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9 diets that might be making you gain weight – The indy100

Posted: May 14, 2017 at 3:42 am

Weight loss is hard work. No one likes to restrict themselves, most people enjoy chocolate and carbs, but these are things people often cut out when trying to shred the pounds.

The majority of diets require you to cut calories because they want you to see quick results. In reality, this isn't great biologically. Your body actually starts to think its actually starving, which makes you more hungry and causes stress eating.

Turns out, a lot of popular diets aren't actually all that good for you, and could cause weight gain.

Gluten free diets are trendy. They've been touted as a popular way to lose weight - despite the fact lots of nutritionists saying there's nothing wrong with eating gluten.

However, a recent study from Spain warns that exchanging foods containing gluten with a gluten-free alternative can increase risk of obesity.

This is because many of these gluten-free products actually contain high levels of fat. In the study, researchers compared 655 standard food products with 654 gluten-free options and found that on average, gluten-free bread had more than twice the fat of standard loaves, as well as substantially less protein.

Skipping meals, particularly breakfast, might seem like an obvious way to lose weight, but in reality it's very very unhealthy.

Statistics gathered over 20 years by the National Weight Control Registry,found that among dieters who lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for at least a year, 78 percent ate breakfast every day.

Eating breakfast will also boost your brainpower as well asbanish cravings and help to maintain weight loss, as well as stopping you from over-eating at lunchtime. Your metabolism increases after eating, so by skipping meals your metabolism can slow down and lead to weight gain.

A 'cheat day' refers to a concept where people will diet strictly six days a week and then binge on one day, to "reset" their metabolism, but unsurprisingly it's not a good idea. James Collier, Registered Nutritionist & Cofounder of, told The Independent.

A full day of cheat eating is excessive and can be an excuse for the dieter to consume copious amounts of junk food.

Often they consume more than they would usually because they have been restricting themselves for the rest of the time, and hunger can be amplified.

Yo-yo dieting, or very low-calorie diets don't actually help you get healthier or shred pounds, at least in the long-term.

Research shows that very low-calorie diets might make you lose weight quickly, but due to the lack of lifestyle change, people gain the weight back very quickly once they hit their goal weight.

While exercise is critical, spending hours and hours in the gym might seem like an obvious and healthy way to lose weight, but it can be counter-productive.

Firstly, sticking to one type of exercise stops your body from being challenged and burns fewer calories than optimum, according to Eat This.

Secondly, over-exercising can lead to getting burned out. High intensity training for 20 minutes, 35 times per week is an appropriate amount, along with strength training is a better option.

A lot of populist diets encourage cutting out carbs, because it helps to drop water weight and melt away the pounds at first.

Carbs are essential to make our brain and central nervous system work properly, and cutting them out can lead to cravings and overeating.

Eating nothing but leaves can mean you lose out on essential nutrients.

Furthermore, if you're eating out, often salads are actually the most calorific item on the menu. Famously, there's more calories in a McDonald's salad than a Big Mac.

Juicing is a popular diet where people only drink fresh fruit juice and water, and no real food - which basically leads to you just drinking sugar and vitamins for the duration of the 'cleanse'.

Smoothies, while delicious and nutritional, aren't great for weight loss. Angela Ginn-Meadow, RD, a national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, told Prevention

People aren't very conscious of what they're putting in their smoothies and bowls. They just toss it all in

The problems crop up with the additional calories from too much fruit, peanut butter, and protein powder.

Paleo or 'the caveman diet' is a popular diet which encourages you to eat lots of fruit, vegetables and lean meats while avoiding dairy, grains and strarches.

However, a recent study from researchers at the University of Melbourne shows thatPaleo could actually make you put on pounds.

For the study, researchers put mice on the Paleo diet, after nine weeks, the mice eating Paleo gained 15 per cent of their body weight and their insulin levels rose. The mice that ate a 'regular diet' didnt experience the same changes.

More: The reason why you're likely to gain weight with more diets

Go here to read the rest:
9 diets that might be making you gain weight - The indy100

Jefferson Street growth: Plans to expand the downtown lifestyle – WEAR

Posted: May 14, 2017 at 3:41 am

Jefferson Street growth: Plans to expand the downtown lifestyle

You may have noticed that construction is taking over Jefferson Street in downtown Pensacola.

The Downtown Improvement Board sees the potential and wants to encourage growth for businesses.

They're looking to expand the area's "hot spots."

John Peacock, Chairman of the Downtown Improvement Board (DIB), said, "We don't want to make it the next Palafox. We want people to come downtown to have a multitude of activities, restaurants, retail. We want people to think, 'Where am I going to eat or shop?' Downtown Pensacola."

However, they are facing a bump in the road, and that's funding.

Peacock said, "Money is going to have to come from a place like the city, or the county, or there are grants to help with the storm water issue, so now the task is on us to identify those funding sources and put it to work and get this done."

Once they get the green light, you'll notice even more changes - the streets!

Peacock explains, "In most big cities, New York, etcetera, the max distance is about thirty feet, so we want to create that 'road diet,' so people can cross those streets safely and have an aesthetically pleasing experience when they're doing that. If you do that, I think more things will come, more people will come, and parking becomes less and less of an issue."

The expansion has people talking, and even tourists agree a Jefferson street makeover will be a nice addition to downtown Pensacola.

Art Grinath, a visitor to Pensacola, said, "I think that would be a great thing because the more places you have, the restaurants, the shops, it brings more people in and make its livelier and when it's livelier, then even more people come in."

The DIB hopes that this is the first step in making all 44 downtown blocks pedestrian-friendly.

The east side of Jefferson is the first phase and could be completed by the end of the year.

Jefferson Street growth: Plans to expand the downtown lifestyle - WEAR

Lawn needs nitrogen in first feeding – Albuquerque Journal

Posted: May 14, 2017 at 3:41 am

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A: Being the first feeding of the lawn and the weather is still fairly mild, Id suggest a fertilizer that is quite high in its nitrogen content. Its the nitrogen thatll give the turf the encouragement to get green and growing. Remember that the nitrogen content is shown as the first number of the three-number calculations on fertilizer products. So look for one that is 28 or higher to give your lawn all it wants.

If your grass is invaded by weeds as the season goes on you could consider applying a fertilizer that contains a pre-emergent in the mix. But applying a pre-emergent/fertilizer concoction is rather a two-edged sword. First, a pre-emergent wont do diddly to a weed that is already up and growing. They work to prevent seed from germinating. Applied now, youd battle fewer weeds that historically pop up later in the growing season.

Heres the other edge of the sword: If you find the need to over seed your lawn to get it puffed up and youve used a pre-emergent fertilizer combo, youre stuck. Youll have to wait weeks and weeks before you could apply grass seed and not waste your time and money. But pre-emergent/fertilizer combos are good products as long as you comprehend all the attached parameters.

If you have some weeds that are already growing and as long as there are no trees or shrubs planted in your lawn consider a weed and feed fertilization. The nitrogen levels are usually high enough to feed your lawn. Know that its best to apply weed and feed fertilizer to a damp lawn so the weed part of the mix sticks to the weed its hunting. No additional watering for at least 24, perhaps 36, hours so the product is properly absorbed. The fertilizer label will give you all the necessary instructions, so be sure to read up before you apply.

When I was in the retail business, we recommended either Soil Tex or Desert Green granular fertilizers to give lawns a good kick in the pants for the first feeding. Both were made for our soils, could be used safely around trees and shrubs and had the added multi-vitamin aspect of iron and sulfur included in the balanced diet of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium that makes up a good fertilizer.

Youre correct that there are lots of products to choose from but if you read your labels, or consult with a learned professional youll find the one thats just right for this first wake-up fertilization.

Q: I went ahead and snipped out the finished bloom of my tulips and daffodils last week when it was so chilly. Now that thats done, whats next? B.G., West Side

A: Its good you got the spent bloom stalks removed. As far as whats next, youll take your cue from the plants themselves. If the leaves of your plants are still green and sturdy looking, let them be. They are still photosynthesizing and re-feeding the bulb.

But if the leaves are starting to discolor, turn a dull yellow color and look yucky, then its time to prune them back and be done with the magic that was your spring bloom. Aim to snip them down cleanly, as close to the ground as you can, and pitch the finished leaf matter.

Thats it. The bulbs will rest and then, Mother Nature willing, theyll re-appear next year to start our season all over again.

Tracey Fitzgibbon is a certified nurseryman. Send your garden-related questions to Digging In, Rio West, P.O. Drawer J, Albuquerque, NM 87103.

Read more from the original source:
Lawn needs nitrogen in first feeding - Albuquerque Journal

Negative myths about owls are just that myths – The Albany Herald

Posted: May 14, 2017 at 3:41 am

Owls have been a part of our lives and folklore for a very long time. Today they are relatively widespread and frequently observed avian predators and are clearly depicted in ancient cave drawings in Europe and Asia.

European cultures generally reacted to owls with fear and avoidance, said wildlife biologist John Powers. Many people associated them with bad fortune and even death. Even back then, though, sentiments regarding owls were mixed. In some instances the call or presence of an owl was believed to bring good luck. Certain brews made from owl parts were thought to cure a variety of illnesses. Superstition aside, many a practical farmer recognized the value of a pair of owls as nearby neighbors. Also, the ancient Greeks believed the owl to be a bird of wisdom, an idea which continues today.

Owls were viewed with similar mixed emotions among Native Americans. Some Indian tribes believed owls were capable of transmitting important advice and information, especially to tribal shamans. Cherokee shamans, for example, considered owls valuable consultants for all important decisions. Some tribes believed the unique-looking raptors were responsible for guiding the souls of the dead safely to the afterlife. Other tribes highly prized the owls feathers, using them to fletch their arrows to ensure the arrows silent flight.

When Europeans arrived in North America they brought most of their negative feelings regarding owls with them, Powers continued. Few of their positive beliefs seem to have made the crossing. Many of them viewed the owl as wise, but that wisdom was usually regarded as being of a dark and somewhat suspect nature. In general, European Americans considered owls to be birds of ill omen. Their nocturnal habits have caused them to be associated in the minds of many people with everything thats evil and fearful. Strangely enough, there are some out there who still believe the untimely appearance of an owl is a warning of bad luck, approaching death, or witchcraft at work.

According to Powers, many early naturalists as well felt negatively toward owls, considering them highly destructive birds and wanton killers. They attributed considerable losses of poultry to owl depredation. Further, many of them believed owls were responsible for destroying large numbers of desirable game species such as ruffed grouse, bobwhite quail, ring-necked pheasants, rabbits and hares, and both gray and fox squirrels. Factually, these commonly believed reports have not been supported by food-habit studies conducted since the late 1800s.

Research has found that poultry makes up only a small percentage of most owls diets, Powers explained. Also, game species, especially gamebirds, account for a relatively small proportion of an owls prey. Findings indicate that nocturnal rodents and, for some owls species, even insects, make up the largest share of their diets. Of course, this isnt to say they wont take whatever prey is available, including the less-preferred game species and poultry. That usually happens, though, only when populations of their preferred food species in an area are very low.

The species that make up the largest proportion of an owls diet in a given area will vary with regard to the population levels of whatever prey species are available. In general, the higher a species population grows, the more susceptible the individuals in that species are to predation. Put simply, a big population of, say, field mice in a particular habitat will result in a lot of field mice becoming entrees for predators, owls included. Like other wild carnivores, owls will focus their feeding efforts on whatever prey species are most readily accessible and available. Over time, this concentrated predation results in reduced population and reduced susceptibility in the prey population.

Fortunately for the owls, said Powers, while they are focusing on one prey species, one or more other species will experience a population increase. Eventually, the owls will alter their feeding habits and concentrate on the prey that has become more numerous. This switching behavior benefits man by helping to keep prey species from becoming so numerous they become a problem. At the same time, the owls feeding strategy benefits the prey species by helping reduce competition for limited resources.

The broad range in size exhibited by different owl species and the corresponding differences in the size of their prey helps to reduce competition among owl species for food. Taking everything into consideration, owls (like the vast majority of other raptors) primarily consume large numbers of small rodents, making them far more an asset to man than a liability.

Owls and other predators are indicators of the overall health and quality of their habitats, Powers concluded. As predators, populations of owls are limited by the number of prey species available to them. Also, owls are especially sensitive to disruptions in natural systems. Therefore, healthy owl populations, especially of multiple owl species, can indicate healthy populations of prey species and be viewed as positive evidence of a healthy, stable ecosystem.

As superstitions fade, owls are being held in high esteem by more and more people. For scientists, their importance as an indicator species for the health of natural systems is of obvious value. For others, the sensual and aesthetic values of simply seeing and hearing owls far outweigh whatever minor negative impacts they may have.

Bob Kornegay is an award winning outdoors writer.

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Negative myths about owls are just that myths - The Albany Herald

The Vegan Diet Bloggers Who Think Periods Are ‘Not Natural’ – Broadly

Posted: May 14, 2017 at 3:41 am

Some vegan and raw food bloggers believe that menstruation is unclean and a curseand that we'd be better off without periods at all.

"If it's so unhealthy for me to go through a period of not having my period, then why did I feel so amazing?" In a YouTube video called "How I lost my period on a RAW VEGAN Diet," vlogger Freelee the Banana Girl tells her 700,000 followers about something occasionally experienced by women who've made a big change to their eating habits: the disappearance of her period.

She says that within a month of starting a "100 percent raw vegan diet," her periods stopped and only returned after nine months, but much more lightly. But instead of being a little worried, as we might expect, she was stoked.

"I still believe that, largely, menstruation is toxicity leaving the body," she explains in her controversial video, which saw heavy criticism from some viewers and eating disorder charity Beat. "So a lot of people are having these heavy, heavy periods and painful periods because they have a toxic body or have a toxic diet."

Instead, Freelee believes a light periodor "mega light," in her wordsis a healthy one, and that uncomfortable periods are "not natural," and down to a fatty or "toxic" diet.

"At the end of the day if you're having a heavy period, if you're having a painful period, then get on a 100 percent high carb raw vegan diet as soon as you can." Her video has attracted over 395,000 views since it was uploaded.

Watch: The History of Birth Control

Missing your period oncelet alone for nine monthsis rarely considered a good thing by doctors unless you're looking to get pregnant. Stress, polycystic ovary syndrome, obesity, and sudden weight loss are among the assortment of cited reasons that a woman might stop experiencing what's usually considered a normal reproductive process.

But a handful of vegan, raw, and clean eating bloggers claim that using your diet to achieve a sporadic and light periodor one that's completely nonexistentis healthier and more natural.

"Many girls who lose their period often worry and try numerous things to get it back," writes Miliany on her blog, RawVeganLiving."It's often advised that to get your period back, you should stop exercising and eat more calories and incorporate more plant-based fats in your diet.

"What if I told you that everything you were taught about menstrual cycles was a complete LIE?!"

Read more: The Strange History of the Extremely Low-Carb Diet Fad

Through Freelee and Miliany espouse different theories, they both come to the same conclusion: that modern society has sold women the idea that menstruation is healthy and that periods are better lighter or halted altogether by adopting raw and vegan diets.

I reached out to Miliany, who told me that she believes "a non-menstruating body indicates the body is clean."

"If a woman or young girl decided she wanted to stop menstruating or lighten up her heavy periods, then I would recommend a raw foods diet to help them with that," she says. "The industry has done a great job of brainwashing too many women into thinking that if they do not get their periods on a monthly basis, that something is wrong with their body and hormones."

However, Dr Jackie Maybin, a clinical lecturer in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Edinburgh, warns against changing your diet in an attempt to alter your menstrual cycle.

"It's difficult to recommend a strict vegan diet without investigating hormone levels and endometrial health in these women," she says of bloggers like Freelee and Milliany. "It's likely that the complete absence of periodsamenorrheaindicates that ovulation is not occurring and could have a significant negative impact on reproductive health."

In comments reported by the Daily Mail, eating disorder charity Beat said of Freelee's video: "Although taken out of the new diagnostic criteria for anorexia as it excludes men, amenorrhea has in the past been used to diagnose anorexia nervosa. Being at a low weight and restricting intake for a significant lengths of time can have other serious side effectslow blood pressure, osteoporosis, organ failure, infertility, restricted growth among others."

Freelee the Banana Girl in her video about losing her period on a raw vegan diet. Screenshot via YouTube

For other bloggers, there is an almost quasi-religious connection between periods and clean eating, the diet turned lifestyle that can sometimes tip over into a form of disordered eating known as orthorexia.

A raw food blog titled RawforLife exemplifies this attitude, asking: "If we were all living natural [sic], in a 'Garden of Eden', without pads, tampons, tissues (or even clothes?), would we all be running around dripping blood all over the place for a few days a month?"

Despite being posted eight years ago, a post called "Periodsthey may be normal but are they healthy?" continues to be one of the site's most shared and commented on pieces today.

"The main aim of this article has been to challenge the prevailing view of periods as 'healthy,'" a raw food blogger called Debbie writes. She claims that menstruation could be a symptom of living a non-raw vegan lifestyle: "Perhaps periodsthe pain, the blood flow, PMT were rightly named a 'curse'a curse on us for falling short of living how we are meant to live physically and psychologically."

This idea comes up regularly among these bloggers: that women hundreds of years agoand animalshad or have lighter periods thanks to a plant-based diet.

Maybin, however, says that these claims have little basis in medical fact. "It's true that women previously had fewer periods; approximately 40 in their lifetime, versus about 400 for modern women in developed countries," she says. "However, I think this is unlikely to be due to a vegan or plant-based diet, but because these women were either pregnant or lactating for most of their lives."

Freelee and Debbie did not respond to comment (Freelee started a new ASMR-themed YouTube channel in April). But when asked directly by followers, they both refute the claim they're encouraging women to stop their periodsthough regardless of their intentions, their influence is clear.

While Debbie's comment section is packed with breastfeeding mothers and those on the cusp of the menopause deliberating these ideas, Freelee's is dominated by young peoplesome teenagers as young as 13thanking her for inspiring them to change their diet.

"The medical industry certainly doesn't tell us the truth," writes one under the "How I lost my period on a RAW VEGAN Diet" video. "Trust your fellow humans, not outdated tradition, disease and corporations who spread lies."

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But Maybin warns that a very restrictive diet or excessive exercise can also lead to a condition called hypothalamic hypogonadism. "In menstruating women, the brain sends signals to the ovaries to produce hormones to regulate the endometrium. This results in ovulation and, if pregnancy does not occur, menstruation.

"In hypothalamic hypogonadism, the body assumes a state of stress and shuts off the signal from the brain to the ovaries. This reverts the body to a pre-pubescent like state, where pregnancy is not possible as the ovaries temporarily shut down and menstruation does not occur.

"If this state is maintained long term, women can have problems due to low estrogen levels, e.g. risk of loss of bone mineral density and osteoporosis."

While she says that not enough research has been done to know exactly what effects diet can have on menstruation, it makes sense that a "healthy balanced diet"i.e. one that does not excessively restrict certain food groupsis good for all women and their periods.

Despite the risks, these blogs remain popular, including a new video uploaded by Freelee in September: "If you've got heavy periods, that's not normal," she says in the clip, which has been viewed almost 250,000 times. "That is not as healthy as you can be."

See original here:
The Vegan Diet Bloggers Who Think Periods Are 'Not Natural' - Broadly

The Giant Panda’s Striking Coloration May Stem From Its Poor Diet – DOGOnews

Posted: May 14, 2017 at 3:41 am

Giant panda Tia Shan at National Zoo in Washington (Photo Credit: By Fernando Revilla (Own work) [CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons)

Tim Caro, Professor of Wildlife Biology at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) has made it his mission to understand the evolution of coloration in mammals. The researcher spent twenty years investigating why zebras sport black and white stripes (to ward off flies) and even wrote a book, Zebra Stripes, about his epic discovery. Now, Caro has solved the age-old mystery of why giant pandas also sport the dual coloration.

According to the researcher, Understanding why the giant panda has such striking coloration has been a long-standing problem in biology that has been difficult to tackle because virtually no other mammal has this appearance, making analogies difficult,

Over the years, there have been numerous theories to explain the animals signature black and white color. Some experts hypothesized that it was to scare predators. Others believed that the white fur provided the mammal with much-needed camouflage in the snow, while the dark patches enabled it to retain heat. There was also the theory that the markings on the pandas head kept it hidden from predators, while the dark circles around its eyes helped reduce the suns glare.

To solve the mystery once and for all, the UC Davis team who worked in collaboration with scientists at California State University, Long Beach, compared the coloring of different parts of the giant pandas body to those of 200 carnivore species, including 39 bear subspecies. This was no easy task given that the scientists had to carefully examine thousands of images and seek out the different areas of fur that were similar to those of the giant panda. Once they found a match, they looked further into the evolutionary pattern of the carnivore to ascertain if it could explain the reason the panda was sporting a similar color.

The team, who published their findings in the journal Behavioral Ecology, on February 28, discovered that different parts of the giant pandas coloring serve different purposes. As had been previously believed, the mammals white face, neck, belly, and rump, allow it to blend in with the snow during winter. Its black arms and legs are not to retain heat, but to help stay hidden in the shade during summer. This is particularly important for panda cubs that often perch themselves on tree tops to avoid being seen by predators, like jackals and snow leopards, who share the same mountainous habitat in China. The dark ears help scare off predators, while the black eye patches most likely enable giant pandas to recognize each other and, possibly, show aggression towards competitors.

According to the study, the giant pandas striking dual coloring may have to do with its poor diet, that comprises primarily of bamboo, which has little nutrition and very few calories. Since the mammals are unable to build up enough fat reserves to allow them to hibernate during the winter, they have no choice but to wander year-round in search of food.

The scientists speculate that instead of developing a summer and winter coat similar to those of small carnivores like the arctic fox, it (giant panda) has evolved a compromise white and black pelage [fur].

They maintain that the giant panda is not the only animal that has adopted this evolutionary strategy. Some larger species of wolverines (Gulo gol) that also traverse across several habitats often sport a similar black and white coloring.


Here is the original post:
The Giant Panda's Striking Coloration May Stem From Its Poor Diet - DOGOnews

This New Food Delivery Tool Makes Sticking to Your Diet SO Much Easier –

Posted: May 14, 2017 at 3:41 am

Sticking to a diet is hardeven if you have the willpower.I tried living on a Paleo diet once, but the sheer number of restrictions that complicated my grocery shopping list meant it wasnt long before I was back to eating boxed pasta.

An Alexandria meal delivery service is seeking to change that.

Formerly known as Power Supply, the healthy meal service has been up and running since 2011. Now operating under the new name Territory,the company has recently relaunched to make it easier to selectmore diet-specific optionsinto their line-up of pre-cooked, healthy meals that customers can choosefrom the online menu and have delivered to their homes.

Prior to the relaunch, the service offered meals that fit under the categories of mixitarian, vegetarian, and Paleo. Now, Territory has set the filters on their online menu to pull up meals that fit a much longer list of diets, including the initial three plus trendy diets like Whole30 and Mediterranean, as well as commonly practiced low-carb or low-fat diets, in addition to some eating plans of Territorys own design: the Air, Sea, & Plants diet and one for new and expecting moms.

Territorys co-founder,Patrick Smith, says that the goal of these new filters is helping people sustain their commitment to healthy eating over time. While some diets, like Whole30 or Paleo, may sound good in theory, they can be much harder to stick to when youre standing in front of your refrigerator at 8:30 on a Tuesday night, wondering how to turn frozen chicken and wilted lettuce into dinner.

The new filters are also intended to emphasize just how personal nutrition isthat choosing a healthy eating plan for yourself isnt a one-size-fits-all model. Rather, the service allows customers to try on different diets for size, to see which one suits them the best.

The filters for the different meals were set in place with the help of consulting nutritionists. The nutritionists outlined the guidelines for each diet, andthose rules were applied to the meals that Territory chefs were already making to identify which meals fit the diet. In some cases, such as the new and expecting moms, the nutritionists came up with the rules from scratch.

Ashley Koff, the DC-based nutritionist who designed the new and expecting moms meals, created guidelines by not just looking at the long list of foods pregnant women cant eat, but also looked at what nutrients pre- and postpartum moms should be getting more of in their diets. Additionally, Koff planned for the meals to be broken up and eaten as two or three mini meals, since pregnant women sometimes have difficulty keeping down food. Included in the new and expecting moms category are meals such as basil chicken with garlic broccoli or apple BBQ pulled pork with beet slaw.

One diet that Territory offers wasnt designed by their team of nutritionists. Rather, the MedStar Healthy meal filter on the site represents a collaboration between the meal delivery service and the DC-area hospital group.The partnership was inspired by MedStars Health for America fellowship program, in which four recent college graduates were challenged to find an innovative way to improve care for diabetics. The fellows worked to develop a system of healthy meals for diabetics, then tapped Territory to help with the delivery side.

According to Dr. Michelle Magee, director of the MedStar Diabetes Instituteand lead physician mentor for the fellowship, the meals are intended to be diabetic and pre-diabetic safe. But because the mealswhich range from pistachio-crusted tuna to ginger scallion pork pattiesare low in saturated fat and sit in a good calorie range, theyre really healthy for anyone, even those with no diabetes concerns.

Ultimately, it may not be cost effective for everyone to order all of their meals onlineSmith says that most of their customers order five or six of their meals through Territory each weekbut by getting to know what a tasty Paleo or aWhole30 or vegetarian meal looks like, people can become familiar with how to make healthy meals on their own. If nothing else, the delivery service can make it easier for those who have healthy eating goals without the time to fulfill them.

I believe that the way that we identify and enable our health is by having better tools, says Koff. Cooking can be what we call some assembly requiredand sometimes we dont even have time for some assembly required.

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Continued here:
This New Food Delivery Tool Makes Sticking to Your Diet SO Much Easier -

Couple Who Met at the Gym and Lost a Combined 578 Lbs. to Wed –

Posted: May 14, 2017 at 3:41 am

The couple who sweats together, stays together.

Ronnie Brower was a regular at his Syracuse, New York gym, and on his way to losing 458 lbs. after reaching a high weight at 675 lbs. Little did he know, he had a fan in gym-goer Andrea Masella, who was on a major weight loss journey of her own.

I was just really inspired by him and I thought he was super cute, Masella, 24, told the Associated Press. We started talking at the gym and I hate to sound clich but it was love at first sight.

Now, after losing a combined 578 lbs., Brower and Masella are set to tie the knot on Saturday.

Brower hit 675 lbs. in 2013, and started working out with a trainer at the insistence of a friend.

I was depressed, addicted to pills and alcohol, eating 10 double cheeseburgers or two large pizzas at a time, Brower, 32, said. My turning point was, my doctor told me if I kept on like this Id be dead before I was 30. I was 28.

With the help of trainer Nick Murphy, who will be Browers best man, he cut out drugs and alcohol, started a low-carb diet and began working out three times a day at home. After 100 days, he had lost 100 lbs., and was able to start going to the gym.

My job 24 hours a day was to get healthy and save my life, Brower said.

Masella first saw Brower almost two years after he started losing weight. At that point, she was a year into her own journey, was working her way to eventually losing 120 lbs. from her top weight of 250 lbs.

Their first date was a few games of ping pong and basketball at where else the gym. They hit it off from their shared experiences.

Both of us had used food as a coping mechanism; I would just eat my feelings, Masella said. Weve gone through a lot of counseling to come to terms with that and change.

She also stood by him as Brower underwent four surgeries to remove 30 lbs. of excess skin.

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Now the couple, who laugh all the time, Brower said, is ready to get married and move in together, while staying the course with their weight loss.

People come to me all the time, asking for weight-loss advice, Brower said. I just tell them theres hope out there. If you want it bad enough and put your mind to it, anybody can do it.

Original post:
Couple Who Met at the Gym and Lost a Combined 578 Lbs. to Wed -

Tracy Anderson Defends Lena Dunham’s Weight-Loss Instagram – New York Magazine

Posted: May 14, 2017 at 3:41 am

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Tracy Anderson Defends Lena Dunham's Weight-Loss Instagram - New York Magazine

Aretha Franklin: Behind Her Massive Weight Loss – The National Enquirer

Posted: May 14, 2017 at 3:40 am

The National Enquirer
Aretha Franklin: Behind Her Massive Weight Loss
The National Enquirer
Cancer-ravaged Aretha Franklin has shed an amazing 103 pounds in just months but The National ENQUIRER can now reveal the horrific, soul-crushing siege she had to endure in order to lose so much weight so quickly. In a bombshell world exclusive ...

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Aretha Franklin: Behind Her Massive Weight Loss - The National Enquirer

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