAMPEDE study (Surgical Therapy and Medications Potentially Eradicate Diabetes Efficiently) was the first randomized controlled clinical trial that compared head-to-head bariatric surgery with intensive medical therapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in patients with poorly controlled diabetes and obesity.

The trial initially involved 150 participants, who were divided into three groups: 1) Fifty patients received intensive medical therapy only, including counseling and medications; 2) Fifty patients underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery and received medical therapy; 3) Fifty patients underwent sleeve gastrectomy and received medical therapy. Effectiveness was gauged by the percentage of patients who achieved blood sugar control, defined in this study as HbA1c level of less than or equal to 6.0 percent a more aggressive target than the American Diabetes Associations guidelines. HbA1c is a standard laboratory test that reflects average blood sugar over three months.

The studys initial results showed that metabolic surgery is superior to medical therapy alone for achieving weight loss and diabetes control with less reliance on anti-diabetic medications. The five-year results showed that the benefits of metabolic surgery persist over time.

This current study looked at 104 STAMPEDE trial participants: 1) Twenty-six patients who received intensive medical therapy only; 2) Forty-one patients who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery and received medical therapy; 3) Thirty-seven patients who underwent sleeve gastrectomy and received medical therapy.

The 104 patients were asked to answer two generic health-related quality of life questionnaires (the RAND 36-Item Health Survey and European QoL 5-Dimensions) and a diabetes-specific questionnaire at the beginning of the trial, and then on an annual basis following enrollment. Those three questionnaires were chosen to assess how surgical or medical treatment of obesity and diabetes may affect key elements of quality of life.

The results show that over the course of five years, the 78 patients in the surgical groups had significantly better scores on physical functioning, more energy, less body pain, and improved general heath scores compared with the 26 patients in the medical therapy group. The diabetes questionnaire looked at 12 various aspects of life in patients who have type 2 diabetes, such as maintaining a diet, going on vacation, planning meals or eating out with others, and family life. Over five years, data show that diabetes has less negative impact on quality of life in the metabolic surgery groups compared with the medical therapy group.

Sangeeta Kashyap, M.D.

Patients with long duration of diabetes tend to have poor quality of life, especially when they develop microvascular complications like eye and kidney diseases, said Sangeeta Kashyap, M.D., co-investigator involved with the trial and an endocrinologist at Cleveland ClinicsEndocrinology & Metabolism Institute. When diabetes is coupled with obesity, the impact on lower quality of life can be related to the mechanical effects of obesity as well, which leads topoor mobility and bodily pain. Significant weight loss and insulin independence following metabolic surgery drive the improvement in general health measures and quality of life for patients with type 2 diabetes, said Dr. Kashyap.

Our findings suggest that psychological wellbeing needs may require more attention in metabolic surgical patients, said Dr. Aminian. As part of our multidisciplinary approach to weight management at Cleveland Clinic, our patients have appointments with psychologists before and after surgery. The study results highlight that we may need greater emphasis on that aspect of the treatment, such as identification of psychosocial and emotional factors before surgery that can predict outcomes of surgery, as well as continuous psychosocial support after surgery.

More long-term research is needed to continue to gather feedback directly from patients on the effects of metabolic surgery on their quality of life.

The STAMPEDE trial was financially supported by Ethicon, with additional support from LifeScan, Cleveland Clinic, and the National Institutes of Health. The sponsors had no role in the accrual or analysis of the data or in the preparation of this manuscript.

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Anabolism vs. Catabolism: The Role They Play in Your Metabolism – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:50 am

Anabolism and catabolism may sound like superheroes from your kids favorite TV show, but these terms actually come from the health world. Doctors, dietitians, health coaches, and bodybuilders use their understanding of these two functions to create diet and exercise plans that can influence your metabolism (how your body uses energy) and ultimately, your overall health.

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But what exactly are anabolism and catabolism? Registered dietitian Anthony DiMarino explains how these processes work and gives some helpful tips for ensuring that your metabolism is running at full speed.

When you think catabolism, think digestion, says DiMarino. This process takes larger structures like proteins, fats or tissues and breaks them down into smaller units such as cells or fatty acids.

Catabolism occurs when youre digesting food. For example, its the process that dissolves a piece of bread into simple nutrients your body can use, like glucose (blood sugar). And if your body isnt getting the food and nutrients it needs to fuel daily living, catabolism is the mechanism that breaks down muscle and fat for energy.

Anabolism is the opposite of catabolism: Its the mechanism that takes smaller units like nutrients, cells, or amino acids and bonds them together to create bigger structures.

One example of anabolism in action is when your body is trying to heal a cut. It adds tissue and structures around that wound, DiMarino explains. Its also the process involved in a childs growth and in building stronger muscles.

Hormones act as messengers, telling your body what functions to perform. They trigger anabolism and catabolism.

Catabolic hormones are often activated under stress, such as when you have a fight-or-flight response. They include:

The anabolic hormones are responsible for growth and tissue repair. They include:

A lot of uncontrollable factors, including age, gender and genetics, direct your metabolism. But, says DiMarino, you can positively influence hormones that play a role in anabolism and catabolism with these healthy habits:

Catabolism functions no matter what you give your body, states DiMarino. It breaks down food, whether its junky or nutritious. Whatever it doesnt use for energy now, it stores for later (hello, extra pounds).

But anabolism is entirely different. It only functions properly when youre getting enough nutrients through foods like vegetables, fruits and lean meats. Your body needs high-quality building blocks to heal, repair and grow.

Different types of exercise are considered anabolic or catabolic, depending on whether they use energy to build or break down something.

Theres been a lot of research on the best type of exercise for weight loss. Cardiovascular workouts (catabolic) are great for burning a lot of calories quickly. But weight-bearing exercises (anabolic) produce an afterburn effect using more calories over a longer period to repair muscles, reports DiMarino. What weve found is that doing a combination of anabolic and catabolic workouts is most effective.

Anabolism and catabolism are both crucial parts of your metabolism. They fuel your everyday activities, from jogging to healing a paper cut. The best way to support those processes and boost your metabolism is to adopt healthy habits. That way, youll be in the best shape to deal with whatever life throws your way.

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Metabolic Syndrome Diet: What to Eat and What to Avoid – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:48 am

Metabolic syndrome is a serious condition. Its a cluster of factors that put you at risk of heart disease, stroke and Type 2 diabetes.

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But you can turn it around by making some changes to your eating habits, says dietitian Melissa Matteo, MS, RD, LD, CDE. Changing how you eat can make a real difference in controlling metabolic syndrome.

According to the American Heart Association, a person has metabolic syndrome if they have three or more of these factors:

The good news: Adopting healthier eating habits can influence each of those factors.

Overhauling your diet might sound intimidating. But you dont have to go extreme. As a first step, Matteo recommends focusing on what unhelpful foods you can phase out. These include:

Once youve deep-sixed the processed stuff, you can start building meals around heart-healthy alternatives. Theres no specific metabolic syndrome diet, Matteo says. Focus on whole, plant-based foods.

She suggests checking out the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in fruits, vegetables, seafood and olive oil. Research has linked this eating style to weight loss and a lower risk of heart attacks, strokes and Type 2 diabetes.

A healthy balanced diet should include:

Add more veggies especially non-starchy vegetables like salad greens, broccoli and peppers, Matteo says. When you do choose starchy vegetables, opt for those that are higher in fiber, such as beans, lentils and chickpeas.

Fruits are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Yes, they also have sugar, but those natural sugars are offset by the fiber found in whole fresh or frozen fruit. Because of the fiber, you digest the sugars in fruit more slowly, Matteo says. Tasty high-fiber fruits include raspberries, blackberries and pears.

Unlike processed grains that have been stripped of nutrients, whole grains are good for heart health. Foods like whole-wheat breads, barley and oats can help you avoid weight gain and lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes.

Omega-3 fatty acids can help increase HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL (bad cholesterol), Matteo says. Youll find them in nuts, seeds and fatty fish like salmon and mackerel.

Some people wonder if the trending keto diet can help treat metabolic syndrome. The answer? It depends.

The keto diet is a low-carb diet that focuses on eating fats at every meal. But research about its weight-loss effectiveness is mixed. Matteo says a big drawback is that most people find it hard to keep up this way of eating for the long haul.

Do you see yourself still eating this way in a year, five or 10? If the answer is no, I dont encourage this method, she says. If you do plan to eat this way for the rest of your life, Id still recommend avoiding saturated fats and cured meats.

Cutting out sugar-sweetened beverages is a really important step if you have metabolic syndrome. But what about diet soda?

Some research has linked sugar substitutes in diet soda to weight gain and a variety of health problems. But the connection isnt entirely clear.

Diet soda gets a lot of bad press in the media, but its not so black and white, Matteo says. I definitely dont recommend drinking a lot of it. But if it helps you wean yourself off of sugar-sweetened drinks, I think its ok to drink in moderation but water is still the beverage of choice.

Changing your eating habits can be challenging, but you dont have to do it overnight. Start with baby steps, Matteo says. Identify one small positive change you can make first.

She offers these tips for getting started:

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The Carnivore Diet: Can You Have Too Much Meat? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: July 3, 2021 at 1:47 am

Diet programs come in all shapes and sizes, and one trending diet is the carnivore diet. Although it might boast success in helping you lose a few pounds (maybe gainedduring quarantine?), you may wonder if its safe to eat nothing but meat. And how is the carnivore diet different from other carb-limiting meal plans, such as theketogenic (keto) diet?

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Dietitian Kate Patton, MEd, RD, CSSD, LD explains what the carnivore diet is and if its possible to indulge in too much meat.

The carnivore diet might seem like just the ticket if you love meat enough to eat it for every meal (hello, Ron Swanson). In this diet plan, you do just that: eat meat or animal products for every meal. Unlike keto, which limits carbs to a certain number per day, the carnivore diet aims forzerocarbs per day. You eat only meat, fish, eggs and some animal products; you exclude all other food groups including vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

The carnivore diet boasts weight loss, improved mood, as well as blood sugar regulation. It was founded on the belief that high-carb diets are the cause of chronic disease. However, there are drawbacks to eating nothing but animal protein and zero carbs.

Carbs get a bad rap. When you digest carbs, your body turns them into glucose to be used for energy. But if youre not exercising regularly to burn those carbs, they can quickly turn into fat. Therefore, too many carbs can pack on the pounds quickly.

Carbohydrates are your bodys preferred energy source what its accustomed to using for energy, says Patton. But if you dont eat carbs, your next resort is burning fat. And that comes from burning fat in foods you eat or your own body fat. She says people tend to feel good once theyre off carbs because they dont have any wild swings in blood sugar, and eating meat is not as inflammatory. But she warns: Too much animal fat can cause inflammation too.

According to Patton, the absence of carbohydrates is what leads to the weight loss associated with the carnivore diet, but carbs are your bodys preferred energy source. And you can have some serious side effects living off a meat-only diet.

Carbs in their basic form provide fuel for your body. And there are a lot of good-for-you carbohydrates that are loaded with fiber, vitamins and minerals. The best carbs are the ones that most closely resemble how they occur in nature not processed or refined. Some to consider are:

Simple carbs desserts, sugary candies, cakes and pies are the ones to avoid. These are typically full of preservatives, white sugar and flour and are notorious for causing inflammation and weight gain especially around your middle. These carbs are also known contributors to many adverse health conditions such as Type 2 diabetes (thus, the flux in blood sugar), obesity and high blood pressure. So of course if you cut them out of your diet, youll feel better with less weight and fluctuations in glucose levels. But you dont need to omitallcarbs for health benefits. In fact, you can do real damage to your body in doing so.

The carnivore diet at its core is extremely restrictive. And when you omit entire food groups from your diet, theres bound to be consequences.

The carnivore diet is super low in fiber, which will cause a lot of constipation, says Patton. And the risks become much more serious than a failure to poop.

If you have a pre-existing chronic condition, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, any history of stroke or other cardiovascular diseases, you should definitely not try this diet, Patton says pointedly. Even if you have digestive issues, this diet can make things worse with all that protein and fat, which takes a lot longer to digest.

The carnivore diet is high in saturated fats which can cause elevated LDL or bad cholesterol and put you at risk for heart disease. Whats more, many different kinds of processed meats like bacon and some lunch meats are loaded with sodium and have been linked to certain types of cancer. And a diet high in sodium can cause kidney problems and high blood pressure.

Patton doesnt mince words when it comes to this question.

In my opinion, no.

If youre a believer in everything in moderation, this diet isnt for you. The best diet is one thats balanced and includes a variety of different foods from several food groups.

It really is about finding a balance in whats right for you.

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The Carnivore Diet: Can You Have Too Much Meat? - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

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Dangerous Side Effects of Going on a Diet, According to Science | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: January 27, 2021 at 2:52 pm

Choosing to go on a diet isn't a 100% healthy endeavor. After all, if you're cutting yourself off from certain nutritious foods or entire food groups, drastically limiting your calorie intake overall, fasting for prolonged periods of time, or signing up for a fad-like program that promises extreme results in short order, there's a good chance you're actually embarking on a path that your body may not actually respond favorably to. Whether you're trying the Ketogenic diet or intermittent fasting, going low carb or low fat, below are some common side effects of going on a super-strict dieting regimen you should be aware of. And for more healthy weight loss tips, don't miss this list of Sneaky Weight Loss Tricks That Totally Work, According to Experts.

If you're considering intermittent fasting, in which you restrict your food consumption for long stretches on certain days of the week, you'd be wise to consider some of the consequences. "Depending on the length of the fasting period," write the health experts at Harvard Medical School, "people may experience headaches, lethargy, crankiness, and constipation. To decrease some of these unwanted side effects, you may want to switch from alternate-day fasting to periodic fasting or a time-restricted eating plan that allows you to eat every day within a certain time period."

RELATED: Sign up for our newsletter for daily healthy eating advice.

A simple fact: If you eat less food (also known as fuel), your body will have less energy to burn and you'll ultimately feel sluggish. One study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found that cutting carbohydrates from your diet was associated with a greater risk of fatigue. Another study, which focused entirely on the Ketogenic diet and was published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, found that "low-carbohydrate diets enhance fatigability and can reduce the desire to exercises in free-living individuals."

Cutting carbs completely from your diet isn't your only path to lower energy levels. Other studies have linked diets that restrict nutrients such as vitamin B12, folate, and iron with fatigue, as well as anemia. For more weight loss tips, make sure you're aware of the 12 Foods That Drive the Most Weight Loss of All, Say Experts.

A now-famous study published in the journal Obesity that analyzed the weight-loss efforts of contestants of NBC's wildly popular series The Biggest Loser, which was conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health, found that people who go on an extreme crash diet hobbled their metabolisms so profoundly that they never fully recovered. The chief reason, according to the researchers, was the influence of leptin, the body's hormone that tells you you're satiated, or no longer hungry. Over the course of the crash diet, the contestants' leptin levels essentially flatlined. The researchers also tracked their ghrelin levelsthe hormone that tells you when you're hungryand it had actually risen. In effect, the dieters had reprogrammed their bodies to be fat-storing, low-energy machines.

According to a study published in the journal Dermatology Practical & Conceptual, embarking on a low-calorie diet is associated with hair loss, as the lack of nutrients disrupts your hair follicles to function as intended. "Nutritional deficiency may impact both hair structure and hair growth," write the researchers. "Effects on hair growth include acute telogen effluvium (TE), a well-known effect of sudden weight loss or decreased protein intake, as well as the diffuse alopecia seen in niacin deficiency."

For a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers from the University of Kiel in Germany took 32 non-obese males and slashed their calories by an average of 1,300 for a three-week period. On the whole, the subjects emerged from the experience having gained weight while seeing a dramatic decrease in muscle massroughly 5% across the board.

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"A lack of proper nutrition due to a fad diet can actually strain your organs and muscles," says Ashlee Van Buskirk, a nurse, health and wellness coach with a BS in Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Studies, and the founder of Whole Intent. "For instance, a high-protein diet can actually lead to dehydration, which may place a significant strain on your kidneys as you may be more prone to developing kidney stones."

"Most diets fail most of the time [and] repeated diet failure is a negative predictor for successful long term weight loss," writes Anna Guerdjikova, Ph.D., LISW, CCRC, director of administrative services at the Harold C. Schott Foundation Eating Disorders Program at the University of Cincinnati. "Chronic dieters consistently report guilt and self-blame, irritability, anxiety and depression, difficulty concentrating and fatigue. Their self-esteem is decreased by continuous feelings of failure related to 'messing my diet up again,' leading to feelings of lack of control over one's food choices and further life in general. Dieting can be particularly problematic in adolescents."

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"Fad diets are not always terrible, but people should understand the food groups and should try to ingest foods from all of them to keep vitamin and mineral balance," says Stephen Newhart, Ph.D., owner of Vigor Active. "Grains provide energy, fiber, iron, and help with constipation, dairy provides calcium and iron, fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals and protein supports muscle mass. Always try and eat something from all the food groups to sustain health, just be sure to eliminate the sugars."

If you're older and you're trying intermittent fasting, you could be at risk of losing too much weight. "If you're already marginal as far as body weight goes, I'd be concerned that you'd lose too much weight, which can affect your bones, overall immune system, and energy level," Kathy McManus, RD, director of the Department of Nutrition at Brigham and Women's Hospital, told Harvard Medical School.

According to the International Journal of Eating Disorders, 35% of "normal dieters" may become pathological dieters, and 20 to 25% of those are prone to develop an eating disorder. "The onset of eating disorders has commonly been associated with following restrictive diets, as they become a way for individuals to exercise control, counting calories and fat grams, limiting types and amounts of food, and obsessing about a number on the scale," write the experts at Behavioral Nutrition.

As the Cleveland Clinic notes, many health experts believe that "80 to 95% of dieters gain weight back that they've worked so hard to lose." If that's an experience you're aware of, don't miss these tips for Losing Weight and Keeping it Off for Good.

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Dangerous Side Effects of Going on a Diet, According to Science | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

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2021 Refresh: What’s a time-restricted diet? Exploring simple options to help you eat healthier –

Posted: January 5, 2021 at 5:49 am

Most resolutions don't last an entire year. But there are things you can do when it comes to healthy eating that can give you a quick 'detox.'

CLEVELAND Whether you admit it or not, most people have some sort of diet in mind when it comes to New Years Resolutions. But sticking to a new eating plan usually doesn't make it through an entire year -- or even a month. In our "2021 Refresh" series, we asked a couple experts what are some simple things we can do to just kickstart healthy eating?

I think the trend that I'm seeing is like a complete overhaul, says Cleveland Clinic Dietician, Kristin Kirkpatrick.

Every January, millions of people vow to lose weight or eat healthy. How long does it last? Research shows its 66 days on average.

So, how can we start small?

Number one, January is a great time to really encompass that kind of dry January mentality," Kirkpatrick says. "Even if it's just a week, if you go a week without having any alcoholic beverages, typically you can go two weeks three weeks.

She says also try to eat foods with three ingredients or less and you'll automatically ditch the majority of processed foods.

I also think frequency of eating is an easy thing to change and a huge detoxing mechanism, so if you think about the fact that if you take in a time-restricted eating approach and you say, 'OK, this week Im only going to eat eight hours every day and there's nothing outside of that time, nothing outside of that window.

Studies show time-restricted eating jumpstarts weight loss, helps lower cholesterol and improves type 2 diabetes.

The best diet out there is the one you will stay on long-term, and that's different for everyone. I wouldn't do well on a ketogenic diet, but a lot of my patients do. I think if you're looking in more general terms, a Mediterranean diet is always a really great approach because it does encompass still being able to have fats, still being able to have animal proteins in the form of chicken or fish and then it has a lot of other things like obviously fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

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What is a plant-based diet; how to have a younger RealAge – The Union Leader

Posted: January 3, 2021 at 3:52 pm

DEAR DOCS: You keep saying we should eat a plant-based diet, but what does that mean exactly if I still eat meat?

DEAR JOSE: Great question! A plant-based diet is one in which most of your nutrients come from a wide variety of colorful plants that add up to around seven to nine servings a day. Animal-based foods are complements to that and are limited to animal proteins that are lean or contain healthy fats, like salmon, sea trout and skinless poultry.

We want you to understand you can get high-quality protein from plant sources such as legumes (beans), nuts, leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, and 100% whole grains.

But, and there is always a but, if the plants you eat are fried, sugared, breaded or cream-sauced, theyre missing the mark. They become as damaging to your heart, brain and body as red and processed meats.

An example of a healthy plant-based diet would be a half cup of berries on oatmeal with soy/oat/almond milk in the morning, a mid-morning snack of an orange and a handful of walnuts, a lunch that includes a salad (maybe arugula, half an avocado, cherry tomatoes and sliced carrots with a lemon/lime and olive oil dressing) and a 6-ounce salmon burger along with a cup of quinoa, teff or brown rice.

Then dinner is lighter fare (before 7 oclock), with 3 ounces of broiled chicken breast with a lemon/caper/olive oil marinade and a side of 3 cups (raw) steamed spinach or baby kale with onions, garlic, mushrooms and olive oil and a cup of black beans.

Dessert is a 1/2 cup of strawberries with 1 ounce of dark chocolate. That delivers 1.5 servings of fruit, around seven servings of veggies, plus two servings of whole grains and around 34g of protein from salmon, 26g from chicken breast, 16g from beans. The nuts, veggies, dark chocolate and plant milks add in healthy fats, more protein, fiber, essential nutrients and yum!

DEAR DOCS: Im worried about my mom, who is only 66. She seems like shes becoming a grumpy old lady, pessimistic, uninterested in new ideas. What can I do to help her have a younger outlook on her life?

JayCee M., Memphis, Tenn.

DEAR JAYCEE: Just as you can have a RealAge that is older or younger than your chronological age, depending on your physical fitness and overall health, you can have a psychological RealAge that is older or younger than what is commonly associated with healthy mental and emotional norms for your age.

And just as an older RealAge is a sign that you are at risk for decreased longevity, premature physical challenges and chronic diseases, an older psychological RealAge sets you up for diminished happiness, interest and interaction, which studies show also lead to poorer health and decreased longevity. Attitude, just like blood pressure, is a true marker of overall health.

First, if you think this is significant depression, help your mom find an in-person or online therapist to help her sort out her feelings. Therapy can boost the effectiveness of the self-help tools that can significantly lower her psychological RealAge daily physical activity, community involvement, contacting friends, writing gratitude notes or keeping a gratitude journal, engaging in learning new things, helping others and upgrading nutrition by eliminating red and processed meats, added sugars and empty calories.

Your mom might like to take a new quiz that measures psychological age at It was developed using social and behavioral data from the Midlife in the United States study by researchers from California and China. But whatever it says, we can tell you that if she signs up for online classes, Zooms with her friends frequently, makes sure she is getting exercise and tries the healthful, super-tasty recipes from Dr. Mikes What to Eat When cookbook, youll see her mood and tude become younger, along with her health.

Mehmet Oz, M.D., is host of The Dr. Oz Show, and Mike Roizen, M.D., is chief wellness officer emeritus at Cleveland Clinic. Email your health and wellness questions to Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen at

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