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Daniel Fishel/Evan Lockheart/Thrillist – Thrillist

Posted: April 15, 2017 at 11:41 pm

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"What we get out of our bodies is a direct result of what we put in. Food is fuel, and we believe that food can help you achieve and sustain your peak performance." -- Tom Brady, on the packaging for the official TB12 Performance Meals

I first noticed those words from the New England Patriots quarterback scrawled on the delivery box in a violent red that looked like B-movie blood as I dunked the last bite of Buffalo chicken pizza into a melted Chunky Monkey container. (Don't judge me. I was out of ranch dressing.) Tom Brady's Goop-for-bros personal brand, TB12, recently joined forces with meal subscription service Purple Carrot on a line of health-centric feasts, and I was intent on unpacking its purportedly nutritious secrets.

I am no fan of high-performance diets, or, as a die-hard New Yorker, of Brady himself. But I do respect the guy, especially his ability to achieve unprecedented heights of success while effortlessly lying to everyone in America. So I figured, What the hell, maybe I can actually learn something from this Bill Belichick-approved goon. Instead of treating my body like a Pats fan scarfing down buckets of deep-fried Oreos at Gillette, I would start treating my body like this living legend who doesn't even care if he chops his thumb off in the name of healthy eating.

Of course, this meant ordering Brady's Purple Carrot meal plan, based around his insanely weird diet. He doesn't eat fruit. Or dairy. Or even freakin' eggplants. But I read somewhere that "what we get out of our bodies is a direct result of what we put in," so I ponied up for a week's worth of meals and submitted fully to the constraints of his diet.

Would I reach Peak Performance? Would my already disproportionately attractive significant other turn into a disproportionately attractive Brazilian significant other? Would I get a six-pack?

The Brady meal plan arrived on a Tuesday in the typical trappings of any meal delivery service. There were copious amounts of packaging, laminated menus, and enough dry ice to kill a small dog.

Noticeably, no photos of Tom Brady were included inside the package, but I did find a lovely "handwritten" inspirational message from the five-time Super Bowl-winning QB that assured me he was on this journey to Peak Performance right there with me. Neat! I promptly framed the letter and hung it where my diploma used to be.

I've had some experience with Purple Carrot, the gratingly vegan meal-plan service. Compared to competitors (like Blue Apron), it's definitely not easy to prepare. Especially for a person like me. I can't even make toast without starting a forest fire, and I don't even live near the woods.

The first meal was an appealing "white lentil risotto -- a 'creamy comfort dish.'" It seemed like every ingredient was a root vegetable, and they all had at least two or more names: gold beets, ivory white lentils, frisee lettuce. It was the kind of shit you might roll your eyes at as a waiter rattles off daily specials at an overrated bistro where they serve food encased in a sideways Mason jar.

But, it did include a delightful broccoli-cauliflower mutant hybrid hilariously dubbed "the broccoflower." It was electric green and easily the most enchanting vegetable experience of my life, aside from that talking rutabaga I met at Burning Man.

I won't bore you with the minutiae of cooking, but Brady & Co. basically want everything in their diet to be minced into oblivion. If you don't have a sous chef on hand, you might want to check out Craigslist. If you don't have carpal tunnel on hand, you will. The step headers were pretty standard, except they kind of gave off this pseudo-drill sergeant vibe:

Step 2: Knife Skills!

Step 4: Get Dressed

Step 5: Plate It Up!

I took particular offense to Step 5, because if I want to gorge my gullet to Peak Performance by eating straight out of the skillet like an animal, I have every right to.

But I didn't. I portioned two generous servings and, unsurprisingly, found all that hard work paid off. Despite being practically vegan (a great name for a reality show) and directly sponsored by every Massholes adopted god, the meal was excellent. Like, I would eat this by choice. And ultimately, I really only like to eat things by choice.

We were off to a good start.

After eating the Brady meal plan for a day, I noted some minor improvements in my life. When I went on a run later that evening, I found I had more energy than previous nights where I would have probably eaten some variance of Buffalo chicken pizza dipped in Chunky Monkey.

And while Purple Carrot's meal plan only comes with two servings of three different meals, I had a thought: Why limit myself to only one serving size of excellence per day? Why not buy into Brady's theory of energy and double down? It was likely the only way I could reach Peak Performance without being bit by a radioactive spider.

That meant I had to adopt Brady's rigid diet rules to every meal. Basically, he only eats organic food. No gluten. No white sugar. No white flour. No caffeine. No dairy. And certainly no schnitzel with noodles. This is unfortunate, as those are a few of my favorite things.

He stays away from fruit almost entirely and throws shade at nightshades. About 85% of what he eats are vegetables. The rest is pretty much super-lean meats and wild grains. But he does drink alcohol every once in a while (probably during the off-season). So I had that going for me.

I threw away everything I actually liked in my fridge, timed another mile run, and played a game of catch with my girlfriend, as a way to compare my progress later.

Look, this was not going to be easy. But Tom Brady didn't get all the way to the top just by being smug and maybe-cheating-just-a-little-bit sometimes, did he?

It had been four days since I began, and holy shit. This was not fun.

The first thing that really kicked my ass was the cold-turkey caffeine hiatus. I don't so much enjoy a morning cup of coffee, as need it to function. If I could freebase my cortado, I would. It took me a few days to adjust.

I was walking around my life in a very un-Brady fashion. Sleepy. Hungry. Randomly eating cashews and baby carrots because that was pretty much the only TB12-approved snacking at Thrillist HQ.

I cracked into another meal plan for dinner, the crispy turnip cakes -- which included my favorite step header: "TA-TA-TABBOULEH!" The finished product made eating like a pseudo-vegan, excellence-obsessed athlete delicious, even if it took me one hour and approximately 61 profanities to make. (That's more than one swear word per minute -- Gordon Ramsay territory.)

When I wasn't eating my Purple Carrot meals (which, after the risotto, I learned I could stretch into three servings), I was basically eating baby carrots and cashews as snacks. For bigger meals? One night, I found the most local steak I could, outside of killing the cow myself with my laptop, and had that alongside some brown rice. Another, I just bought a salad from Sweetgreen and picked out all the naughty bits. A third night, I ate limp chicken without the skin for dinner and washed it down with some baby carrots.

This may sound bleak, but the diet began to get easier by the day, which was an upside. The downside? Eating this way is super-expensive and time-consuming and my wallet was feeling it. The traditional Purple Carrot meals cost $68 (three meals, two servings each), with the same deal at Blue Apron costing about $60. The Brady deal cost $78 -- possibly because Peak Performance don't come cheap. That is $18 more per week, or $936 every year. And these meals take at least an hour to make, no matter what the recipe sheet says. Paying premium prices for organic meat and what seemed like a lifetime supply of baby carrots for the rest of my meals was not inexpensive, either.

All of these issues probably would have been promptly solved with an NFL-sized paycheck and a personal chef. But alas, eating like Tom Brady doesn't actually turn you into Tom Brady.

Living, cooking, and eating like the GOAT is decidedly not as effortless as a prime Randy Moss slant. It's a fucking ordeal. It's Gronk bowling over three linemen then blowing out both knees. It's waiting seven rounds to be drafted while your mom stares at you. It's playing Eli Manning in a game that matters (too soon?).

But -- I could feel myself feeling better. As someone who has subjected his body (and diet) to numerous tests in the name of a paycheck, I know that it pretty much takes close to a week to begin to really know how a change like this can affect you. And in this case, I wasn't drastically changing my life, I was just eating super clean.

I could tell things were moving more fluidly. I did in fact have more energy. And, I just had the indescribable feeling that can only be referred to as "oh, yeah, this right here." Like I was the Tin Man, and baby, I just got oiled.

I no longer craved the food of mortal men. I was eating my veggies, with a side of veggies, and some baby carrots in between. I saved my final Purple Carrot meal for my last night: a ramen bowl with whole-grain soba noodles.

And as I sat over my steaming bowl of soupy noodles, with a glass of Gray Goose vodka on the rocks on the side (for some reason, I feel like this is the only booze Brady would drink), I thought about my brief but brilliantly bright journey into the world of Tom Brady's diet.

When I ran that night, I clocked in almost a full 30 seconds faster than the week before. Plus, the existential dread I'd held in my heart since reading The Stranger in eighth grade seemed to be drifting away. And when I played catch again with my girlfriend, I asked her if my excellence bar had been noticeably raised. She said, "Um, yeah, I guess," which I took as a minor success.

I had reached Peak Performance.

I took a swig of my ramen broth, chased it with some vodka (or, maybe the other way around), and came to my conclusion: Is Tom Brady the GOAT because he eats like Gwyneth Paltrow on a CrossFit challenge? Probably not. But it definitely does not hurt.

Going forward, it's doubtful I will stick to this diet. Mainly because -- even with the Purple Carrot meals -- it's just a little too hindering to my everyday life. And it precludes me from eating Buffalo chicken, in all its forms. But, I respect the hell out of anyone who can do it... including Brady.

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Wil Fulton is a staff writer for Thrillist. He already had a six-pack, full disclosure. Follow him @wilfulton.

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Daniel Fishel/Evan Lockheart/Thrillist - Thrillist

Diet Prosecco is now a thing that exists – AOL

Posted: April 15, 2017 at 11:41 pm

Alex Lasker,

Apr 14th 2017 4:18PM

Brunchers of the world, rejoice -- mimosas are about to get a hell of a lot healthier.

Casa Gancia, a sparkling wine producer based in Piedmont, Italy, is currently rolling out a new product called Gancia Leggero, a "light" prosecco that only has 65 calories per glass.

Gancia Leggero, which means "light" in Italian, also has 75 percent less sugar than your garden variety prosecco.

Yes, you read that right -- no more sugar head aches!

However, just because Gancia Leggero has less calories doesn't mean it's watered down -- the diet beverage still clocks in at 11.5% alcohol.

Unfortunately, Americans will have to wait for quite some time to get their hands on these guilt-free bubbles.

Gancia Leggero will only be available at select London pubs for the next six months, with a larger U.K. rollout expected later this year.

If you're itching to try it sooner, we suggest looking up flight prices.

More from Take a look inside this Italian villa that Hollywood's biggest stars keep on coming back to As Trump defends O'Reilly, Fox uses 'Access Hollywood' tape in harassment seminars Street style tip of the day: Contrasting whites

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Diet Prosecco is now a thing that exists - AOL

The Rock’s Workout Regimen and Diet For ‘Fast 8’ Is Absolutely, Totally Nuts – Maxim

Posted: April 15, 2017 at 11:41 pm

The Rock's Workout Regimen and Diet For 'Fast 8' Is Absolutely, Totally Nuts
On the contrary, he set a goal of putting on a staggering 22 pounds of mean, lean muscle for his upcoming role in The Fate of the Furious. In an Instagram post, Johnson said he wanted to play the "meanest, strongest and most highly funny & entertaining ...

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The Rock's Workout Regimen and Diet For 'Fast 8' Is Absolutely, Totally Nuts - Maxim

Dairy-free diets warning over risk to bone health – BBC News

Posted: April 15, 2017 at 11:41 pm

BBC News
Dairy-free diets warning over risk to bone health
BBC News
Diets which cut out dairy food could be a "ticking time bomb" for young people's bone health, a charity is warning. A National Osteoporosis Society survey found a fifth of under-25s are cutting out or reducing dairy in their diet. It said it was ...
A diet followed by 4 in 10 young people could be a 'ticking time-bomb' for bone problemsAOL
Good diet to avoid osteoporosisThe Hippocratic Post (blog)
This Diet Could Contribute to Permanent Bone ProblemsMen's Health -The National Osteoporosis Society -BBC News
all 75 news articles »

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Dairy-free diets warning over risk to bone health - BBC News

This is the diet your rabbit should be on – Palm Beach Post

Posted: April 15, 2017 at 11:41 pm

Question: My rabbit has been eating less and is starting to lose weight. I feed him all the pellets he can eat. I tried a different kind, but it hasnt made a difference.

Answer: If your rabbit is eating less and losing weight, he needs to be seen by your veterinarian as soon as possible. He may have overgrown teeth or a tooth infection. This needs to be treated quickly.

Your rabbits teeth may need to be trimmed or floated to get his bite level. Rabbit teeth tend to wear unevenly, and the sharp points can cause ulcers in their mouths. Rabbits need roughage to chew to keep their teeth worn properly.

I recommend rabbits get lots of good quality hay, as that it is most of their diet. Their teeth grow continuously and need to be constantly chewing. A diet of all pellets is very soft they dont need to eat much to get their calorie needs met, so they dont end up chewing enough. Their digestive systems are set up to slowly digest the fiber they consume, and can have gastrointestinal issues when they dont get enough.

Rabbits that have been fed all-pellet diets should have all the grass hay that they can eat. Once they are eating the hay, you can slowly decrease the amounts of pelleted food they get each day. Feed them a small amount of pellets.

You can start by offering your rabbit some fresh dark greens every day. Most rabbits will readily consume the fresh greens. Then, mix the fresh greens with the hay, and encourage him to eat the hay.

Oxbow makes a few different mixes of herbal hay and other varieties that will usually get most rabbits to start eating healthier.

Originally posted here:
This is the diet your rabbit should be on - Palm Beach Post

Does my diet affect the quality of my breast milk? –

Posted: April 15, 2017 at 11:41 pm

Here are some questions breastfeeding mums ask about their diet and how it affects their breast milk.

It is true. After all, breast milk is made out of a combination of proteins, fats, vitamins and carbohydrates from your body. However, the quality of breast milk generally stays the same, regardless of what you consume or dont.

The most important thing is for mothers to eat a balanced and nutritious diet.

There are situations when something the mother eats or drinks may affect the baby.

Coffee and alcohol in large amounts for example, are reported to affect the babys health.

However, moderate intake of caffeine, as well as limited intake of alcohol, should be relatively safe. The amount you consume should also take into consideration the age of your baby the younger your baby, the less you should consume.

How much is allowed?

Caffeine: Two to three cups per day.

Alcohol: 0.5 g alcohol per kg of the mothers total body weight.

Remember that caffeine can accumulate in your child. It is also present in chocolate, tea and carbonated drinks, so, those should count too. Effects to the baby can be further minimised by occasionally having a cup of coffee or alcohol just after breastfeeding the baby or just before the baby is due to have a lengthy sleep period of two hours or more.

One principle to hold on to is that you should not exclude any specific food items from your usual diet unless instructed to do so by a doctor or medical expert.

Most of the time, when a baby cries because of colic or gas, it is caused by poor breastfeeding position and/or latching techniques.

Furthermore, there is no scientific evidence to suggest gassy or spicy foods affect breast milk.

No, drinking dairy milk does not increase your supply of breast milk. Photo: AFP

No, there is no correlation between the two. Jaundice occurs because the babys blood contains an excess of bilirubin.

Bilirubin is a chemical produced during the normal breakdown of old red blood cells in the liver. It is not present in breast milk.

Babies have more bilirubin because they naturally have extra red blood cells and their young livers cant metabolise bilirubin as efficiently.

More than 60% of all newborns have jaundice, but it typically goes away soon after birth. This is because breastfeeding increases a babys bowel movements, which in turn, helps remove bilirubin from the body.

Eat all the bananas and sweetcorn you want, just dont overdo it not because it will cause jaundice, but because too much of ANY food isnt good for general health and well-being.

Lactating mothers have an increased daily energy need of 450-500 kcal per day, which can be met by increasing calorie intake correspondingly.

The actual amount of extra calories consumed should be in direct proportion to the amount of milk you produce. You should also continue to have a balanced and nutritiously-varied diet.

No, it will not. Milk supply is influenced by many things. Most importantly, it depends on the frequency of breastfeeding and how well the breast is emptied.

The hormone, prolactin, is produced every time you breastfeed and/or empty out your breast milk in order to stimulate more milk production.

Therefore, to increase breast milk supply, you can:

Breastfeed more often.

Feed your baby on demand.

Breastfeed for longer periods at each feeding or until your baby is satisfied.

Feed on one breast until it is empty, before changing to the other side.

Focus on making healthy choices that are balanced, moderately portioned and full of variety.

Healthy lactating mothers do not need to avoid any particular type of food unless they suspect the item is causing fussiness, irritation or other symptoms of an allergic reaction in the baby.

If thats the case, you can temporarily avoid the item for up to a week to see if it makes a difference to your babys behaviour.

If it does, consult a doctor immediately; and if it doesnt, you can add the item back into your diet. To help doctors investigate the cause, if any, you should keep a food diary that lists everything you eat and drink, along with notes about how your baby reacts to them.

Overall, breastfeeding vegan mothers can supply the baby with all the required nutrients.

However, those on vegetarian diets that contain no animal protein may require DHA and vitamin B12 supplementation, or foods fortified with DHA or B12 (e.g. selected breakfast cereals, soy milk and soy products).

Both DHA and vitamin B12 are important nutritional components a baby needs for development, the lack of which could lead to a host of health issues, and in very rare cases, even death.

Consult your doctor, nutritionist or dietitian to find out whats best for you and your baby.

No, there isnt. In fact, there is no such thing as the perfect food in general. Our bodies need a multitude of different nutrients from a variety of sources, in order to function optimally and stay healthy. Dont know how to start? Dont worry, let the Malaysian Food Pyramid guide you.

You can download the latest updated version of the pyramid and find out more about healthy nutrition for you and your whole family at the Nutrition Society Malaysias (NSM) website:

This article is courtesy of the Malaysian Paediatric Associations Positive Parenting programme in collaboration with expert partners. For further information, visit or e-mail The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only. It should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the readers own medical care. The Star disclaims all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information.

All comments are moderated. Your comment may not show up immediately. Please keep it clean and on topic. Offensive comments will not be published.

See the article here:
Does my diet affect the quality of my breast milk? -

Weight loss – Mama June Honey Boo Boo star after SHOCKING 300lb weight loss –

Posted: April 15, 2017 at 11:41 pm

Mama June, real name June Shannon, 37, has lost a huge 300lbs since appearing on the controversial show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, that focused on her daughter Alanas child pageant career.

The mother became a break out star in her own right.

Now the mother-of-four, who weighed 460lbs, has shrunk from a US size 24 to a 4.

The TV star has now starred in Mama June: From Not to Hot, a show which has charted her incredible weight loss.


Mama June from Here Comes Honey Boo Boo shows off weight loss in 2017 pictures

Mama June has even had surgery remove excess skin on her neck, caused by the weight loss, which she had referred to as her turkey neck.

The mother had a gastric band fitted in 2015, after which she shed some weight.

Then she enlisted the help of a personal trainer to continue her slimming journey.

Mama June was inspired to lose the weight when she discovered her ex Sugar Bear was getting remarried.


1 of 6

"Just 11 months ago, I weighed 352 pounds and I never thought this weight loss would be possible," Mama June said on the show.

"It's been a long road through all these three surgeries, struggling with my emotional eating, these intense workouts, a dress I thought I would never be able to fit into, dealing with my ex's fiance/soon-to-be Alana's stepmom, and all the while I'm trying to stay healthy and good for my kids."

As well as surgery, the reality star has even force to change her diet.

I just watch my portions and cut back on a lot of the carbs. The one thing that I cannot live without is my grapes and cheese, she told Life & Style magazine.

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo first aired in 2002.


Mama June and her daughter Alana Thompson, who used the stage name Honey Boo Boo, originally rose to fame on TLC's reality series Toddlers & Tiaras.

Another reality star to shed weight is Britains Got Talents Susan Boyle.

She stunned the world with her beautiful voice in 2009. Since then she has slipped in and out of the limelight - and her size has yo-yoed during this time thanks to a two stone weight loss.

What does Susan Boyle look like now in 2017?

Read more from the original source:
Weight loss - Mama June Honey Boo Boo star after SHOCKING 300lb weight loss -

Cosmopolitan weight-loss article enrages social media: ‘Cancer is not a diet plan’ –

Posted: April 15, 2017 at 11:41 pm

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It was like any other Tuesday on Cosmopolitan's Twitter feed, with tweets about a possible Gilmore Girls revival, women who apply makeup with tampons, and ... a weight loss story that sent the internet into a tizzy.

The offending tweet, since deleted, linked to an article titled "How This Woman Lost 44 Pounds Without Any Exercise." The article documented the story of 31-year-old Australian mom Simone Harbinson, who suffered a recent "waterfall of health scares" that included appendix cancer and complications from her illness and the resulting surgeries.

She started eating for comfort after her cancer diagnosis and gained 35 pounds. She eventually set her mind to losing the weight, but because of her condition, she couldn't exercise like she used to.

Instead, she started meal-prepping and following a nutrition program that resulted in her losing 44 pounds, undergoing an "incredible mental transformation." That positivity didn't translate to the entire internet, per Page Six and the Washington Post, which note that folks didn't appreciate clicking on a weight loss headline and finding that a woman with cancer had lost the weight.

"Cancer is not a diet plan. Delete this," tweeted ex-NFL player Matthew Cherry, perhaps misinterpreting (as many others apparently did) that Harbinson lost the weight as a direct effect of the cancer.

But some clearly understood Harbinson's story and are still taking Cosmo to task for promoting a sick woman's weight loss as the main focus. The article's title now: "A Serious Health Scare Helped Me Love My Body More Than Ever." Page Six also notes a line has disappeared that read: "Simone's weight loss success is proof that ANYONE can lose weight without breaking a sweat simply by eating more mindfullyno gym required." (Read about the life of a Cosmo fact-checker.)

This article originally appeared on Newser: A Cosmo Weight-Loss Article Has Infuriated Twitter

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Cosmopolitan weight-loss article enrages social media: 'Cancer is not a diet plan' -

Saturday Night Live’s Leslie Jones Continues Her Weight-Loss Journey: Inside Her Fitness Routines – E! Online

Posted: April 15, 2017 at 11:41 pm

She's shedding the pounds and showing the world what she's made of!

Funny lady Leslie Jones has been hitting the gym and then hitting the "Share" button on Instagram, showing off her new fitness regimen as she sheds the pounds for all to see. About six weeks ago, the Saturday Night Livestar started posting selfies on social media and ever since then it's been a non-stop, workout-sesh selfie storm.

The 49-year-old comedian has been working with personal trainer Thaddeus Harvey in New York City and it seems like the fitness expert is kicking Jones' butt in gear!

Last August, the Ghostbusters star went on Live with Kelly and opened up to Kelly Ripa about her 40-pound weight loss, which was inspired by a trip to the doctor's office.

"The first thing is for your doctor to tell you that you need to lose 40 pounds," she told the daytime host. "I got rid of soda and juice, that was the first thing I did. That literally was 20 lbs. right there."

In addition to the improved diet, Jones said her co-star Kate McKinnon helped her start exercising. "Every time we went to dinner she would make me walk to dinner, we would walk after dinner. And then it just started becomingI would work out, I would do yoga, I really tried to watch what I eat. It's not always easy because I do have a sweet tooth that's a killer. But I do they best that I can."

It looks like the best she could do then is pretty bad ass now! In the past six weeks, the Memphis-born actress has posted over 40 photos from her workouts, which look pretty grueling. From six-mile runs to weight training and leg lifts, Jones is serious about toning her slimmed-down body in the gym. Seems like she just needed a push from a fellow funny gal.

Jones may be using her core strength to get through the strenuous workouts but she's also using her humor, joking on Twitter that Harvey is trying to kill her. "Hello 911 yea my trainer tried to kill me today! What's that? Is my ass looking good? Yea but...nevermind. Oh well I guess that didn't work," she wrote on March 20.

It's possible Jones is getting all buff for her new bestie Harry Styles, who is performing on SNL tonight at 11:30 P.M. on NBC. Maybe she's got a thing for younger British guys?

(E! and NBC are part of theNBCUniversal family)

E! Online - Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and celebrity gossip. Check out the hottest fashion, photos, movies and TV shows!

Originally posted here:
Saturday Night Live's Leslie Jones Continues Her Weight-Loss Journey: Inside Her Fitness Routines - E! Online

Wendy Williams Doubts Mama June Will Maintain Dramatic Weight Loss: Her ‘Motivation Is a Nice Paycheck’ – Us Weekly

Posted: April 15, 2017 at 11:41 pm

She isnt holding her breath. Wendy Williams revealed in a new interview that she has doubts about Mama June Shannon being able to maintain her nearly 300-pound weight loss, saying the reality TV matriarchs main motivation is money.

"I am 50-50 with Mama June and I told her that behind the scenes. I said Mama June, please work really hard to keep the weight off," the talk show host, 52, told E! News in an interview published on Friday, April 14. "But she's also got [daughter] Honey Boo Boo [Alana Thompson] who is a child growing up. She wants normal food."

According to Williams, the 37-year-old Here Comes Honey Boo Boo alum will have a hard time maintaining her slimmer frame once the cameras stop rolling. "She said her motivation was her but I suspect that along with that motivation is a nice paycheck from the network as well as the network paying for surgery, the Ask Wendy: Straight-Up Advice for All the Drama in Your Life author told E! News. If that's how you lose weight, it's great in the short term, but how do you keep it off? (Shannon has insisted that she paid for all her surgeries.)

Shannon, who appeared on Williams daytime program on April 11, previously weighed 460 pounds and whittled her way down to an incredible size 4, as documented on her WE tv docu-series, Mama June: From Not to Hot. She worked with trainer Kenya Crooks to get in shape, and then had gastric sleeve surgery to lose more weight. She also underwent multiple plastic surgeries (including a boob job, tummy tuck and excess skin removal) to help achieve her astonishing transformation.

On the Friday, March 31, episode of From Not to Hot, Shannon said in a voice-over that she couldnt be more proud of all the physical changes shes made. Ive worked my ass off, working out, getting healthy, she proudly declared before revealing her thinner frame to daughters Alana, 11, and Lauryn, 17. And now I feel like Im becoming the person on the outside that I always felt like on the inside.

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Original post:
Wendy Williams Doubts Mama June Will Maintain Dramatic Weight Loss: Her 'Motivation Is a Nice Paycheck' - Us Weekly

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